News from the City of Lake Elmo
November 30,  2018
Meetings next week:  

Tuesday, December 4th: City Council Meeting 7:00PM

Links to the 2018 City Meetings, Agendas and Meeting Minutes: 


Ordinance Change Notice

Council will be discussing changes to the snow removal ordinance at their 12/4 meeting.

Potential changes will relate to the requirements for snow removal on sidewalks.

The current ordinance 96.03(A)(B)(23) reads:
 (A)   The following are declared to be nuisances affecting peace and safety.

  (B) 2 3)    Snow on streets and sidewalks.   All snow and ice not removed from public sidewalks 12 hours after the snow and ice has stopped precipitating.  Snow plowed or shoveled into a public street shall be declared a nuisance;

12/4 - City Council Meeting Agenda

Online Bill Pay Now Available

The City of Lake Elmo has launched a new online bill pay option for utility bills.  To pay your bill online, visit the City's website at:  

Once on the website, click on the "Online Bill Pay Now Available" article under the City News & Events heading.  Click the "Pay Online" button and create new account using the "First-time User" button on the next page.  

After your account is created you will be able to login with your email address and your newly created password.  Please note that your "Utility Account Number" will be required to create a new login, so have your utility bill ready!

Summaries of the October meetings of the Government and 3M Working Group and the Citizen-Business Group are now posted on the 3M Settlement website. Also available is a presentation from the Minn. Department of Health on the spatial extent of the PFAS contamination. 

Other maps showing PFC contamination in Washington County are available on the MDH website.

The next round of working group meetings are scheduled for December 18 and 19.

Meeting agendas will be available soon. All 3M Settlement work group meetings are open to the public, and time is reserved at each meeting for questions from attendees.

Winter Parking Ordinance Now in Effect!

City plow truck on Marquess Lane blocked by cars parked on the road

With winter weather rapidly approaching, the City's winter parking ordinance is now in effect.  The winter parking ordinance prohibits parking on Lake Elmo streets from November 1 through March 31 between 2:00 AM and 7:00 AM, or during a snow event outside of those hours.


Remember, if the City's trucks are blocked they can't plow your streets!

Please Keep Garbage Cans Behind Your Curb

Per City Code, please keep your solid waste and recycling receptacles behind the curb for pickup.  The City's plow drivers are unable to efficiently clear the streets with these receptacles in the roadway.

Now Hiring Seasonal Warming House Attendants!

The City of Lake Elmo is looking for warming house attendants at Lion's Park. Attendants will represent the City of Lake Elmo and are responsible for the warming house and surrounding ice rinks during hours of operation. The Attendant will maintain a safe, clean environment during each shift. These are seasonal positions; dates and hours of employment are subject to seasonal warming house/rink operation requirements. 

If you are interested please fill out the application below.  

Completed applications can be mailed to:
City of Lake Elmo
Attn: Jake Foster, Assistant City Administrator
3880 Laverne Ave. N., Lake Elmo MN

or emailed to:
Thanksgiving, Reflections of Our Greatest Treasures
By: Rolf Larson 

Windows into the past cover the walls of Gorman's restaurant. The comforting places, the friends who inhabit those places and the families with which we surround ourselves.

Today, as in the past, it is the people bring meaning to our lives in the backdrops of the communities we chose as home. The chosen frame for this occasion is a reflection of our community some 70 to 80 years ago. The people may have changed but the circles of friendship and family are much the same. May Lake Elmo fulfill the promise for you as it has for earlier generations.

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!

(Friends, family and familiar surroundings. That pretty much says it all for this Thanksgiving weekend. Photos courtesy of the Gorman's Restaurant Collection.)
Lion's Park Signs

The City is taking orders for new signs at Lion's Park for the 2019 season.  If you'd like to purchase a sign to advertise on the Lion's Park ballpark fence, or renew your current sign, the deadline to do so is April 1, 2019.

The cost of the signs are $500 per year for a 4'x8' sign, and $900 per year for a 4'x16' sign.  To begin work on designing your sign, email Kathy Weeks at  For all other questions contact City Administrator, Kristina Handt at or 651-747-3905.

November Kindness Campaign

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."  - Desmond Tutu
Last month our challenge was to help someone with their Fall leaf cleanup. I was the recipient of unexpected help last week and what a wonderful surprise that was! It was just awesome to come home and see the grass instead of a yard full of leaves! It is with a thankful heart that I present this month's challenge...
"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness." - William Arthur Ward
World Kindness Day  is an international day of observance on November 13th. It was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement a coalition of nations kindness NGOs. It is observed in many countries, including CanadaJapan, Australia, Nigeria and United Arab Emirates. In 2009, Singapore, Italy and India also observed the day for the first time. Please take the time to visit to learn more about kind acts happening throughout the country. In observance of World Kindness Day, I challenge you to smile at every stranger you encounter. Just think of how many happy moments that will create during the next 30 days!

As always, we can't wait to hear your story. Please share your moments with us at and always remember...
Kindness is unifying!
Join Us Saturday at Sunfish Park to Cut Down Buckthorn.

We had a smashing success last month at the Buckthorn Festival. We had over 70 people come to cut down buckthorn and a total of 100 that were at the lunch and festivities. We are already planning for next year's festival. A special thank you to our sponsors, The Lake Elmo JCs, Lake Elmo Inn, Lake Elmo Bank, Gormans, Hagbergs, and Lake Elmo Coffee.
We'd love to have you join us at 10:00 AM this Saturday 12/1 to continue our work.