Marketing  & Publicity Weekly Update
Dec 7, 2018
A Light of Her Own 9781944995898
A Dreadful Fairy Book 9781948705141
  • (12/03) Guest blog post at Rate Your Story, "Thinking in Threes: Tips and Tricks for Writing a MG Trilogy."
  • (12/03) Guest blog post at The Lovely Books, "Fairy Tales and How They Influenced A Dreadful Fairy Book."

I Am Yours 9781948705110
The Truth About Leaving 9781948705097

Girl Boner 9781944995713
Fromage à Trois 9781948705134
Don't Get Too Excited  9781732081543
At the Far End of Nowhere  9780998701288
Excerpt: "This debut novel by Baltimore County's Christine Davis Merriman is a first-person coming-of-age story told by the introspective Lissa, who grows up in Baltimore during the '50s through '70s. We're engaged as the chapters unfold against a backdrop of the Vietnam War, women's lib, and the Civil Rights Movement. The historical elements of the book run even deeper, as Lissa recounts anecdotes told to her by her father-who has a sort of mad-scientist charm-and pulls stories from the diary of her mother, a nurse during World War II. At its heart, this is a moving story of a parent-child relationship that changes over time, as Lissa eventually becomes her father's caretaker and long-held family traumas are resolved together."

The Order of the Trees  9780990973317

To Raise the Fallen  9781621642565
The Abolition of Woman  9781621641698
Excerpt: "In its entirety, The Abolition of Woman is not merely an attack on anti-abortion feminism; it offers intellectual support for women who desire equality without going against their own consciences."
Calm in Chaos  9781621642367
Excerpt: "Those familiar with Fr Rutler's prose style will know that he is no mere literary aesthete (his parish is in an area of New York known as "Hell's Kitchen" as he likes to point out) but a man prepared to challenge the cant and confusion of official pronouncements both inside and outside the Church."

The Papacy  9781621642169
Black and Pro-Life in America  9781621640486
The Great Discovery  9781621642220
  • (12/05) Interview with Kresta in the Afternoon; air date TBD. 
  • (12/06) Interview with Seize the Day; live phone interview, 9 am (ET). 
  • (12/10) Interview scheduled with  Jon Leonetti in the Morning; live phone interview, 8:15 am (ET).
  • (12/19) Interview scheduled with Wake Up!; live phone interview, 8:35 am (ET). 
The Fragility of Order  9781621642374
Excerpt: " Weigel offers us sound insights from the past - an emphasis on evangelization, a strong sense of the uniqueness of our Catholic and American identities, of offering more than just "a way of not dying" - that can inform our search for "order" today. The correctives he offers to foreign policy "realism" and unchecked economic libertarianism deserve a full airing."

Collision  9781946154170
Excerpt: "I immediately felt captivated by J.S. Breukelaar's evocatively descriptive style, her convincing observations of human behavior and the incisive quality of her dialogue. At times it felt as though her characters, and the worlds they inhabited, were leaping off the page, demanding my full attention. Although each of the stories is very different, what remains constant throughout the collection is the author's skill in drawing her readers into the fantastical worlds she is describing. Yet these are worlds which, albeit in slightly distorted ways, are often all too easily recognizable, possibly because there is always an element of people struggling to make sense of, and adjust to, the world they are inhabiting."

Smoke City  9781946154163

Wings Unseen  9781946154002
The Year of the Knife  9780996626286
Excerpt: "The Year of the Knife by G.D. Penman is entertaining urban fantasy in the police procedural tradition, and will remind the reader of a Ben Aaronovitch novel with a slightly smaller cast. Meerkat has been putting out some very solid stuff, and this is another example of that."

Amazon Ebook December Deals: 
Amazon Daily Deals:

Date Title
Deal Price
12/18 Becoming Odyssa

Amazon Monthly Deals:

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Integrative Nutrition

Amazon India Ebook December Deals: 
Amazon India Daily Deals:

Date Title
Deal Price
12/8 Castle of Sighs
Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves
The Hidden Plague
12/20 Primal Endurance

Amazon India Monthly Deals:

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Damsel Distressed
Finn Finnegan
Almost Magic 9781939392121