Women Transforming Sonoma County Through Collective Philanthropy - Dec/Jan 2019   

President's Message
The time has come for me to bid a bittersweet farewell to you as your founding president. I first started working on the concept for Impact 100 Redwood Circle in 2014. At that point, I joked that I had time to start a new organization because my youngest child had learned to drive.  
That youngest child is now a junior in college. It's time for me to turn Impact 100 RC over to new leaders with fresh ideas. I am THRILLED that Jan Gilman will be succeeding me, and that she will be supported by a strong and capable Leadership Team. I can step aside knowing that Impact 100 RC will be in excellent hands.
When the first Impact 100 RC house parties were launched in late 2014 and early 2015, we were not the organization we are today. There were no committees. There was no grant-making structure. There was no regular meeting space, governance document or even, in those early days, business cards and letterhead.
Our founding members listened to me pitch an idea, and they joined as a leap of faith. I will be forever grateful to the dozens of women who heard me describe my vision for this new organization and confidently replied, "I am with you!"
I also continue to thank Beth Brown, CEO of Community Foundation Sonoma County, who was an early-backer of Impact 100 RC. With Beth's guidance, the Community Foundation gave our nascent group credibility, along with essential financial and administrative support.
Launching and leading Impact 100 Redwood Circle has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I thank you for the opportunity to serve my community in this way, and I'm honored to have been your president.

For your inspired leadership in launching Impact 100 RC and leading us through these first years of amazing growth!

The Impact 100 Team
In This Issue
 Upcoming Events
 Cocktails & Conversation  
Wed, January 23, 2019 
4:30 - 6:30 p.m. 
Perch & Plow
90 Old Courthouse Square
Santa Rosa
 Membership Meeting  
Wed, February 13, 2019 
 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. 
Scottish Rite Center 
600 Acacia Lane
Santa Rosa 

Welcome to the newest members of our circle! 
Chris Chang Weeks
Deborah Chigazola
Judy Freedman
Amber Heidtke
Shelly Kalmar
Meghan Murphy
Betty Pagett
Diana Rich 
Katherine Taylor
Kathleen Torgerson
Victoria Thompson
A Heartfelt Thank You From Catholic Charities
If I had the email addresses of each member of Impact 100 I would sit here all afternoon and send notes to express my gratitude for all of the work and intention you have put into the process of awarding the grant. But most importantly, I would share that we at Catholic Charities are committed to making every dollar you have entrusted to us make a difference in the lives of children and their families experiencing homelessness here in Sonoma County. We are so grateful and we pledge to make you proud and confident in the investment you made in the proposed project. Looking forward to working with Impact 100 RC over the coming year.
Margie Pettibone
Associate Director of Community Engagement
Catholic Charties of the Diocese of Santa Rosa
Join the Impact Grant Committee for 2019!  
If you found the presentations by the $100,000 grant finalists interesting and engaging, just imagine how great it is to be a member of the Impact Grant Committee!!!  As a committee member you'll be exposed to all of the non-profit agencies who are nominated; and actively participate with other committee members to select the final three.  Our work will begin next spring and is at its busiest in the summer and early autumn when we evaluate the proposals submitted by the agencies.  If you're intrigued, we'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.  Feel free to contact us (committee co-chairs): Marianne Messer at,  
Vicki Groninga at, and Suzy Marzalek at   We would also be happy to put you in touch with any of this year's committee members if you would like to hear from them about their experience and the time commitment.
Suzy Marzalak  Marianne Messer, 2018 Co-Chairs 
Community Grants Committee News  
Meghan Murphy and Chris Chang Weeks will be our co-chairs for 2019. Some of you may recall Meghan who is the Program Director at Face2Face. She was one of the presenters speaking for Face2Face as one of the finalists for our first Impact Grant in 2016. Chris is an Impact 100 RC Charter Member. She has worked on both sides of the nonprofit funding stream - as development staff for several organizations in the Bay Area and as a volunteer at the Los Altos Community Foundation on its grant review team. 
Meghan and Chris will finalize next year's timeline in early December; the CG Committee's kickoff meeting will be in mid-January 2019, with the deadline for member nominations in early February. It's never too early to start thinking about the organizations who you'd like to nominate for next year.
Anyone interested in joining the Community Grants Committee, please contact Meghan at  or Chris at .
Ina Chun & Mary Radu, 2018 Co-Chairs 
Education Advisory Team
Choosing an Organization to Nominate
Researching a non-profit for nomination can be daunting. Do you have a passion for the environment, arts and culture, education, health or human services?
What kind of projects excite you? Is there a city, neighborhood or region that you feel deeply about? Do you get excited about supporting a large or small non-profit, a start-up or established organizations? The Grants committees look for scale and appropriateness as they evaluate a request. Keep that in mind as you make a choice. Reviewing criteria will be helpful.
Now that you've clarified your values, how do you begin to identify potential "matches". Connections can come from word of mouth, internet search, print and other media sources. You can ask the Impact Education Committee for resources.
Having found potential matches, read their mission statement to determine if they reflect your values and criteria.
You may find more than one non-profit that meets your criteria so what next? Follow the Apples to Apples principal, i.e., compare organizations within the same service category, structure, etc. Choose one that you know or have heard about the good works they do. Look at our communities and think about the needs of all our Sonoma County residents.
Finally follow your passion, trust your instincts and nominate!

Laurie Parish & Thea Hensel, Co-Chairs 
Membership Continues to Grow!
January Cocktails & Conversation
Please join us for our first Cocktails and Conversation of the New Year on January 23, 2019, from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at Perch and Plow on Old Courthouse Square in downtown Santa Rosa convenient to the 3rd Street parking garage. No RSVP necessary; just invite your friends and join us for a casual happy hour get to know Impact members session. Thank you to Barbara Hopp and Sudha Schlesinger for coordinating.
NEW!  NEXTGEN and Sponsorship Subcommittee 
Stay tuned for announcement of exciting new program we are launching at the February 2019 general membership meeting! 
Robin Wendler, Melissa Kelley, Kristin Nelson, Camelia Patino, Susan Churchill, Misty Mesel
and Kate Ayers are developing a strategy to bring younger and more diverse members to our midst. We hope to get your feedback as well as learn from the Sonoma Chapter's NextGen experience. If you have any questions, please direct them to Robin Wendler c/o Membership Committee.
  Judy Farrell & Charlene Staples, 2018 Co-Chairs
Contact our Newsletter Editor:
If you have questions or suggestions for The Impact 100 Redwood Circle Communique, please contact Editor, Jan Houts at