Dear Parish Family,

The Vestry has been spending much time in discernment on matters regarding search and the re-opening of the church.

The normal state of affairs is constantly-changing COVID guidelines, and long waiting periods for guidance from the Diocese. We are all aware that many of you are feeling fatigue and frustration with COVID protocols (we are too). We spent much time at Vestry last night deciding on ways that we can move back to normal during our services. Some of you may say it's “not enough” and we hear that frustration.

The ultimate authority on all these matters lies with the Diocese and the Bishop’s Council of Advice. The council moves with the utmost deliberation and so we must wait for big changes. Our state too, is moving with slow caution and state guidelines impact the Diocese as well.

For now you will see the following easing of restrictions.
  1. The 8 o’clock service will resume in the chapel in June, with masking and social distancing, as a “spoken” service. No reservations will be required but congregants will be asked to sign in with name and phone number for contact tracing purposes.
  2. Clergy and readers may read/preach unmasked (but must be masked at all other times or when the elements of communion are present). Communion from the back of the church continues to be the requirement - we will return to the front of the sanctuary as soon as we safely can.
  3. Small masked processions will start the services.
  4. Reservations are still necessary for the 10 am service but if you forget to reserve please come anyway, ushers will take your contact information and seat you as space is available.
  5. Baptisms and Funerals with social distancing, masking and size limits are permitted.
  6. Temperature screening will be discontinued, but if you feel ill in ANY way please stay home and watch the service on our livestream.
  7. Coffee hour will resume; please wear a mask when not actively eating or drinking and do your best to maintain social distance.
  8. Lay Eucharistic Visitors will be allowed to visit the homebound with specific safety guidelines.
  9. Outside groups will be allowed to use the Facilities on a phased-in tiered basis beginning mid June. All outside groups will be required to mask and social distance, and the kitchen Facilities continue to be closed to all groups. The Vestry will be contacting groups as the priorities are established. Please be patient if your group is required to wait for access.
  10. Sunday School will resume when school begins again in the Fall. Our Sunday School teachers have done a fantastic job with filming lessons during the pandemic and they are going to take a well deserved break for the summer. Youth groups will have their last meeting soon and will take their normal summer break.

The Vestry will be meeting on an ongoing basis as Diocesan and state guidelines are updated. Please continue to observe masking and distancing protocols on the church campus and at services. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate.
Our Search and Profile Committees have been formed!

The Vestry is so grateful to the faithful parishioners who have very graciously agreed to serve. Our Committees will be commissioned at the May 30th service.

Profile Committee: Albert Zimmerman, Shelly Zak, Maggie Spalding, Sue Egan, Tina van der Velden, Susan Ghormley, Darryl Tillman, Mary Ann Cronin, Wayne Hastings, Hal Yee, Joyce Alley, Robin Pano.

Search Committee: Alex Sams, Fabrizio Pelá, Anna Eakins, Joy Bacon, Kelly Lynch, Mark Hamilton.

Thank you to everyone for your continued faith during this period of transition. The Vestry appreciates your grace. God is with us all.
Message from Jerry+
Becoming Pentecostal Christians   

This Sunday we will celebrate Pentecost. The Greek word means “fiftieth” and refers to the agricultural festival described in Leviticus 23:15-21. The “Feast of Weeks” occurred seven weeks after Passover when the Israelites would offer the first fruits of their harvest to God. In Acts 2, we read of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, the first sermon by Peter, and the first fruits of evangelism with about 3000 persons baptized.
Episcopalians do not usually see themselves as Pentecostal which is characterized by emotionalism and boisterous worship.
But we should see ourselves as Pentecostal in the sense the results of the Spirit’s outpouring as described in Acts 2:42: “They [the newly baptized] devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Those four marks of the church should be true for all of us.
  • What do they mean for you? 
  • Will you devote yourself to the apostles teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and to prayer?
Thank you for your patience as we adapt to the rapidly changing COVID safety protocols. I understand your eagerness to get back to normal as soon as possible. Your clergy and vestry are cautiously moving forward to protect us all. We will strive to keep you informed of the progress we are making and we ask your prayer as we make these important decisions.
This Sunday - Covid Memorial Service
Take Part in a Covid Memorial Services on Pentecost evening, May 23rd at 5:00 p.m.
Two options - a large diocesan service available on-line (Click here and scroll down for details), and the other will be a small remembrance held in person, outside, in the St Francis Memorial garden, also at 5:00 p.m.

