End of spring quarter events
Dear International Slugs,

We have some great programs coming up for you! We're continuing our Global Support Series in collaboration with the Restorative Justice Program: Learn Communication Skills for Resolving Conflict & Building Relationships. Gain knowledge and tools for addressing working relationships, different perspectives, conflict, and communication skills with your instructors, partners, colleagues, and more.

There's also one last Optional Practical Training (OPT) workshop this quarter, an Immigration Q&A with ISSS, and a few career workshops open to all UC international students, just to name a few. You can learn more about these events and register for them below.

We wish you well and good luck on upcoming final examinations, papers, and projects as Spring Quarter comes to end. Congratulations to all who are graduating.

Best Wishes,

Victoria, Andy, and Lisa
Global Programming
The second event in this series:
Learn Communication Skills for Resolving Conflict & Building Relationships
Wednesday, May 26 from 12:00 - 13:00 PDT

Gain knowledge and tools for addressing working relationships, different perspectives, conflict, and communication skills with your instructors, partners, colleagues, and more. We look forward to providing a safe and supportive space to address your concerns and gain strategies for stronger, intercultural communication.

Register here for the Zoom link. We invite you to submit any questions or issues in advance when you register that you would like us to discuss during the program. These submissions will be anonymous.

Hosted by Global Programming and the UCSC Restorative Justice Program
Global Engagement Resources & Events
International Study Jam
International students, join our Global Mentors on Thursday, May 27 at 18:00 PDT for an international study jam hosted on our new Discord server.

Come study with fellow international students as we finish the academic year.

Whether you're looking to connect with fellow classmates or wanting a space to study with other international students, this event is perfect for you.
Are you looking into Optional Practical Training? Make sure you attend one of the mandatory OPT workshops before you apply!

All OPT workshops will be held virtually and pre-registration is not required. Dates and times are subject to change.

Remaining Spring 2021 workshops:
  • Thursday, May 27, 10:00 - 11:00 PDT
Immigration Update and Q&A
ISSS will be hosting an immigration Q&A session for students who are currently abroad on Thursday, June 3 at 18:00 PDT. We will cover topics including consulates and emergency appointments, vaccination information, doc production, and more.

Mark your calendars. More information about registration will be sent to your inbox from iGlobal.
There's still time to participate in
I Dream of Travel, a virtual series of activities to satisfy your wanderlust and spark inspiration for your future study abroad or away adventures.

We are giving away a $25 Amazon gift card to a randomly selected participant!

 ** We're accepting submissions through the end of May! **

Campus Resources & Events
UC-Wide Career Workshops for International Students
Want to know more about the job search and work options for international students? Check out these following workshops hosted by Career Success in collaboration with career coaches from fellow UC campuses.

May 25 from 11:00 - 12:00 noon PDT

May 26 from 15:00 - 17:00 PDT

May 26 from 17:00 - 18:30 PDT

May 27 from 11:30 - 12:00 noon PDT
30-Minute Guided Restoration
Sponsored by CAPS.
Are you feeling stressed about...
  • Finals
  • Online learning
  • Ongoing racialized violence

Join us to pause to relax the mind and body, learn how we respond to stress, and improve focus and concentration on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12:00 - 12:30 PDT.
The Resilience Series is a 9-week program for students to gain tools for personal/academic development, community care, and sharing in a safe space.

Each session covers a different topic related to resilience and includes guided meditations, group discussions, and wellness resources! 

Sessions will start during Week 2 and will be offered on Tuesdays from 13:30 - 15:00 PDT and Wednesdays from 10:00 - 11:30 PDT. Tuesday and Wednesday sessions will feature the same practices and resources, so students are encouraged to choose a day that works best with their schedule.
Global Climate Change & Climate Tipping Point
Presented by POSTECH.
Wednesday, June 16 at 10:00 KST (UTC+9)

In this talk, Prof. Jong-Seong Kug from the Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, POSTECH will introduce a possibility of the climate tipping point as well as discuss the ongoing global climate change.
Senior Spotlight
We're spotlighting graduating global slugs as they get ready to go off into the world.
Name: Shingen Chen
Home Country: Taiwan
Major: Business Management & Economics

What is your favorite UCSC memory? Having fun with friends in the apartments.

What was your most compelling academic class?
Intro to acting. That class had an interesting professor that was engaging.

Any future plans?
I am planning on enrolling in an MBA program or a job near San Diego.
Name: Linh Ha
Home Country: Vietnam
Majors: Psychology & Biology

What is your favorite UCSC memory? What I miss the most about UCSC was the nature and how open people in that place were. We just can go around in the woods and just enjoy the fresh air there. It made me feel like I was at Hogwarts!
Global Programming
Classroom Unit, Room 103, Santa Cruz
CA 95064 United States