The Masterson Method
Monthly eNewsletter - May 2019
Hello All,
Spring Horse Expo season is now officially over, for us anyways. We hit ’em hard and heavy this year and they’ve all been good; the wild und crazy Equitana in Germany, the Rocky Mountain Expo in Denver, Colorado, the Minnesota Horse Fair in… um, Minnesota, and the Western States Horse Expo in Sacramento, California. I always like doing the Minnesota Horse Fair. They’re a good family of volunteers working to support the Minnesota Horse Council. I met up again with the North Dakota Badlands Wild Horse people and worked on some of their horses.
The Western States Expo was at the Murieta Equestrian Center outside of Sacramento, a nice horsey place to hold a horse expo. Got to meet up with
Mustang Maddy’s fun group. One of her assistants, Leah Erickson, also from Iowa, is entering the MM Certification program. She and Maddy (and I) are all looking forward to her being able to help out Maddy in her work with problem mustangs. You go Mustang Girls!
Anita Markiewicz of
Hope for Horses was available to help me again with demo horses. Her mini Pollyanna cruises the expo entertaining participants, and did a little dance for us at our booth. He always has good, sound and well-balanced horses for us to work on at our demos. Thanks Anita.
If you remember last year I talked about Lynn Griffin and Judy Askins who I met in Nicasio, CA and who started a “Masterson Method Mobile Response Team”. Their goal is to bring the Bladder Meridian Technique to as many horses in the world as they’re able to. Some of their followers say that they go so far as to stop at a field or barn where they see horses, and ask if they can go out and do the Bladder Meridian Technique on them. They’re unstoppable.
Their membership is growing and a whole herd of them showed up at the Western States Horse Expo wearing Masterson Method Mobile Response Team caps, with their own logo which, I must say, looks even better than ours! I was just thinking it’s time we support them some more, so if anybody likes this idea or wants to join them we’ll see if we can get a Facebook group going.
MMMRT: Lynn Griffin, Judy Askins, Tracy Park, Jen Reiff, B.J. Griffin, Valerie Burton Loera
Another thing I like about the Western States Expo is the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Adoption programs that are represented there. For the last couple of Expos I’ve been able to use wild horses in my demos that are in programs with trainer Joe Misner and inmates at the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department. Joe has worked with inmates and high-risk teenagers teaching them to work with these horses for the benefit of themselves and the horses. These horses are gentled and trained and then find homes through the adoption program and the BLM horse and burro auctions at the Expo and other events. This is worthwhile and successful project. One concern with wild horse adoption is troubled horses being returned to BLM. The process of collecting and holding these horses until finding homes can be pretty rough, physically and emotionally. Programs like this and trainers like Mustang Maddy help these horses find forever homes. It’s fun when I get to have them in the demos and it’s nice to see them let go and trust just a little bit more.
Of course, that’s nothing compared to the pain and suffering I go through (it’s all about me, you know) in the process of collecting frequent flyer miles, flying to and from Horse Expos! I spent seven hours waiting for a delayed flight in Chicago on the way to Sacramento. Fortunately, my frequent flyer miles gave me a pass to the United Club where I was able to enjoy a couple of frosty beverages and some tasty hors d’ouvres. Later while waiting in line for the flight I ran into my friend and partner in education
Jochen Schleese. (If you want to learn some of the key points of saddle fit check out Jochen’s program
Saddle Fit For Life.) Jochen flies United regularly and is sometimes able to upgrade to first, which worked out for me because; did you know that even with your phone in airplane mode you can text another passenger in first class and have them send a gin and tonic back to the passenger in 7F? Amazing. Hope TSA and the FAA don’t catch on to that one. Thanks Jochen!
Jim Masterson, Murielle Richcard-Price and Jochen Schleese at the Western Sates Horse Expo.
I got to meet up with my California “outfit” in California, my Colorado outfit while in Colorado, my Midwest outfit at the Minnesota expo and my German outfit at Equitana. Thanks to all of them for helping out.
Got to chat with some new horse people, meet some old friends, open some new doors, and work on some new horses. Life’s not all that bad!
