Rabbi Carl M. Perkins
Cantor Jamie Gloth 
David A. Farbman, President
Shabbaton 2019
Rabbi David Jaffe
Friday, January 11 & Shabbat January 12, 2019
December 5, 2018 | 27 Kislev 5779
“Loving Peace, Pursuing Peace, A Jewish Owner’s Manual”

Learn what our Jewish texts have to say about managing conflict and peacemaking in these turbulent times

Building on our synagogue-wide theme of Ohev Shalom v'Rodef Shalom (Love Peace and Pursue Peace), enjoy a Shabbat designed to fill your soul and your stomach. Join Rabbi David Jaffe, our Scholar-in-Residence, your friends, and fellow congregants at the following services and discussions.

Friday, January 11, 6:15 pm : "Lips Aflame and Stormy Spirit"
Come for Kabbalat Shabbat followed by dinner and an exploration of the thinking and practice of Rabbi Israel Salanter, one of the most influential scholars and teachers of Jewish History. Register for dinner here .

Shabbat morning, January 12, 9:15 am : Rabbi Jaffe will give the d'var torah based on Parasha of the week, Bo.
After kiddush, join Rabbi Jaffe for a conversation on "When Justice and Peace Kiss: The Role of Truth in Deep Reconciliation."

Shabbat evening, January 12, 5:30-6:30 pm : Melave Malka (Havdalah program for Grade K-7 families), "Bringing Peacemaking into the Week." Register here for this program .

Find complete descriptions of the programs here .
Rabbi David Jaffe is the author of Changing the World from the Inside Out: A Jewish Approach to Personal and Social Change, winner of the National Jewish Book Award for Contemporary Jewish Life. His writing, teaching and consulting explore the intersection of Jewish wisdom and ethical action in the world. He is a faculty member with many leading Jewish foundations and institutes including the Wexner, Dorot and Schusterman foundations as well PRESIDE, the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, The Mussar Institute, Pardes and Hebrew College. For a full bio,click here .
***If you would like to help sponsor our Shabbaton, at a minimum contribution of $180, please contact Jill Jacobs , Shabbaton Committee Chair.