Announcements | Upcoming Events |  Articles of Interest

Attention all Partners!

Please take note that these new forms have been added to the MCSP site:

-OSU Bookstore Withdrawal Form 11-2018
-Simply Mac Withdrawal Form 11-2018

Helpful Hacks for a Holiday Season on a Budget


Savings and Budgeting Tips:


DIY Gift Ideas:


The Oregon Stop the Debt Trap Alliance is a group of Oregon-based agencies working for consumer rights in Oregon. Innovative Changes is on the steering committee for the Alliance. They are preparing to support 2 bills in Oregon in 2019: one to help hold student loan servicers accountable, and one to protect consumers against "debt stacking", where payday lenders allow or encourage borrowers to take out multiple loans so they can charge extra fees. 
They are looking for people who have experience with either student loan collections problems, or with payday loan debt stacking, to tell their stories. They can accept your story in writing, but they also need people who are willing to speak out about these issues; they will help you prepare and learn to tell your story effectively! For more information, and to tell your story (you will have the option to remain anonymous): 


Individual savers can now set up a Retirement Account through 

" OregonSaves is a new, simple way for Oregonians to save for retirement at work. Employees contribute part of their paycheck into their own personal IRAs that stay with them throughout their careers. The program also benefits employers who don't offer a qualified retirement plan by helping them compete with businesses that do. Brought to you by Oregon State Treasury, the program is overseen by the Oregon Retirement Savings Board and administered by a program service provider."

To learn more about OregonSaves or to open an account, please visit or call 844-661-6777.


Need help navigating debt? CASA offers Student Loan Counseling and Classes!

Schedule a student loan coaching session with Lane Thompson our VIDA & MCSP Program Manager. Sessions can take place remotely or at Innovative Changes:  2027 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR 97232. Click here to learn more!

Did you know we teach student loan classes in the community?! Contact Lane for more info!

Upcoming Events

Part One: Making Ends Meet 
This workshop is geared toward participants who are struggling to make ends meet- potentially burdened by heavy debt-loads and/or living paycheck to paycheck. It is designed for those who are not yet in a position to pursue long-term household budgeting and savings, but who recognize the need to take control of their finances. 
Part Two: Budgeting and Saving for Your Goals
Participants create and learn how to manage a household budget by tracking spending, managing variable expenses, and accounting for changes in income. Participants will set short-term and long-term goals and use their budget to achieve those goals.

Part Three: Hands-On Banking
This workshop provides participants with an overview of banking services and how to use them successfully and responsibly. 
Part Four: Building, Repairing and Protecting Credit 

This workshop helps participants understand how credit works and gives them the tools to access their credit reports, dispute inaccurate information and address derogatory items. In addition, participants explore how to make strategic decisions to increase their credit scores and how to protect themselves from identity theft and scams.

Part Five: Retirement 101 

In this workshop participants will learn how to assess different types of retirement accounts. Structure a plan for retirement based on what their projected needs and wants will be. Participants will assess their retirement savings and come up with a plan for reaching their retirement goal. Participants will leave able to recognize the benefits to compounding interest accounts.


Innovative Changes will be hosting Financial Empowerment Clinics at  City of Portland's Fix-it Fair
The Fix-It Fair is a FREE City of Portland event where you can learn simple ways to save money and connect with resources. Join your neighbors and talk to the experts about how to spend less and stay healthy. 
Community resources will be available as well as free lunch, raffle prizes, and childcare. Make this the time that you get in control of your finances and your financial future!  Professional financial planners will also be on hand for one on one sessions, at no charge.  Walk-ins welcome. Sign up for one of these dates:


Financial Education Classes offered at

Articles of Interest