When I get home I’ll head for England for a few weeks. Feb. March, April and May are pretty busy travel months, but the calendar in June will give me some time at home. In July I’ll be with Mark Rashid and Dr. Peters for a week in Colorado, and it looks like I’ll be able to spend some time in August and September enjoying at home. Our Seminars and Courses are getting busier, but with help from the office staff, our Instructors, Coaches, Mentors and MMCPs, I have time work on projects while at home such as refining and improving our Certification training program, and expanding our Weekend Seminar program with Weekend Seminar centers or “hubs” around the country.
Well, this flying bus seat is getting harder by the minute but I really can’t complain. I get to enjoy my work whether I’m away or at home, and I’m grateful to all of you reading this for participating in this thing we do, and making my life and livelihood something worth doing. Thanks.
Just got word that I’ll probably be at the next Equine Affair in Massachusetts this November. I look forward to seeing some of you at the next course or expo. I’ll be the one walking funny who just got off the plane.
Until then, like me
Enjoy your horses.
A friend suggested your method..
I have a pony who isn't eating well. I have tried many things to alleviate his non-interest in food. We are almost done with his 2nd time on Ulcer Guard but I'm not convinced it will work. He recently had something scare him in his stall at night and he went crazy trashing everything. Needless to say he wasn't too keen on going back in. A friend suggested your method. I studied up on it and tried. It was amazing! He yawned and yawned and yawned. Two nights later he walked right into his stall with no assistance. Now I'm wondering if this could help his eating. So I have two questions.
One is, how often to do it. I read that it is recommended only 2/3 times a week. I've been doing it every day for a week and am still getting lots of release. I feel like he has a lot of built up tensions and is in real need to release them. I was planning on continuing every day until the release eases up. Good idea?
The second is what, if any, techniques should I try for his stomach. I've only been going along the Bladder Meridian. Is that enough? Or should I try something different?
And my pony thanks you!!
Answer: Hi,
I'm happy the Bladder Meridian is working. It sounds like whatever frightened your pony was pretty bad, and his flight/freeze survival response kicked in and didn't "un-kick".
The amazing thing about the Bladder Meridian is that it completely by-passes the survival response in the horse. It brings the horse's awareness to tension it's holding in the body in a way that it can't brace or guard against it. If you stay light enough long enough, then the horse HAS to let go of the tension. It's the law.
Two-part answer to your first question,
a) You can a little every day, as long as your pony doesn't get so relaxed that he starts to fall over. If you're doing it every day it's better to do it in smaller doses, say 10 or 15 minutes. You're making big changes, and your pony's nervous system needs time to process the changes between sessions.
b) your pony will tell you when it becomes too much by not giving you any more responses, or if it becomes too much he'll tell you by pinning his ears. Respect that.
Two parts to the second question too,
a) You can search for responses anywhere on the horse's body using the same Search, Response, Stay, Release process. Try it in his lower back area, the flanks, and under the belly and see what he says. If he doesn’t like it, then back off a little or go to another area, then try coming back to where he didn't like it the second day.
b) Try all of the Hind End Points in the
Beyond Horse Massage book or dvd. For that matter, you can do all of the techniques in the Beyond Horse Massage book or dvd, and loosen your ponies whole body up!
Hope this helps, and again, I'm glad it's working. Good Idea!
Masterson Method Equine Specialist
Program News
MMES Instructor, Lise Lunde, shared an update on our MMES program.
"So far 2019 has been a busy year for everyone involved in the Masterson Method Equine Specialist program. During the cold winter months, Megan Dushin was busy contacting facilities interested in hosting workshops and there are now training workshops scheduled almost every month through October.
The Masterson Method Equine Specialist workshop format has been modified to make attending more flexible. There is an option of attending the entire three day workshop for those that have not had any previous Masterson Method training and an option of attending the final two days of the workshop for those that have previous training in the Masterson Method. Feedback from many of the attendees so far has been that they really value the time spent with the horses that work in these programs and the additional day does provide more hands on horse time. Students, assistants and instructors all have enjoyed giving the horses in these equine assisted activity and therapy programs the "gift" of bodywork with the Masterson Method as we learn and share how to teach and facilitate some basic Masterson Method techniques for program participants.