Please send Jude any names of people you know who have died of Covid or suffered great losses. I will submit those names to the Diocese. Then I invite you to join Jerry+ and me in the St. Francis Garden at 5:00pm May 23rd for a short service of prayer and remembrance.
RSVP via Text: 310-701-5966 or email.
A Message from Jude+

The arrival of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost is one of my very favorite celebrations, and it is called the Baptism of the Church, a Baptism by the tongues of fire sent by Jesus through the Holy Spirit. On Pentecost the disciples are transformed into agents of change, infusing into the world the Third Way, the way of the Gospel, the Way of love.

This Sunday, as we celebrate the wonders of Pentecost, we will also be welcoming Barron Bradley Bredesen into the family of God through the sacrament of Baptism. The hope, joy
and promise of Baptism is made even more powerful because we have not had a Baptism in our church for so long. In the middle of our service, in front of us all, we will welcome
this child as we renew our own Baptismal vows. Baptism is at the center of our faith, where we are sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ’s own forever. I hope you will be able to attend or tune in on Sunday for this glorious event.

Jude+, cell 310-701-5966.
Remember to Reserve Your Place for Sunday Worship!

  • To attend the service you must reserve a place in advance so that we can manage social distancing and keep records as per Diocesan rules.
  • Click here to make your reservation. Please read details of our safety precautions when you reserve your place. Note - you don't need to print a paper ticket. We have an electronic record we refer to on Sunday mornings.
  • And dress in layers - the doors will be open for ventilation.
  • If you have problems with the online system please contact Mary in the church office - 310 375 4617.
  • Livestreamed worship will still continue - indefinitely - to take our mission out beyond our walls, and to those who cannot, or do not wish to attend in person. Our at-home congregation are loved and appreciated and not forgotten!

Please contact Kristina Pelá to arrange for a lay Eucharistic Minister to safely bring you communion.
New Bible Class Begins – Four Great Parables
June 8th 7:00-8:30pm, on Zoom
Email Jude+ for the link.

Short Stories by Jesus by Amy Jill Levine will be our resource as we look at four famous parables:
   June 8:  The Mustard Seed
   June 15: The Pearl of Great Price
   June 22: The Laborers in the Vineyard
   June 29: The Rich Man and Lazarus

Come and join Jack Hailwood, Suellen Eslinger and me for questions and more questions
about what Jesus was getting at with first century followers and what He might still be
trying to get at with us!
Meanwhile, Rev. Jude, together with lay leaders, continues to offer opportunities for faith, connection and pastoral care, as below.
Please don't hesitate to contact her by email, phone, text 310-701-5966, or in person, with questions/prayers/requests/ideas for other groups or practices. We deeply want to continue to support all of our church family as we navigate these 'in-between' times with regard to the pandemic, and as we move forward into a new normal.
Join Us...
...for the quiet, peaceful, 15-minute service of Compline.

Every Monday-Wednesday-Friday evenings at 7:00 pm. Live on the St Francis Facebook Page.
Led by a group of lay leaders - and we have some new faces joining the team!
Watch and comment with others live, or watch later in the evening before you sleep.
What is Compline anyway? Read more here.
Thursday Morning Meditation and Bible Study
Every Thursday 9:30-10:30am - on Zoom
Contact Jude+ for the zoom link.
Become part of an intimate group who spend a while in meditation together followed by a time of Bible Study and discussion. On zoom it's easy! No driving; bring your own coffee; come and go as you need.
Do you need help of any kind?
Physical, Spiritual, Psychological, Material?
We are here to do our best to help you with whatever you may need. We know circumstances are difficult for many at this time. For help of any kind, or just for a Zoom or Facetime or phone call, please email or call Jerry+ or Jude+ at any time.
You are not interrupting our work - you ARE our work!
Jude+, 310-701-5966.
Watch Our Services Live via Facebook and Youtube
Sunday Morning Worship – Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Worship bulletins are here.
Our Youtube Channel holds our Worship and Sermon videos, plus Virtual Choirs, and more! Hit Subscribe while you're there!!
You do not need to have a Facebook page to view our content. Just click here to view our page.
Compline - Live via our Facebook page
Prayer for the evening - Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings, 7:00 p.m.
Livestreams are also saved to our Facebook page, so you can watch again at any time if you miss one.

Other Offerings and Meetings
Zoom groups -
Enews Submission Deadline - 3pm on the Wednesday before the Thursday when the enews is issued each week. Email Susan with your requests.
View or download our bulletins - bulletins will be posted in time for livestreaming.

Sunday's Sermon

The Rev. Jude Lyons, 310-375 4617 x225, cell 310-701-5966.