Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 121 - November 2018

I had the great joy of participating in a program by the Kentucky Humanities
Council that brought authors to underserved schools all across the state. I visited two amazing schools in eastern KY. I met two adults who grew up loving the Bailey School Kids books. It made me feel a bit old, but definitely happy! Here I am with Megan Hudson, a wonderful teacher who said she'd been a fan since second grade! Her students are lucky to have such a fun, energetic teacher!
   Next month, I'll be visiting four schools in western Tennessee. I offered the schools a big discount because they couldn't afford it otherwise. I hope someday I can visit your school!Emailme if you'd like to set something up. 
   I hope you had a very restful and happyThanksgivingwith lots of good family time and hopefully time for some fun reading, Debbie

This was the first year since we adopted my youngest son, Alex, that we will not get to spend Thanksgiving with him! I am very grateful to old friends who hosted him in PA. This will be also be the first year since my oldest son, Nathan, was born that we will not spend Christmas with him. Sniff, sniff. I  know this is normal as kids age (and we've been lucky so far), but it doesn't make it any easier! My oldest son and his wife spent Thanksgiving dinner with us at the kitchen table and the the next day we moved into the dining room for Christmas dinner and to open presents!
Christmas Book Flood! Speaking of Christmas, I love this Icelandic tradition. It is their custom to give each other books on Christmas eve and then spend the night reading!
Totally tickled with this  
 display from a school 
in Nevada! What a great
 way to make kids feel

I just had to laugh when I saw the library display on the right. Aren't book people funny?

Favorite social media pictures:
What could be more fun than my oldest son getting married this past summer . . . my daughter is getting married! We have plenty of time to plan because the date is in 2020! I am totally excited and we've already set a date to go wedding dress shopping. I hope I don't turn into momzilla!
Debbie Dadey, Author   Email me