A weekly news update from The Alaska United Methodist Conference
CrossOver to Life! | Week Two
Impossible Possibilities
By Rev. Donna M.L. Pritchard
CrossOver reflection for Week Two · Beginning December 9, 2018

Okay, question number one - it's a "fill in the blank" kind of question. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...it's a bird, it's a plane, it's _____________________! That's right - Superman!

That one may have been a little too easy. So question number two - who teaches us that with great power comes great responsibility? Yes - Spiderman!

Finally, number three. Tell me who this sounds like - Stop a bullet cold, make the axis fold, change their minds and change the world? This one is a little trickier, but the answer is of course, Wonder Woman!

Ah, superheroes - we are all familiar with them, in part because we've grown up with them. We might even think we know all about them. For instance, we know that they all have some sort of amazing, and often superhuman, abilities. Perhaps it is X-ray vision, or the power of flight. Maybe they are super strong or super-fast, or have the ability to become invisible at will. They have some amazing abilities, which are combined with an agenda that has something to do with justice and fairness. Our superheroes even seem to maintain a moral code which goes beyond the ordinary level of commitment.

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Youth Mission Immersion
This Mission Immersion weekend will offer opportunities to grow in our faith as we serve our local community.  We  will gather in fellowship with youth from across Alaska for this Mission Immersion Experience.  Some of the places we've serve at in past Mission Immersions include Habitat Restore, FISH, Pioneer Home, Anchorage Rescue Mission, Beans Cafe & Habitat for Humanity.  We'll meet on Friday night and have time of worship & fellowship.  We stay overnight at St. John and then go out into Anchorage and serve all day Saturday!

January 18 at 7 p.m. - January 19th at 4:30 p.m.
Register online at: stjohneagle.com/youth
For more information, contact Robbie Brawner or Danna Larson 
Welcome Christmas visitors!
People in your community are seeking a place to celebrate Christmas this year. When these potential visitors search for nearby United Methodist churches on Find-A-Church, make sure they can learn everything they'll need to know about your congregation, events and worship opportunities! Update your church's profile to include current service times, social media channels, contact information, ministry details and more.

Update profile 
United Methodists release State of the Church Report 2018
A new report from The United Methodist Church on the state of the church says that 50 years after the creation of the denomination through the merger of The Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Methodist Church, the church's ministries around the world are thriving.

"This 2018 State of the Church report is a story of our mission. As this report will show, we are seeing growth and innovation across our worldwide connection," states the report. Worldwide, there was a 12 percent increase in membership from 2006 to 2016 -- nearly 1.4 million members -- and the number of congregations grew from 47,390 to 54,623.
Western Jurisdiction Mission Cabinet urges prayer and study in preparation for GC2019
Reaffirming its support for the One Church Plan, the Western Jurisdiction's Mission Cabinet is calling United Methodists to prayer and learning in preparation for the upcoming special session of the General Conference.
Lining up behind Way Forward plans
United Methodists are lining up behind the Way Forward plan that they see as the correct direction for the denomination. Some think preserving unity is the most important point.

Read the story
LGBTQ advocates offer thoughts on GC2019
The Reconciling Ministries Network, an unofficial advocacy group that seeks full equality of LGBTQ individuals, released a statement offering its hopes for the special General Conference. The group does not support any plan of dissolution. The group says it remains "committed to the work of adopting legislation that ends oppression as well as the ongoing journey toward doing no harm, doing all the good we can, and loving God."

Read the statement
Hymnal revision committee seeks new material
The liturgical resources subgroup of the Hymnal Revision Committee seeks the submission of new materials for possible inclusion in the next United Methodist Hymnal.
The committee particularly seeks worship resources for baptism, confirmation, renewal of baptism and days and seasons of the church year. Resources are requested through June 30.
Your United Methodist Federal Credit Union Serves Your Family
UMFCU When you are a United Methodist Federal Credit Union member your spouse, children, siblings and grandchildren are also eligible for membership.  UMFCU provides savings, checking with identity protection, credit card and lending services.  Online & mobile banking combined with nationwide CO-OP Shared Branching & ATMs allows convenient access to accounts.  Share www.umfcu.org with your family members.  They can call 800-245-0433 to request a membership packet.
11-13: GNW Cabinet meeting - Carlo attending
17: General Conference Delegation meeting
24-25: Christmas Eve/Day - Office Closed
31: New Years Eve - Office Closed

1: New Years Day - Office Closed
6: Charge Conference - Turnagain UMC
7: Charge Conference - First UMC Anchorage/First Samoan UMC of Anchorage
13: Charge Conference - First UMC Fairbanks
15-17: GNW Cabinet meeting in Portland - Carlo attending
18-25: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
22: Charge Conference - St. John UMC
25: Charge Conference - Homer UMC
27: Charge Conference - Northern Light United Church

Clergy Birthdays
December 10 -
David Hall

December 23 -
Christina DowlingSoka
Curtis Matz

January 5 -
Janice Carlton

January 18 -
Karen Dammann

Conference Office

Superintendent Carlo
Office Hours
Office Hours
The Conference Office hours are:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 11:30 am 
Submissions - If you have an article or event that you would like to share with the rest of the conference, submit it to the conference office by Monday evening for consideration.
AUMC Logo Mission Statement:
The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  Held and supported by the transforming relationship with God through Christ, we of the Alaska United Methodist Conference seek to be a community that creates a home for all peoples, finds our hope through grace and journeys together into God's preferred future.
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