April 26, 2021

Republic School District Families and Employees,

The district has been made aware of the following COVID19 cases:

Price: One student was last on campus when contagious on 4/19 and a second student on 4/22.

At the direction of the Springfield-Greene County Health Department all individuals considered low-risk exposures to the individuals who tested positive will be contacted by school via email as they are eligible for a modified quarantine (Can attend school, ride the bus and attend STRIPES, but must quarantine outside of school.). Any high-risk, unmasked exposures who were exposed that need to traditionally quarantine will be called individually by a district employee or by Maximus (3rd party on behalf of Greene-County Health Department).
Information in regards to the district's response to COVID19 (including a weekly case tracker) can be found at https://www.republicschools.org/healthupdates. Also, the graphic below outlines quarantine protocols. Thank you for your support and flexibility as we navigate this time.

Josey McPhail
Director of Communications
Republic School District