Meet The Makers and Creators
of what we love about The Hudson Valley:
Featuring: ImmuneSchein Ginger Elixirs
West Hurley, NY

Lemon, ginger, honey, and that's it. What many customers thought was simply a teahouse, got them hooked on Corinna and Jason Geib's ginger elixir, ImmuneSchein. Its three simple ingredients speak for themselves in the world of natural remedies. Both with backgrounds in business and a drive for doing the right thing, Corinna and Jason make an impeccable team and a delicious product... Read more

Hours:  Friday and Saturday 12pm to 6pm
Location: 43 Basin Road West Hurley, NY
Contact:  (828) 319 - 1844 or (845) 389 - 3497
Congratulations Lindsay

Our Food and Beverage Coordinator just received her certificate of completion for the Good Manufacturing Practices Internet Training Course. 

The course, taken through Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, reviews the requirements of Part 117 - Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food in Title 21 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. It was specifically designed for anyone with responsibilities ensuring food processing, wholesale, and warehouse operations meet current GMP requirements.

Meet our new GMP Expert!

Time and time again we are delighted and blown away by the passion and creativity of the individuals in the Food and Beverage sector of the Hudson Valley - each and every one unique and willing to share their story with us. 

Are you part of the Food and Beverage industry?
Are you creating something you would like us to write about for our next edition?

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