This year we have completed two Masterson Method Equine Specialist workshops - one in Leesburg, Virginia at Bridle Paths in March and one in Liberty Hill, Texas at Spirit Reins in April. The next workshop in May is in North Carolina at Rocking Horse Ranch. Students that have attended the workshops come with a vast variety of experiences and backgrounds and are enthusiastic and inspiring to work with and the horses at these facilities were wonderful partners and teachers.
In addition to offering the hands on workshops we have also been invited to present at two conferences this spring. In March, Megan Dushin and Linda Frease presented "Healing Our Horses; The Masterson Method and Other Bodywork Techniques" at the American Hippotherapy Association conference in Lexington Kentucky. Megan also presented "Partnering with Horses: the Masterson Method as Interactive Bodywork" at Minds-in-Motion: A Horse is A Horse Of Course International Symposium for Equine Welfare and Wellness in Scranton Pennsylvania."
Liberty Hill, Texas group photo.
One Thing For Every Horse Owner To Learn
One thing Jim Masterson recommends every horse owner learns is the Bladder Meridian Technique.
New Certified Practitioners
Wendy Martin
Drayton Valley, AB
Wendy was born and raised in the Drayton Valley area and has always shared a deep connection with all animals, but especially horses. She started out riding her Uncles and Friends horses, until she acquired her own horse at the age of fourteen. She enjoyed the care, grooming and bonding just as much as the riding and a lifelong passion was born.
After becoming a Certified Equine Canada Coach in 2009, Wendy realized how hard the horses work and that they were carrying tension. Changing her program and having horses “hauled in” for lessons meant noticing more horses in need of relief. Horses carry tension mainly because they don’t want to feel vulnerable or weak as all prey animals do, but it can negatively affect their attitude as well as performance. Believing that “horses do speak to those who listen,” she wanted to listen and do something to help the horses.
Not remembering how it happened but, The Beyond Horse Massage book and dvd somehow ended up in her hands. She was intrigued and fascinated and decided to sign up for the weekend clinic. It was amazing to see how such a light touch could release tension, promote relaxation and improve performance. Wendy is proud to be a MMCP and is so grateful to Jim Masterson, his Coaches and Mentors that helped along her journey. This is a rewarding method where the results speak for themselves. Wendy is devoted to helping all breeds and disciplines of horses. You can reach her at:
Home: 780-542-7335
Cellular: (780) 621-6464
Fiona Minchell
Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire (UK)
iona started training in the Masterson Method while living in Southern California after meeting Jim and watching him work at a Horse Expo. At the time she was working for a Horse Rescue and looking for ways in which to help these horses. many of whom had been traumatised and physically abused. Fiona chose the Masterson Method over other methods of Equine Bodywork because it is gentle, kind and addresses the whole horse enabling them to release emotional as well as physical restriction and pain, while communicating with them in a language they understand.
Fiona is also a qualified Homeopath, Holistic Therapist and Pilates Instructor with a special interest in Horse Riders. Since becoming a Masterson Method Certified Practioner, Fiona has continued to learn new skills and now incorporates Cranial Sacral techniques, Myofaschial Release and Accupoint therapy into her treatments where appropriate. Fiona is committed to a programme of ongoing training and continual professional development in order to help as many horses as possible.
Will travel.
