How to Stay Sane Over the Holidays:
the Professional Organizer Edition
Staying organized (and sane) over the holidays can feel like a huge hurdle, but it doesn't have to be! These top five tips help decrease stress and increase dopamine levels in the brain (that "feel good" chemical), which bring a little extra happiness and cheer to this busy time of year. 

#1. Write everything down. Keeping lists is good organizational practice all year round, but if you are not a natural born list-maker, consider making it a habit over the holiday season. Crossing finished items off of your list feels so good, and you will lower stress and save time by getting tasks out of your brain and on to paper (as David Allen says: "your brain is for having ideas, not holding them"). It doesn't have to look pretty, it just needs to be written down!

#2. Batch tasks. Once you start writing lists of to-do items, you will see patterns emerging. "Batching" activities into one longer task is a good way to save drive time and personal energy. This can only be done properly if you start with tip #1 and write everything down. For example, notice tasks that are in a similar location and put them into your calendar in the same time slot. 

#3. Don't say yes, say "maybe". You don't have to be a Debbie Downer and say no to everything. Just make it a policy to say "I'll get back to you!" to everything. This gives you time to think about whether you really have the energy and ability to attend your friend's Pampered Chef holiday party. You can always say yes later. 

#4. Give to yourself. Making time for yourself is critical for sanity, especially at this hurried time of year. For many, the words 'self-care' means a paid activity like a massage or a manicure, and is therefore out of budget. But self-care is really just about taking care of yourself. Taking the time to exercise, go for a walk or read your book quietly are some good examples. If you are struggling to find the time for this, refer to tip #3 above. No excuses!

#5. Delegate. We've said it before, but it's really quite shocking how often we all need to hear this. Ask for help. Your friends and family are not there to be impressed by your independence and self-sufficiency; they are there to love you and be loved by you. Asking for help shows our humanity: the very essence of the holiday season. 

Happy Organizing!

Portland Resources and Events

A Tip From Missy: Give the Gift of Organization

Stuck on what to give a friend or family member this year? Giving a session with a professional organizer is a wonderful way to support people in your life. Whether they choose to use it to clean out their closet, garage or office, just about anyone can appreciate this gift of time, space and peace of mind. Plus, we don't charge you until they cash in your gift. 

Get Your Printable Gift Certificate Here or call us at the office and we will send you one! 503-245-3564.
Organize Your Coat Closet and Give to a Great Cause!

Do you have coats to donate? Hope Sparrow Services in Lake Oswego is hosting their yearly coat drive and would be so grateful for any and all donations! You can drop coats (or canned food) off at Hope Community Church:

14790 Boones Ferry Rd
Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Room-By-Room Organizing Challenge | Month 10: The Master Bedroom

The master bedroom is a wonderful space to organize, because the return on your investment can be so life-changing.

What do you get from organizing your bedroom properly? Here's what. Better sleep. More relaxation. Less stress. Better sex (I had to say it, sorry).

The #1 question that we ask OVER AND OVER again when working with clients in their master bedrooms is this: how's your zen? Also, what does your bedroom give you? What do you need from it? Often, there is a single culprit that prevents those things. Here it is.... READ MORE
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