Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month
April is Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month. As the Kansas chapter for Prevent Child Abuse America, Kansas Children's Service League (KCSL) is dedicated to raising awareness of child abuse prevention efforts. Our role is to provide tools, training and technical assistance to groups, collaborations and agencies across the state to support local prevention efforts. This year’s campaign will look a little different. To continue practicing social distancing to decrease the spread of COVID-19, we are changing some of the ways we promote prevention. When planning your CAP Month events, don’t be afraid to think outside the box!
Pinwheels for Prevention is a national campaign through Prevent Child Abuse America designed to reframe child abuse prevention. The blue pinwheel is a symbol for child abuse and neglect prevention and represents the great childhoods all children deserve. It should not be equated with "negative" numbers such as mortality rates. Learn more about the campaign HERE.

Pinwheel gardens will still be planted during April, though we may need to get creative due to social distancing. Rather than doing a large public planting at a local childcare center, some centers could provide pinwheels to individual children and their parents and encourage parents to share photos on Facebook and Twitter with #GreatChildhoods. Photos of pinwheels in iconic places are always a great addition, too! We had some amazing pictures last year and hope this will continue.
CAP Month Resources
We updated our online toolkit to reflect changes made due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The toolkit includes documents that can be easily localized like a sample letter to the editor, city and county proclamations, talking points, and much more! For more information about the toolkit, contact Pam Noble.
Watch our CAP Month webinar for more information and technical assistance.
How to Participate during COVID-19
If you can’t have a public proclamation signing, ask if the city council or county commission will sign the proclamation and mail it to you. If the meeting is being live-streamed prepare some additional remarks that can be read after the signing of the proclamation.

Join us Friday, April 3 for National Wear Blue Day to show your support for child abuse prevention programs. Share your blue selfies (please continue social distancing practices!) on KCSL's Facebook using #WearBlueDay and #GreatChildhoods.

Social isolation can be hard for all families, so please stay connected virtually:
  • Live stream pinwheel plantings or other CAP Month events. 
  • Keep in contact with your families and clients during the weeks to come. 
  • Utilize the Parent Helpline 1-800-CHILDREN, which is free and available 24/7 to offer local resources, referrals or just a listening ear.
We would still like to include information about your activities in our recap to Prevent Child Abuse America as well as state and federal offices. If you organize any events, activities, trainings, letters to the editor, proclamations or anything else, please let us know.
Order materials now!
If you haven’t ordered your CAP Month materials yet, you still have time! We have several items available. We continue to provide similar materials as last year.  Prices include standard shipping. Please allow at least two weeks for delivery.

  • Protective Factors Bookmarks: FREE
  • Bookmarks highlight the Five Protective Factors and help the general public to understand how easy it is to practice prevention. 
  • Pinwheel magnets: FREE
  • Pinwheel Lapel Pins: $2.50 each
  • Pinwheels for Prevention: $1 each or bulk pricing available for orders of 500+
  • Yard signs: $7.50 each or free with the purchase of 100 or more pinwheels
  • Anniversary Toolkit: $40
  • Continued from previous years, our 40th Anniversary Toolkit includes 40 pinwheels, 1 yard sign, 1 pinwheel lapel pin, 10 wristbands, bookmarks, stickers, tattoos, magnets and posters. The toolkit is a $60 value.*  
  • *Stickers and tattoos as supplies last
Remember, happy and healthy children need happy and healthy adults in their lives. So take care of yourselves too!
316-942-4261  |