Weekend Seminar-Workshop Schedule
* if the course you had your heart set on is sold out, please email
to be added to the waiting list, or
if you'd like to
host your own
weekend (earn your spot free OR earn the cash equivalent!) please email
USA Seminars
Saturday, May 18 - Sunday, May 19
Saturday, May 18 - Sunday, May 19
Saturday, June 1 - Sunday, June 2
Saturday, June 1 - Sunday, June 2
Saturday, June 22 - Sunday, June 23
Saturday, June 22 - Sunday, June 23
Saturday, June 29 - Sunday, June 30
Saturday, July 20 - Sunday, July 21
Saturday, July 20 - Sunday, July 21
Saturday, July 27 - Sunday, July 28
Saturday, Aug. 10 - Sunday, Aug. 11
Saturday, Aug. 10 - Sunday, Aug. 11
Saturday, Aug. 24 - Sunday, Aug. 25
Saturday, Sept. 7 - Sunday, Sept. 8
Saturday, Sept. 14 - Sunday, Sept. 15
Saturday, Oct. 19 - Sunday, Oct. 20
Canada Seminars
Saturday, May 25 - Sunday, May 26
Saturday, Sept. 28 - Sunday, Sept. 29
South Africa Seminars
Saturday, Nov. 23 - Sunday, Nov. 24
Europe Seminars
Saturday, May 18 - Sunday, May 19
taught by Jim Masterson
Thursday, 23 Friday, May 24
Saturday, May 25 - Sunday, May 26
taught by Jim Masterson
Saturday, May 25 - Sunday, May 26
(taught in Dutch)
(3 spots left)
Saturday, June 20 - Sunday, June 21 (taught in German)
Saturday, July 13 - Sunday, July 14
Saturday, Aug. 24 - Sunday, Aug. 25
Saturday, Aug. 31 - Sunday, Sept. 1
Thursday, Oct. 3 - Friday, Oct. 4
(taught in German)
Saturday, Oct. 5 - Sunday, Oct. 6
taught by Jim Masterson
Saturday, Oct. 19 - Sunday, Oct. 20
taught by Jim Masterson
Saturday, Oct. 26 - Sunday, Oct. 27
(taught in German)
Saturday, Oct. 26 - Sunday, Oct. 27
Saturday, Oct. 26 - Sunday, Oct. 27
Australia & New Zealand Seminars
Saturday, July 13 - Sunday, July 14
Saturday, Aug. 3 - Sunday, Aug. 4
Saturday, Sept. 7 - Sunday, Sept. 8
Saturday, Nov. 16 - Sunday, Nov. 17
Saturday, Nov. 23 - Sunday, Nov. 24
Masterson Method Equine Specialist Training
MMES Training Seminars
Friday, May 31 - Sunday, June 2
Friday, June 14 - Sunday, June 16
Friday, July 26 - Sunday, July 28
Friday, August 30 - Sunday, September 1
Friday, October 4 - Sunday, October 6
Masterson Method Collaborative Clinics
Considering the Horse - Mind and Body
Collaborative Clinic with Mark Rashid and Jim Masterson
July 8 - 12, 2019 Happy Dog Ranch
October 15 - 17, 2019 Horse Creek Farm
July 6 - 10, 2020 Happy Dog Ranch
Your Horse's Brain: A User's Manual with
Dr. Steve Peters, Mark Rashid and Jim Masterson
July 6 - 7, 2019 Happy Dog Ranch
*Auditing is available, see link above for more information.
Advanced 5-Day Course Schedule
USA Advanced Courses
Monday, May 27 - Friday, May 31, 2019
Monday, July 22 - Friday, July 26, 2019
(4 spots left)
Monday, September 23 - Friday, September 27, 2019
(1 spot left)
Monday, October 7 - Friday, October 11, 2019
Tucson, AZ with Advanced Instructor
Vanessa Helvey
Monday, October 28 - Friday, November 1, 2019
(2 spots left)
Europe Advanced Courses
Monday, May 20 - Friday, May 24, 2019
Monday, May 27 - Friday, May 31, 2019
Monday, October 7 - Friday, October 11, 2019
Canada Advanced Courses
Monday, September 9 - Friday, September 13, 2019
Monday, September 30 - Friday, October 4, 2019
Australia Advanced Courses
Monday, November 25 - Friday, November 29, 2019
Certification Completion Course Schedule
Saturday, June 1 - Sunday, June 2
Sunday, June 16 - Monday, June 17
Saturday, September 28 - Sunday, September 29
Saturday, October 12 - Sunday, October 13
Saturday, November 30 - Sunday, December 1
Elizabeth, CO
Salinas, CA
Pequot Lakes, MN
Riverside, WA
Park Rapids, MN
Medford, WI
Warwick, NY
Masterson Equine Services