Our resident spotlight this month is on Cornerstone resident, Richard "Gonzo" Beck, whose love for art created an environment for him to inspire others!

A passion for art grows in prison

As I sit in Gonzo’s studio in Redline Art Gallery (right behind Cornerstone residences) he tells me that his passion for art began in prison. “It was a way for me to stay out of trouble,” he says, “it kept me away from gangs and violence inside and was extremely therapeutic.”

Gonzo gravitates towards activities that he calls “therapeutic,” or a way for him to relieve stress and take a step back in life. It gives him a chance to clear his head and grow as an individual. “I see so many people with dysfunctions. Not in a bad way, they just don’t take the time to look inward or create a good outlet for themselves. They chase negative habits. Art for me relieves stress, it creates a self-awareness, and fosters a sense of gratitude. I just want to be able to take what I have around me and inspire others.”