September 18, 2020

Nominations are Open for 2020 MnDOT/AGC Bridge Awards

2020 has certainly changed everyone's lives, but while the world has been changed, bridges are still being built with quality that deserves recognition. It is time for the 19th Annual Bridge Construction Awards nominations. MnDOT, MnDOT State Aid, and the AGC Bridge Committee want to recognize high quality bridge construction projects that have been opened to traffic in 2019 and 2020. Awards will be given in three different categories again this year- bridges under $1.5 million, between $1.5 and $5 million, and over $5 million.

Please contact your MnDOT or other owner project engineer and encourage them to submit a nomination if you believe there is a bridge project that should be considered for recognition. Applications by district/project engineers are due to the MnDOT Bridge Office by October 9th, 2020. The rating panel will select the best projects and present the awards at the AGC/MnDOT Bridge Office semi-annual meeting in spring of 2021.
Changes to Designer Selection Board Submittal Process

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the State Designer Selection Board (DSB) has made significant changes to its processes for DSB submittals, shortlisting meetings, and interviews.  The standard Request For Proposals (RFP) has been amended to reflect these changes and new requirements.  This letter from the Board Chair outlines the new process and RFP requirements. This is still a work in progress as the board continues to work through technical challenges.
The Construction Codes Advisory Council (CCAC) has two open positions available- one vacancy is open for Commercial Building Owners and Managers and the other vacancy is open for a Heating and Ventilation Industry representative. The council reviews laws, codes, rules, standards and licensing requirements relating to building construction, and may: 1) recommend ways to eliminate inconsistencies, to streamline construction regulation and construction procedures, and to improve procedures within and among jurisdictions; 2) review and comment on current and proposed laws and rules to promote coordination and consistency; 3) advise agencies on possible changes in rules to make them easier to understand and apply; and 4) promote the coordination, within each jurisdiction, of the administration and enforcement of construction codes.

For those interested in applying, the application and other information are available here.
All month, mental health advocates, prevention organizations, survivors, allies, and community members unite to promote suicide prevention awareness. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), construction occupations have the highest rate of suicide, as well as the highest number of suicides across all occupational groups. To combat these statistics, contractors, unions, associations, industry service providers and project owners must work together to STAND up for suicide prevention. The Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP) has created some helpful resources to give you tools for sharing the STAND up for Suicide Prevention message.
This short video from the Construction Center of Excellence is one way to get the conversation started about suicide in construction and share resources among your workforce.
This Week is Construction Safety Week

Celebrate your company's commitment to the safety of all workers on your projects! Learn more about building a culture of safety and developing Zero-Injury safety programs here.

How has your firm recognized Construction Safety Week? Renee would love to see photos of your team demonstrating best safety practices on your jobsites! 
STP Classes Start Next Week:

AGC is offering two units of the 6-unit Supervisory Training Program (STP) in September/October.  Due to COVID-19 safety precautions, in-person seats are limited.  We have been offering remote participation in STP classes for years, and have a good system for maximizing the classroom experience for online participants.

Register at the links below.

Unit 4: Contract Documents
Five consecutive Wednesdays, beginning September 23

Unit 5: Improving Productivity and Managing Project Costs
Five consecutive Thursdays, beginning September 24
Thank You For Supporting Foundation Scholarships at Sporting Clays!

Thank you to all of the shooters and sponsors who raised money for scholarships at Wednesday's 2020 Sporting Clays Fundraiser! We couldn't have asked for better weather, or better people to spend the day with. 

Congratulations to Top Team Grazzini 1 (Grazzini Brothers & Company), Top Female Larissa Indrebo of RMS Rentals, and Top Gun Kim Lundin of American Engineering Testing, Inc.!

View photos from the tournament here.

Seven students were awarded scholarships in 2020.  View their acceptance and thank-you videos here.
Registration Open for 2020 MN Conference on Architecture

Registration is now open for A'20 MN: The Minnesota Conference on Architecture. The event will be virtual this year, taking place over three Tuesdays, October 13, 20, and 27. AGC members will receive AIA member registration pricing.

Programming is focused on three areas:
  • Design for Positive Climate Impact & Environmental Justice
  • Resilience and Collective Recovery
  • Future of Design

Learn more and register.

RFP for Construction Industry Labor & Employment Council 

The Construction Industry Labor & Employer Council (CI-LEC) requests proposals for a study to analyze currently available data and research and make recommendations for future research projects to determine the current and future economic benefits and challenges of the union construction industry business model in Minnesota.  

All proposals are due by October 16, 2020.
To Require Vaccines or Not: That is the Question

 We are all waiting for a COVID-19 vaccine. When we have a vaccine, can employers require applicants and employees be vaccinated? Employers have a legitimate desire to keep their workplaces safe and to protect employees from contracting COVID-19 in the workplace. Phyllis Karasov and Dan Ballintine discuss the practical and legal issues associated with an employer mandatory vaccination program. Learn more
By Phyllis Karasov & Dan Ballintine, Larkin Hoffman
Legal & Labor Physical

September is the time to review your legal and labor issues.  Feel free to email Mike to schedule a physical - confirm the unions with whom you are signatory and terms, explore signing with other unions, review your construction contracts, or learn how AGC can support your business.



Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110  |  St. Paul, MN 55103