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17383 W. Sunset Blvd #A230 
Pacific Palisades, CA, 90272
                                                                310) 230-2145

What is your stress doing to you?
March 202 0
P hoto by H.Arlander

Article by 
Edward D. Wagner DC
What is your stress doing to you?

We are under new types of stress. Fear of disease, fear of social interaction, fear of economic collapse, fear of no future, fear of no return of freedom. 

Each of these concerns will accumulate in the body and the neuro-electrical systems. The body develops patterns of adaptation which interfere with the fullness of expression of life. 

Most of my patients are aware of how toxic memories of the past were inherently involved in their symptomotology. Most have gone through neuro-emotional clearings as part of our healing treatments in our office. This new stress will do the same, creating patterns which have life long detrimental effects. 

The key is that rather than waiting 10 to 20 years to find the experience and release it, we can do it now! Treatments during a stress period prevent it from taking hold and developing a pattern of imbalance which always leads to symptomotology or restricted expression of life. 

In analyzing the causes of patient's symptoms, it always falls into the following:
  • 1/3 structural imbalances, whether past injuries or chronic postural habits
  • 1/3 toxicity or nutritional deficiencies
  • 1/3 past traumatic stresses
Each of these can be intertwined with each other, forming a complex imbalance at the root of the complaint. 
As such, this stress period is adding onto and becoming part of old PTSD's which we haven't found yet. Those that are coming to this office during this hard time are experiencing the greatest healing they have ever had. We are able to find old PTSD's which were hidden during the comfortable state of life. Now is the time to be treated, not later. 

You will be safe in our office. We are not allowing sick individuals to come.  Those few respiratory symptoms are being treated by phone consultation only.  


Always look for the natural cure.  Spread the word and 
tell your friends who may be suffering.
No one does it better than... 

Wagner Holistic Center
17383 Sunset Blvd. Suite A230
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
310) 230-2145 

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