Trinity Episcopal Church
139 Ocean Ave.
Cranston, RI 02905
(401) 941-4324
Visit Our Web Site (click)
Located in Historic Pawtuxet Village of Cranston, Rhode Island

Announcements: Church online and in-church with attendance unlimited and communion with bread and wine.
Services at 8am and 10am, Coffee Hour after 8am and 10am service


Carl Hurtubise recognized members of the Christian Formation group after the 10am service last week.
More pictures near the end of the newsletter.
Click on Fr. Mitch's picture to open his sermon from last week, January , 2021

Fr. Mitch's contact information: Call, imessage, or text to
⬅️Bulletin for 10am (click "bulletin") Click Facebook Livestream (below) to enter Facebook for the service. The 8am service will only be in person.

Trinity Weekly Digital News- 
Holy Communion, Rite II for Trinity Sunday (masks strongly suggested for indoor services, with social-distancing to protect others). Live streaming happens via Facebook Live: June 13, 2021  10:00 a.m Outside in the Courtyard and on the Trinity Church facebook page: @trinitypawtuxet. 

From Fr. Mitch

The view was refreshing and restorative, as well as reminiscent of life as it used to be lived more than a year ago. To enter the Church nave again as 8 bells rang out from the Carillon at Trinity-- and then to join with our acolytes and Chalice Leader to convene and celebrate the 8:00am Liturgy with THAT specific congregation--WOW!!  I found it to be so powerful. We have been through hell and back together, with adaptations, modifications, extra precautions---you name it. All efforts employed to keep folks safe...and then to strip it all down to only one service together (and then to be allowed only 5 people in the building...or no one, as the whole venue was placed on hold during the height of the pandemic). THAT was 2020, and this is NOW, thanks be to God!! To open up the 8:00am once again, and to experience so many of our standard in-person crowd returning... it did my soul good. The coffee hour afterwards, the sharing of stories and the renewing of relationships and friendships IN PERSON!!! THAT was such an uplift! IF you could not make it last week for whatever reason, DO join us! Bring your mask, as some folks can't take a vaccination (and you bless them by wearing your mask)--but DO come back soon!

  Adding to our joy was Teacher Carl and his crew returning to offer thanks for our parents and their children taking those EXTRA special efforts during 2020--as the Christian formation and Godly Play programs migrated to Zoom. Carl and Peg, Carl's mom--prepared glorious food and baked treats ( together with Angela Butler's cupcakes--yum!)-- all putting smiles on our faces, as each child was honored for their zoom work over the year, and what they added to the community as a result! BRAVO!! It was an amazing day, all around (Despite the 80+ degree heat--- we are moving into the SHADE for the weeks to come).

  A WORD about the heat: on those days when it's predicted in the weather forecast EITHER to rain, or else to hit 80 degrees and above, we will move the 10:00am service INSIDE where the weather will not be a factor. We had folks simply getting TOO hot out there, and we don't want anyone to jeopardize their health. So do make a note of this. Also, if you show up in the courtyard at 10:00am Sunday and we are NOT there, you'll know that we're INSIDE!! ....but we're still here to Worship and Rejoice together.

  ANOTHER cause for celebration: The Ecumenical Worship Service this Saturday is ON for 8:00am! We limited attendance last year, due to Covid 19, but we are back in church at Trinity as we kick off the Parade Day festivities with a service of prayer and thanksgiving--as in years past! Please join us---and come hungry, so that you can support your fellow Trinity workers Nancy Plumb and Nancy Dorsey and their workers who are serving up HOT as well as COLD breakfasts TO GO on Parade Day, from 8:00 to 10:00 Saturday!! Amazing!
  Thanks to ALL OF YOU who make Trinity such a blessed and Holy place-- without YOU we would be just another historic building....YOU ALL make it CHURCH!
With Light, Hope and every Blessing,

Fr. Mitch

The Pandemic brought changes—and some inventive, gracious innovations! Special thanks to Donna Tobin and her loyal “10:00 Coffee Hour Zoom” cadre. These folks stuck it out week after week, and stayed in touch via Zoom, right after the broadcast of the 10:00 am Services every Sunday. Now that we are meeting in person for coffee hour, the weekly format will inevitably change. We may STILL get home in time to keep the Zoom meeting rolling every now and then, if the group so desires. Bless you ALL and especially Donna, our host and tour-guide working from her beautiful new home! Blessings & thanks for the hospitality! Fr. Mitch
And the donations keep coming in!! Terrific job!!!

Please bring items to the church and deposit inside near the elevator or outside in our large Rubbermaid bin.  All items are appreciated, especially:

Canned Green Beans
Canned Beets
Canned Spinach
Pasta Sauce 
Thank you again to everyone who donated so far. Contact Sue Hinckley, 302-6553, if you have any questions or need help delivering items.

The Church of the Transfiguration is having a yard sale this Saturday, June 12th from 8am – 2pm (rain date is June 19).

Weekly Events

Sunday Services 8am and 10am Live and on Facebook

Sunday Coffee hour following the 10am service in the Parish Hall

Monday Contemplative Prayer on Zoom
Contact Bill Baddeley (

Wednesday 9:00pm Compline
➡️(Click) Book of common Prayer pages

Living Stones monthly following the 10am service THIS WEEK. Vance Morgan will send the invitation (Next session June 13th)
Those whom we are remembering in prayer:
Sharon, Becca, Cindy, Ron, Daniel, Billy, Christina, Georgeanne, Bruce, Davis, Diana, Matt, Paul, Joan, Renee, Carter, Louise, Ed, Andy, Jan, Dot, Eric, Joanna, Jean-Ann, M-J, Linda, Ed, Cole, Mike, Sue, Jeff, Norma, George, Jan, Mauricio, Richard, Shirley, Kristine, Jenn, Ron, Eileen, Gabi, Natalie, Jay, Wendy, Frank., Anneke, Jessica, Adam, Nancy, George, Susan Alexis, Michael, Tommy, JC, Ryan, Alison, Henry, Don Raleigh, Don Elderkin, Polly & David