"Keeping people with disabilities moving!"
FODAC Helped Bring Smiles Back to Charlie
When 3-year-old Charlie broke his leg while climbing on a cattle gate, he became a very unhappy little boy. His injury required him to stay off his leg while it healed, and all he could do was lie on the couch and watch tv – not exactly what an active farmboy should be doing in the sunny summer months. But then FODAC stepped in with a pediatric wheelchair – and suddenly Charlie was rolling all around the house! His favorite activity was rolling up to the kitchen table where he could once again play with his Legos and modeling clay. His “roly chair” brought back the smiling, happy boy he was before the accident, and Mom and Dad were thankful for not having to carry him around all day. “We are so thankful that FODAC helped to make the healing journey a little easier,” said Charlie’s mom Jeni. “This is what caring and compassion is about. Thank you FODAC!”
The FODAC Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser
supports our HME Program - which includes vital pediatric mobility equipment
The FODAC Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser is just three weeks away (October 5 at Stone Mountain Golf Club), but sponsorships are still available, ranging from $500 for a hole sponsor to $10,000 for a platinum sponsorship which includes registration for four foursomes and prominent corporate signage. Don't miss your opportunity to be part of this major event - for details or to sign up, contact Stephen Barwick at stephenbarwick@fodac.org or 770.491.9014.

Registration is open, with prices ranging from $175 for an individual player to $600 for a foursome. Visit fodac.org/golf for details and registration.

We appreciate those sponsors who have already made a commitment.
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor