A Mid-Session Update On Our 2019 Legislative Priorities


At the Campaign for College Opportunity, advancing ambitious, equitable, and actionable policies that remove barriers to student success is core to everything we do.
That is why we've called upon our state leaders to create a bold new vision for higher education that addresses the realities we face an aging workforce, large education disparities by race and ethnicity, and not graduating enough people with college credentials to meet current and projected job market demand. To keep our economy strong, California needs 60 percent of adults to have a degree or credential by 2030 which means we need to produce 1.65 million more graduates over the next decade.

As we approach mid-session of the 2019 legislative session, we reflect on the recommendations from Our California: A Blueprint for Higher Education and are proud that our 2019 Legislative Agenda advances many of these policies to further student success and opportunity. Endorsed by over 100 state leaders, Our California is a statewide effort that provides an ambitious plan for higher education to increase college graduates and keep our economy strong.
Last month, the Legislature advanced hundreds of bills that will continue through the legislative process. Below you will find a number of our supported bills that have moved out of their house of origin and will continue to make their way through the session.
We thank you for your continued partnership and unapologetic support of vital student-centered reforms that will help ensure more students reach their college dreams.
Jessie Ryan
Executive Vice President
Our California Blueprint for Higher Education
Policy Agenda
Create a Strong Longitudinal Data System for Education
The Campaign strongly supports the Governor’s proposed allocation of $10 million to establish such a data system, SB 2 (Glazer) and AB 1466 (Irwin) , which would set California on a path towards establishing a statewide longitudinal data system to fully understand the opportunities, roadblocks, and outcomes of its students, institute data-informed decision making in order to address growing equity gaps in educational success, and ensure the strength of our economy.
Establish a Central Coordinating Body in Higher Education
SB 3 (Allen) and AB 130 (Low) would establish state-level leadership positioned to confront challenges by creating a central, state-level higher education coordinating body responsible for the planning, oversight, and coordination necessary to meeting future workforce demands.
Expand Access at the California State University & University of California
The Campaign supports the Governor’s proposed expansion of 7,000 seats at the CSU and the various proposals currently under consideration by the Legislature to expand enrollment capacity at the UC and CSU to meet workforce and student demands for higher education.
Expand Access to Financial Aid & Prioritize Aid for Low-Income Families
SB 291 (Leyva) would establish the California Community College Financial Aid Program and help close the gap of unmet financial need faced by students in covering their total cost of attending college.

SB 461 (Roth) would expand state financial aid opportunities to students enrolled in summer session courses at the UC and CSU.
Fix Transfer
SB 484 (Portantino) seeks to simplify the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) certification process for students who complete the requirements for the degree and transfer to UC or CSU to ensure that students who meet criteria for an ADT receive its benefits.
Re-Engage Adults
SB 554 (Roth) would expand dual enrollment opportunities for adults who are enrolled in a High School Equivalency program in order to jump start their college education goals and better prepare them for a future career.
Our California Capitol Conversations Series
Please join us for another critical conversation on why we must and how we can establish a strong higher education coordinating body to oversee our institutions, drive student success, close equity gaps, and meet future workforce demand. This briefing is the third in the Blueprint for California Higher Education Capitol Briefing Series, which explores recommendations from our Blueprint for increasing college graduates and keeping our economy strong.
Establishing a Central Coordinating Body in Higher Education

June 26, 2019
1:00 - 2:15 pm
State Capitol Room 444 Sacramento, California
California Undocumented Higher Education Coalition Policy Agenda
The Campaign for College Opportunity is proud to facilitate the California Undocumented Higher Education Coalition, which brings together educators, community allies, and students to strengthen California's workforce and economy by ensuring college access and success for undocumented youth in our state.
Read the Coalition's legislative agenda below:
Address the Lack of Financial Aid for Undocumented Students
AB 540 (Limon) would establish a service-incentive grant program to offer stipends to students that complete volunteer or community service hours and meet academic requirements.

SB 354 (Durazo) would extend the California Dream Loan program and affordable borrowing options to students pursuing graduate or professional education.
Ensure Campus Legal Support for Undocumented Students
AB 1645 (Rubio) would ensure there is a dedicated staff person knowledgeable about the resources and programs available for undocumented students at each public college and university in California.