Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Applications open until February 1
The Center for Latin American Studies is pleased to announce that it is now accepting
applications for its Summer 2019 and Academic Year 2019-2020 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS)
Fellowship Competitions.
The deadline for application submission is Friday, February 1,
2019, 4:30 pm EST.
For more information on the fellowship and application, please
Counter Land-Grabbing by the Precariat: Housing Movements and Restorative Justice in Brazil
Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 at 5:30 PM
Gui Auditorium, Knowlton Hall
Dr. Clara Irazábal-Zurita* will lecture on social housing movements in Brazil, whose majority members are part of Brazil's lowest-income class. They are courageously pressing for true urban reform in Brazil, whose old promise has been systematically delayed and subverted, even by some of those who were put in power to
realize it. Through restorative justice practices, they go beyond critique
and press for an alternate sociopolitical project that would allow millions of people in Brazil access to decent housing. Irazábal explores the interactions of culture, politics, and placemaking, and their impact on community development and socio-spatial justice in Latin American cities and Latino and immigrant communities. Irazábal has published academic work in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian.
*Irazábal, PhD, is the Director of the Latina/o Studies Program and Professor of Planning with tenure in the Department of Architecture.
Hispanic Linguistics Colloquium
Friday, November 9th, 2018
11 AM - 12:30 PM
Derby Hall 48
This workshop is intended to briefly showcase some of the possible
applications of the Max Planck Institute for
Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen) EUDICO Linguistic Annotator (ELAN), both for
teaching as well as research. ELAN provides a powerful interface to transcribe
and code video and audio samples, and permits import from and export to a
variety of formats suitable for further analysis.
If interested in practicing during the workshop, participants should:
1) Download the latest version of MPI's ELAN and any required Java updates
2) Prepare a video and/or audio file that they may want to work with, either
for teaching or for research purposes.
2:20 - 3:40 PM
Hagerty Hall 255
Language mixing has mainly been studied from the viewpoint of the sociolinguistic contexts and functions underlying it and with the aim of discovering/explaining the universal and specific structural conditions that must be satisfied by mixed codes. This talk's goal is to reanalyze some well-known data from Paraguayan Jopara (i.e., Guarani-Spanish mixing) and propose a debate around the possibility of explaining structural restrictions and borrow-ability divergences on the basis of cognitive and processing considerations.
Guest speaker: Professor Bruno Estigarribia (University of North Carolina)
Sunday, November 11th, 2018 at 2 PM
Riley Auditorium, Otterbein College Campus, Westerville, OH
Professor Elvia Andia and OSU graduate, Jessica Kahn, have been working on a Quechua Song Cycle called Tawa Inkap Takiynin (Cuatro canciones incaicas/Four Inca Songs) by Theodoro Valcárcel. In a Women in Music Concert, Kahn will feature the first of the Four Songs, "Suray, Surita", with pianist Elmer Cabotage. Jennifer Hambrick of WOSU will also be performing on this concert.
Concert and nearby parking are free.
Job Posting: Columbus Council on World Affairs
The Columbus Council on World Affairs is hiring an additional professional to help support and expand their team! If you are passionate about global education, committed to growth, and eager to join a high-performing team, please consider applying for the following positions:
The Program Manager is responsible for supporting program logistics, facilitation, development, and planning for the Columbus Council on World Affairs' fastest growing program, the Global Scholars Diploma (GSD) program, and the Signature Luncheon series. Success in this role requires consistently delivering prompt, organized, dependable programming with thoughtful prioritization, impeccable attention to detail, and unparalleled professionalism. The Program Manager should enjoy working as part of a team, demonstrate positivity and enthusiasm, as well as enjoy working with students. INTERNSHIPS (Part-Time, Unpaid Position)
An internship experience with CCWA is an invaluable opportunity to be immersed in the dynamics of the professional non-profit community of central Ohio, while establishing worthwhile connections and developing a deep appreciation and knowledge for global affairs.
