IPUL's E-News for April 17, 2020
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
IPUL Is Here For You!

The best method to reach us is through our website request form:   

We are still monitoring our   intake phone line   several times a day, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. 

For questions that are  not  about something in our  scope of work , you can still leave a phone message as above, or send us an email at   - this account will be monitored daily, but is not as heavily monitored as the main intake systems.
We keep constantly updating our COVID-19 page with new information as it becomes available:
Board Approves Criteria for Schools to Resume Normal Operations
While the soft-closure was extended until the end of the year, the board met and approved criteria to resume normal operations under the following criteria:
Soft Closure announcement

Idaho State Board of Education Minimum Re-entry Criteria:

1. No statewide or local social distancing restrictions, including stay-home orders or extensive closures of businesses are in place.
a. Exceptions to the soft closure should continue to be considered for staff and student needs, on a case by case basis as determined at the local level (e.g. small groups of students that can be distanced in a way that meets the social distancing criteria for the purpose of proctoring exams or working one-on-one with special education students, as long as the school district or charter school has sufficient capacity to maintain hygiene and sanitation).

2. The peak of the state infection curve has passed, as determined by the State Department of Health and Welfare, and a minimum 14 days have passed from the identified peak. In those instances where local community spread has occurred, the local infection curve will be evaluated for determining the 14 consecutive days. School districts and charter schools located in counties that have experienced no community spread at the time state restrictions are lifted may have the 14 consecutive days criteria waived with approval by the local public health district.

3. Approval by the local public health district, after review of school district and charter school cleaning and disinfection protocols.

4. Re-entry plan approved by the local board of trustees identifying minimum school protocols (see list below).
Required Minimum School Protocols:
a. Cleaning and disinfection protocols.
b. Identify a plan for vulnerable staff and students with special emphasis on people over age 60 and those who are medically vulnerable.
c. Identify and plan for staff duties which require close contact.
d. Absenteeism plan for staff and students whose parents do not feel comfortable returning their student to school and for students who show symptoms of the coronavirus.
e. Communications plan for informing parents and staff of the school district and charter school response plans, protocols, and policies to manage the impact of the coronavirus.
f. Verify point of contact of each school district and charter school for effective communication and collaboration with the local public health officials.
g. Reopening plans are reviewed in consultation with local public health officials.
These re-entry criteria are subject to change in order to adapt to changing circumstances. Additional criteria will be developed for a fall start of the school year, based on conditions at the time.

The CDC Created An ASL Video Series About COVID-19
The CDC has posted 20 videos in ASL covering mulitple aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Education Information - Many Good Resources Available to the Public
The State Department of Education is providing weekly webinars to Special Education Directors giving them a tremendous amount of resources to assist students receiving special education services.

Today's webinar covered guidance documents including an IEP Quick Guide, Written Notice Quick Guide, Early Childhood Exits, IEP Eligibility and Re-Evaluations, and a Graduation Readiness Tool. There are also new transition to adulthood resources in the SESTA padlets. There was also an extensive Q & A session.

ALL of this information is available to families on the Idaho Training Clearinghouse. Click in to see past webinars and the resource documents. Today's webinar will be recorded and available for viewing tomorrow. The resource documents are already there.

Idaho Public Television adds Distance Learning for Grades 3-6
During this afternoon's State Board of Education special meeting, Superintendent Ybarra shared that the State Department of Education, Idaho Public Television, and Idaho Business for Education have partnered, and Idaho Public Television stations will be providing educational instruction for students in grades 3-6 beginning Monday. This will be helpful for some students who may not have access to technology/internet, etc. as well as any student who likes to learn while watching TV. This may be helpful to some parents who are feeling a little overwhelmed as well.

COVID-19 Hotline For Idaho
We are passing along information from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare about their COVID-19 Hotline:
poster with a cartoon of a woman sitting and looking overwhelmed and the text below
When you’re isolated at home, feelings of anxiety, loneliness, or worry may become overwhelming. Experiencing these feeling is common during times of heightened stress.

Don’t be afraid to reach out. We’re here to help! The Department of Health and Welfare has opened an Idaho COVID-19 Hotline with an option for behavioral health.


We offer anonymous and confidential assistance for all, no matter your situation. If you are experiencing any type of distress from feeling overwhelmed or isolated, a mental health challenge, substance use disorder, or if you are seeking resources during this difficult time, please reach out!

We have trained professionals ready and available to talk with you and assist you
in accessing the mental health and substance use disorder services you need.

Resources for Idaho Residents
Idaho Care Line: call 2-1-1 or visit
Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline: call 2-1-1 or 208-398-4357
Optum Idaho Member Crisis Line: call 855-202-0973
Statewide Training for May -
When Your Child Turns Three ...
...Moving on From Infant Toddler Services
may workshop flyer showing a teacher and an assistant reading to children surrounded by text which is below
If you have a child who is moving out of the infant-toddler program and about to enter into the education system and you want to know what to expect... this training is for you! We'll be talking about the transition from an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and all that it entails.  
Our statewide training is webcast monthly live via Zoom.  Registration is required.  
Once you have registered, you will be sent an email with your registration confirmation as well as a link so you can join the webcast.  
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, IPUL will only be offering this training online.  
We will be offering this training on May 13, 2020 at 6:00 PM Mountain Time  

Phone: (208) 342-5884