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A Message from Chancellor Malloy

Colleagues --

I'm writing later today to continue my regular communications with you, but I first want you to know what the University of Maine System is doing about the coronavirus, a respiratory virus that originated in China last month and spread to the United States.

The World Health Organization yesterday declared coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern. With possible cases reported as nearby as New Hampshire, though none yet in Maine according to the latest update shared by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention , we are monitoring the situation actively and prudently. Our goal is to neither over-react nor under-react. 

We are working with our emergency preparedness partners on each UMS university campus, the Maine Center for Disease Control, and the Maine Emergency Management Agency to track the coronavirus, share information about the disease, and to be ready to act if a local response becomes necessary. 
We also continue to assess the travel plans of University students and employees and are in regular communication with student life and health team members, who are monitoring the situation in coordination with our university presidents. We will provide assistance and respond quickly if necessary to protect the health of our students, staff, and faculty.

Please develop your own awareness around the outbreak, the symptoms, and the steps you can take to protect your own health and the well-being of loved ones. The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention maintains an excellent updated resource that can be found at this link .


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Dannel Malloy
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