The Council offers three cycles for internships, each with its own deadline for applications:
Summer (May - Aug): March 15, 2019 Fall (Sep - Dec): June 15, 2019 Spring (Jan - Apr): November 1, 2019
For more information call: (614) 229-4599
On Heritage and Struggle: Deconstructing Neoliberal Assumptions and Realities
Indiana University Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) Student Association welcomes you to their 8th annual graduate conference entitled "On Heritage and Struggle: Deconstructing Neoliberal Assumptions and Realities". They are accepting not only paper applications from graduate students, but also poster submissions from undergraduate and graduate students. This conference aims to promote inventive discussions and intellectual re-conceptualizations that foster a novel approach to Latin American and Caribbean studies. This conference is designed to showcase research that examines and challenges presuppositions of the diverse social, political, cultural, economic, technological, and environmental themes present in the region.
The conference will take place on Friday March 1st and Saturday March 2nd and the
submission deadline is
November, 25th, 2018
Venezuela Under Siege: Challenges from Within & Without
Monday, December 3rd, 2018 7 PM
CWA Local, 4502, 620 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH
Steve Ellner will be stopping by Columbus on his National Speaking Tour to discuss the current political situation in Venezuela. Ellner has taught Economic History at the Universidad de Oriente in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela since 1977. He is the author of numerous books and journal/magazine articles on Venezuelan history and politics.
4th Environmental Film Series
November 19, 2018 (7-8:50 PM)
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering & Chemistry
Room 130
The School of Environment and Natural Resources & Office of Energy and Environment invite you to the 4th Environmental Film Series. Along with the film showing will also be an expert-led discussion and free pizza/beverages at 6:30 PM.
"A River Below" tells of a gripping tale of two South American activists' attempts to use media coverage and images to save the Amazon's endangered pink river dolphin, but forced to struggle with ethics and social issues.
*Barb Revard (Director of Sustainability. Columbus Zoo & Aquarium) and Beth Armstrong (PhD, Associate Director, OSU Humanities Institute) will be present to lead a discussion on the topic.
K-12 Global Fellowship Program
Join the Area Studies Centers from the The Ohio State University's Office of International Affairs for a four-part Minority Issues Around the World Global Fellowship Program for K-12 teachers.
The K-12 Global Fellowship Program will engage K-12 teachers in a series of four guided readings, lectures, and group discussions over the course of the 2018-19 academic year. K-12 teachers will explore minority issues in
East Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East under the guidance of a regional expert. Teachers may opt to attend individual sessions, or the whole series. Each participant will receive a contact hour certificate for each session that they attend. Readings will be sent to registered participants two weeks prior to each discussion date below.
Enarson Classroom Building*, Room 160, 10:00AM-12:00PM on the following Saturdays:
November 17, Center for Slavic and East European Studies presents:
"Roma and Minorities in Southeastern Europe" by Dr. Sunnie Rucker-Chang, U. of Cincinnati
February 9, East Asian Studies Center presents:
"Ethnicity in China: Ethnic Minority Cultures in Southwest China" by Dr. Mark Bender, Ohio State U.
February 16, Center for Latin American Studies presents:
"Afro-Brazilian Journeys Towards Freedom" by Dr. Isis Barra Costa, Ohio State U.
March 23, Middle East Studies Center presents:
*Enarson Classroom Building, 2009 Millikin Rd, Columbus, OH 43210. Parking available in the Tuttle Park Place Garage, 2000 Tuttle Park Pl., Columbus OH 43210. Teachers who attend the whole session will be provided with a paid parking token. |
Tinker Fellow: Jeff Gunderson
 The Tinker Foundation funds enabled Jeff Gunderson to conduct important research in the Peruvian Andes, where there is a rapidly growing need for a more complete understanding of climate change. Specifically, his fieldwork consisted of sampling cores from a new, undescribed species of Polylepis trees in the Cordillera Huaytapallana region of Peru. His aim was/is to evaluate the relationship between the radial growth of this tree species and climate, which ultimately will allow us to assess if the annual growth rings can serve as a reliable proxy for past climate. In the
process of carrying out this work, Gunderson established meaningful connections with people within Peruvian and Chilean academic institutions as well as with Peruvian government agency personnel. "The Tinker award afforded me the opportunity to have an amazing hands-on, intercultural field experience, while simultaneously inspiring personal and academic growth," he adds.
Tinker Field Research Grants are awarded to graduate students to support pre-dissertation research travel to and within Latin America. CLAS affiliates will be invited to attend "Tinker Talk" round table events throughout the year that feature the research progress of our Tinker Fellows.