Don't Miss Your Fall Foliage Tour
It's Tree Planting Time!
Check out these October Glory Maples 
Open Black Friday and
Small Business Saturday! 
Black friday deal banner - text in black drawn label business seasonal shopping concept

Special deals and pricing for two days.  

Pricing up to 50% Off on selected items. Items vary per store location.

20% Off all Christmas and gift items.  

Sale Dates: Friday & Saturday, November 27 & 28
We Are Your Christmas
LED Lighting Headquarters
Visit our lighting show rooms and compare our commercial grade lighting to the Big Box stores. 

We have the tree wrapping (G12) lights used for interior and exterior lighting in 11 different colors. 

Outline your home with C9 exterior bulbs. Choose from traditional holiday colors or create and customize your own color combinations. 

Our lighting experts have the answers.  
Like Us On Face Book
It's Christmas Countdown! 
It's Christmas countdown and we're offering our fb friends an exclusive Christmas countdown offer.

Each week until December 24, we'll feature a discounted specialty item mentioned only on fb.

Don't miss out on these once a week offers!  
Take Your Photo With Santa
Saturday, December 12 & 19
Make plans to have your photo taken with Santa and bring your friendly pets too. 

Don't miss Santa! He'll be at both store locations during the following times: 

10 a.m. - Noon 
2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Donations accepted for Second Chance Animal Sanctuary and Center For Children and Families.
November Maintenance Guidelines
After years of working in the industry and building a nursery business around Oklahoma's inclement weather, we are suggesting the following maintenance guidelines:

* Continue re-seedig fescue.

* November 15 to March 15 is the best time to prune most trees and shrubs. 

* Apply ferti-lome Fruit, Citrus and Pecan Tree Food to fruit and nut trees.    

* Plant container-grown and ball and burlap (B & B) trees when they begin to go dormant.   

* Purchase spring flowering bulbs and refrigerate or keep cool in dry spot until mid-November through December for planting when ground temps are 50 degrees or below.

* Fertilize cool season grasses again using Marcum's Fertilizer 18-6-12 or Dr. Earth Super Natural Lawn Fertilizer. 

We're Here For You
Oklahoma City Store

2121 Southwest 119th  

OKC, OK 73170
(405) 691-9100


Goldsby Store
169 N Main Ave
Goldsby, OK 73093
(405) 288-2368


Fall Hours:


Oklahoma City Store:

Monday - Saturday 
8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Sun. Closed

Goldsby Store: 
Monday - Saturday 
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sun. Closed
OKC Extends
Holiday Hours
Beginning  Black Friday!  

Weather permitting, we will extend our evening holiday hours for your shopping convenience. Call preferred preferred location to confirm their evening store hours.

OKC: 405-691-9100
Goldsby: 405-288-2368 
Featured Tree
Tolerant of Oklahoma's diverse soil and climate conditions, the Shumard oak comes highly recommended for any front or back yard because of its size. They are great for shade and are disease resistant. These trees sport their briliant red-orange fall color in October and November. 
Featured Shrub
This featured camellia is the Yule Tide. Its blooms appear in late October and often coincides with Christmas. It's brilliant red flowers with bright yellow stamens make an elegant statement in your Oklahoma winter garden.     


Chump's Chatter

I love that we experience all seasons in the state of Oklahoma. However, as soon as Mother Nature's artistic paint brush canvasses our ground with glorious shades of red, orange, yellow, green, and brown, we know the blustery winds of winter are soon to hit our town.


What are some guidelines that we can do to help protect our plants from winter damage? 

Our FreezePruf product will improve natural cold tolerance by two to nine degrees depending on the plant variety and winter conditions. 

Dahlia's Answer: Mulch, Cover Plants, and apply FreezePruf 

Dahlia's Dirt!

Happy Fall Y'all but Old Man Winter is Coming!  


Winter is coming! Plants will suffer cold damage when they lose moisture from their leaves but can't replace the lost moisture because the soil is dry, or the water in the ground is frozen. 

Following a few basic  winter guidelines  will go a long way towards protecting your plants from winter damage and helping them leaf out again next spring. 

Want the "dirt" on a particular topic? Send your suggestions to


Ghirardelli Hot Chocolate   
I recently attended a lovely fall outdoor wedding shower where everything was picture perfect! Including the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted.

This delectable drink is perfect for those long winter days when all you want to do is snuggle up to a warm and cozy fire with that special someone and read a great book. 

Congrats Ashtin & Cam on your engagement and may your upcoming marriage be blessed with many years of laughter, love, and Ghirardelli hot chocolate!