Meals On Wheels for Christmas Day
It's that time again--time for Temple Sinai's annual Meals On Wheels assistance on Christmas Day! Drivers are needed on Christmas Day to deliver food to seniors for the "Meals On Wheels" program. Meet at Burlington High School on Christmas Day (Tuesday, December 25th) to pick up food and gifts to deliver to home-bound seniors. Each car is provided a route to deliver approximately 4-10 meals and off you go!

Please know that due to the limited number, routes will be assigned to Temple Sinai members first, and then to friends of Temple Sinai. The entire process (pick-up and delivery) only takes 1-2 hours. This is such a worthwhile Social Justice activity and allows other members in our community to celebrate their holiday with their families.

If you are interested, please contact Dave Chafetz by clicking below NO LATER THAN 5:00pm on Thursday, December 20th.