Parenting During COVID-19 Workshop
As a part of ACGC’s commitment to support parents, we are offering a one hour virtual and real-time workshop on parenting during COVID-19. We know many people are struggling to balance work, childcare, home-based teaching, and parenting, in the face of the current pandemic. And, we know many parents are struggling with how to deal with these stresses as well as help their children manage worries. You don’t have to do it alone.

During this workshop, parents and caregivers will learn:
  • Strategies to help their child manage difficult feelings
  • Concrete ideas on how to help children and parents cope and develop routines
  • Ideas on how to talk to children/teens about COVID-19 and changes in school, shelter-in-place, etc.
Who: All Parents, guardians and caregivers of children from elementary to high school.
Where: Once you have registered, you will receive an email with further information on how you can join this online workshop.
Cost: Free, donations are suggested during registration.
Dates & Times:

To register, click the link above with your preferred time. Space is limited. Households with multiple viewers are asked to register separately for our grant reporting purposes.
Crianza de los hijos durante COVID-19
Como parte del compromiso de ACGC de apoyar a los padres, estamos ofreciendo un taller para padres virtual y en tiempo real de 1 hora sobre la crianza de los hijos durante COVID-19. Sabemos que muchas personas luchan por equilibrar el trabajo, el cuidado de los niños, la enseñanza en el hogar y la crianza de los hijos, frente a la pandemia actual. Y sabemos que muchos padres tienen dificultades para lidiar con estos estreses y para ayudar a sus hijos a manejar las preocupaciones. No tienes que hacerlo solo.

Durante este taller, los padres aprenderán:
  •  Estrategias para ayudar a su hijo a manejar sentimientos difíciles.
  • Ideas concretas sobre cómo ayudar a los niños y a los padres a sobrellevar y desarrollar rutinas.
  • Ideas sobre cómo hablar con niños / adolescentes sobre COVID-19, los cambios en la escuela, y refugio en lugar.

Quiénes: Todos los padres y tutores.
Donde: Una vez que termine de registrarse , Ud. recibirá un correo con indicaciones de como participar en este taller virtual.
Costo: Gratis, se sugiere una donación cuando se registre.

Learning to adjust to life in the context of COVID-19 is difficult for everyone. This is a time of universal stress, worry, fear, loss, isolation, and anxiety for people around the world. Each child and each family will deal with the emotional and behavioral implications differently. It becomes even more complicated when one is not able to access help with a mental health professional in a face-to-face setting.

With that in mind, there are many quality resources available to help navigate emotional and behavioral issues during this stressful time.
Austin Child Guidance Center | | 512-451-2242