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Homeschool Plus Registration for the fall is OPEN! Get the discounted registration rate before June 1!

There will be four separate Talent Shows Wed. and Thurs. May 19 and 20 11-12:00 with students in their own age group each day. The Talent Show will replace Chapel and Refresh on those two days at 11 and 11:30 and lunch times will stay the same as usual. Sign Ups pages are at the information table. Parents are welcomed to come in and sign up their children.
HSP Games, Awards and Yearbook Pickup

Thursday May 27 9:30-11:00

For ALL ages! Fun Day!

Below is the lunch menu for the week of May 11-13.

Tuesday, - 5/11/21 - Fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, fruit and drink 
Wednesday, 5/12/21 - Spaghetti, garlic bread, fruit and drink
Thursday 5/13/21 - Chicken sandwich, french fries, fruit and drink 

Signup genius for each day is below- Please include your child's name and grade.


Please remember to preload a lunch card on the web site.  
If you wish to purchase lunch, please signup up your child(ren) with their name and grade under the appropriate days for the week for each child.  All signups for the week are due by Monday- 8:00 pm. 

 If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the office at office@homeschoolplus.org
Homeschool Plus
925 Ingleside Rd.
Norfolk, VA 23502

Classes and office hours
Tues- Wed- Thurs
8:30- 3:30

HSP Office: 757-466-3477