FVAMC Academy
December 9, 2018
FVAMC Academy
Sister Amina shared this Hadith with us last week:

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A man suffered from thirst while he was walking on a journey. When he found a well, he climbed down into it and drank from it. Then he came out and saw a dog lolling its tongue from thirst and licking the ground. The man said: This dog has suffered thirst just as I have suffered from it. He climbed down into the well, filled his shoe with water, and caught it in his mouth as he climbed up. Then he gave the dog a drink. Allah appreciated this deed, so he forgave him.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, is there a reward for charity even for the animals?” The Prophet said, “Yes, in every creature with a moist liver is a reward for charity.”

Please remember that kindness to animals is part of faith!

Please consider donating to our Fall Fundraiser. We have reached 37% of goal! Thank you to everyone that has donated. There is a special donation box in the social hall.You can also always give your donation directly to Br. Khamis.

General Reminders:

  • Academy starts at 10:50 AM, so please be sure to be on time.
  • Pick up your children on time. That is 1:15 pm or 2:30 if your child is enrolled in the afternoon Arabic program.
  • Pack a small snack/lunch for your children, especially if they are in the Arabic classes.
  • While at home, remember to review any homework you child may have been assigned and spend ten minutes every night helping your child memorize his/her Quran Surah.

We hope to see you all tomorrow  In Sha Allah . Please feel free to contact us at  if you have any questions.

With Peace & Blessings
Sr. Amina Ramdani, Principal
Sr. Kulsoom Farid, Registrar