December 11, 2019

Distribution: Chapter Treasurers, RVPs, DDs, Chapter Chairs
Please note that Headquarters will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, December 24th and 25th for the holiday.

In this issue you will find: 
  1. Chapter Local Bank Accounts
  2. Accounts Payable Processing Update
  3. Detailed Receipts Please
  4. Centralization Update
  5. Weekly Calls
  6. National PayPal Alert

Chapter Local Bank or Other Accounts   
All chapters should have closed all local accounts.  If your chapter has funds in any local account whether a bank, a CD, or PayPal, please contact me at  [email protected]  in order to facilitate compliance with SCORE policies.

Accounts Payable Processing Time
Thank you all for your support during this difficult transition. As of the date of this bulletin, we are processing bills received December 9 - 11. If you do not see a bill submitted earlier on your chapter's bills register, it may be because we missed it or because we are needing additional information before processing it. Please contact your accounts payable person or send an email to [email protected]. When submitting time-sensitive vendor bills, please submit early enough to allow for the USPS to deliver it before the due date.
How you can help? Please submit bills and Form 14s to [email protected] only AFTER approval. Do not CC any of us while getting approval or during the conversation among your leadership as this can cause multiple copies and further delays. Submit bills with W-9s to help facilitate processing quickly. Please let us know if the bill is unallowable for reimbursement from federal funds.

Detailed Receipts Please

Please remember to submit readable, itemized receipts from any restaurant for meals on any expense reports. This policy was announced at the NLC in August . Any alcohol purchases need to be on a separate check with a separate receipt submitted. Alcohol and any restaurant reimbursement without an itemized receipt will only be reimbursed from unrestricted funds if available.

Centralization Update

For those chapters who have recently submitted their Form 3, your Intacct Statement of Financial Position (SOFP) will not be accurate until the Form 3 activity is uploaded.  Your Chapter Cash Balance reflected in the SOFP line Bank of America Account is accurate. If you see transactions that do not appear to be accurate, please reach out to Erin Schultz. We are on track for having the Form 3 financial information loaded by December 31, 2019.

Weekly Intacct Webinars

On Tuesday at 2pm EST every week, Accounting is holding webinars to walk chapters through Intacct live and to answer questions related to accounting as time allows. The Zoom platform allows for regular call-ins and the ability to share screens. The next call is Tuesday, December 17, register for one or more sessions.

National PayPal Alert: Heads Up!!

We have a few chapters that have set up workshops in Constant Contact without the chapter designation in the workshop title.  Please review your revenue in Constant Contact and compare it to Workshop revenue in Intacct.  Examples of workshops not identified:
  • Curso de Negociaci
  • Marketing Success ? Planning for 2020 
  • Business Start-up Bootcamp 
  • Quickbooks Hands On - Online Plus 
  • WORKSHOP: Crowdfunding  
  • WORKSHOP: Simple Steps
Not sure how to designate your chapter in the workshop?  Please see page 9 in the instructions here . If you believe you are missing revenue for your chapter or want to claim one of the above workshops, please contact Shawn Little .

Has your chapter used the PayPal Virtual Terminal?  We have transactions for $120 each that are not identified.  Please claim this and get instructions by contacting Shawn Little immediately.

Thank you for all you do for SCORE.

John Fuqua
Vice President of Finance

Helpful Tips for Centralized Accounting

Watch for important messages posted in Sage Intacct to the Company Message section of your dashboard including monthly close notices, passwords, helpful hints, and other important accounting information.

1. SEND DEPOSIT INFORMATION ON OR BEFORE YOU MAKE THE DEPOSIT to [email protected].  We are required to book this very quickly, and if you don't send us the information on that day, we have already booked the receipt and perhaps not where it belongs.

2. National PayPal - with Constant Contact (CC): All workshop names in CC Item Title must have "-C####" (dash C four-digit chapter number) at the end of the workshop title.  Be exact, no exceptions.

Note: When you sign into PayPal, you will see everyone's activity.  This is normal.

3. Submitting Bills - Bills must have the chapter number on the bill or in the email.  Send bills to [email protected] after approval.  If it is a new service or vendor please submit a W-9 with the bill.  Please check to make sure we paid your internet and telephone bills every month.
Who to Contact with Questions
Our staff is here to answer questions and assist. Any question can be sent to [email protected] . We will forward the email to the appropriate person. Want to reach out directly?
John Fuqua - Contracts, Compliance, Leases, and Foundation Funds
- Deposits, Revenue Classification and CashPro deposit app
Erin Schultz - Intacct Accounting System, Expense Classification, National Allocation
Shawn Little -- PayPal and Chapter Budgets
Linda Krueger - Payables for New England, Central, Mid-Atlantic, and Northwest regions
Harinder Kaur - Payables for Southeast, Southwest and Western regions along with Virginia, Nebraska and Montana

Report Deposit Information to [email protected]

Submit Bills to [email protected]