MAP Reminder for 3rd - 5th Grade Families
Dear Families,

This is a reminder that MAP testing for 3rd - 5th grades will be on Monday, August 24th. Your student’s proctor has already sent a Google Calendar invitation with the Google Meet link; the proctor will be a Lycée teacher, but may not be your student’s assigned teacher. Your student should attend this Google Meet instead of their regularly scheduled instruction. While each session is scheduled for two hours, MAP is self-paced; the average completion time is approximately 60 minutes. The proctor will give further directions to your student, including how to access the MAP testing site and their MAP session and password. Should you have any questions, please contact your student’s proctor or the person on MAP Support during your student’s scheduled time.

In order for students to correctly access the MAP testing site, two things need to occur:

Your device’s display settings must be set to 1024x768 or higher and the Scaling/Zoom is set at 100%. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
Pop-up blockers must be disabled. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.

If there are significant technical difficulties or your student is absent, there will be a make-up date in September; more information will be communicated at a later date.

Thank you,

The Johnson Academic Team
Lycée Français de la Nouvelle-Orléans | 504.620.5500 | |