April 16, 2020

GO-Biz to Assist Trucking Industry in Obtaining
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Disinfectant Supplies
Industry input critical to supply/equipment production 


First, I want to take the opportunity to thank you for your dedication to keeping the nation's supply chain running smoothly during this COVID-19 crisis. It is clear to all, now more than ever, the vital role of the trucking industry in keeping health care services supplied, distribution outlets stocked with food, medicine, and other essential goods, and our citizenry fed.

As critical infrastructure workers exempt from the shelter-in-place orders, there is a special need to equip you with the disinfectant supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) that allows you to perform your day-to-day tasks while ensuring you, and your families, remain healthy during the pandemic.

Over the past month, CTA has been connecting trucking companies and drivers in need of supplies with vendors; however, as you know, available stock quickly sells out and while we are constantly adding new vendors to the list, a significant supply deficit remains.

Following our discussions with state transportation agencies regarding the need to procure disinfectant supplies and PPE for the trucking industry, the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), offered to coordinate with their manufacturing partners to increase production of these materials. Your input in this process is critical to make certain enough supplies are produced and earmarked for the industry.

Even if you do not have an immediate need for supplies, please fill out this spreadsheet and return it to Taylor Collison at tcollison@caltrux.org . The details from these spreadsheets will help to inform GO-Biz of the demand for each supply type both in the short-term and for longer-term emergency stockpile planning efforts. We are asking for 100% participation from our members in this effort.  Please indicate any information you want anonymized or any other disclosure concerns.

If you do have an immediate need for supplies or equipment, and you or someone from your company have not contacted CTA already regarding procurement, please email tcollison@caltrux.org.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey. Your input will assist CTA and GO-Biz in our ongoing effort to connect members with the supplies they need to stay safe and healthy during this difficult time.


Shawn Yadon, CEO
California Trucking Association