Weekly Postings
Thanksgiving Eve at Saint Paul's :
A dinner with the parish family, homemade bread, college students home, new friends, a beautiful altar arrangement-- So many things to be thankful for! 
November 23 - December 2, 2018
In This Issue

WED 5:30 PM
Historic Heritage Committee

2019 Annual Pledges
Our annual pledge ingathering is off to a good start. Our thanks for all who already have made their pledge for 2019. To all who have yet to determine your financial gift for our church in 2019, please make time to do so and return your pledge form or online pledge by December 1st.

PLEDGE FORMS are available the narthex, as well as printable versions below and on-line at our website using the link below.

Thank you, and God's peace and blessings be with you.

Stewardship Committee: Brad Sandbach and Fr. Jenkins.

Our Schedule this Sunday November 25

8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite One
9:30 AM  
Christian Formation for ALL ages
See information below 

10:30 AM  
Coffee and Conversation
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite Two
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs.
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn

5:30  PM 
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion 
with Prayers for Healing
Carl Purdy is our guest musician.
This Sunday November 25
Open Sundays for Altar Flowers

Two Sundays in 2018 are open Sundays for altar arrangements. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones, please contact the Parish Office at Sunday, December 9, is open for Advent greenery ($50) and Sunday, December 30, is open for flowers ($100).
Angel Tree 2 Angels available on the Portico this Sunday
Sunday, November 25

Our Angel Tree Christmas program is in full swing. Angels will be available on the front portico before and after the 11:00 AM service this Sunday. This year we will be providing books, toys, school and clothing items to children in our mentoring program at Hornsby Elementary & Middle School, dinner items for families, and needed items for veterans in our community. For more information on how you can get involved, please  email Kim Butler or call her at (706) 833-8541.  
Formation Groups
Sundays at 9:30 AM
Leader: Fr. Muir and guests
Location: The Parlor

The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, whatever the topic of the day. 
Leader: Fr. Jenkins
Location: The Chapel

The Inquirers' class remains open to all who wish to explore and learn more about our faith, the church, and our unique way of being Christian. The content and structure of the class is shaped by the book 

This Sunday: Chapter 7 - November 25
Spirituality: Created for Prayer-Forms & Practices

Upcoming sessions and topics:
2nd - Ch. 8 - Worship: Responding to God's Blessings
9th - Instructed Eucharist (location TBD)
16th -  Ch. 9 - Sacraments: Symbols of Grace
16th -  Conclusion - Q&A, conversation, and beginnings
FAITH & NATURE: Divine Adventures of Life on Earth
Grades 6 - 12
Leader: Todd Shafer and company
Location: The Upper Room (Upstairs Parish House)
What is up with science, the universe and God and ME? We will dig in and wonder about our place in God's creation... BUT FIRST, breakfast to get the morning going! 
Questions about formation? Contact Todd Shafer.


WEAVING GOD'S PROMISES -- Ages 8-11 or Grades 3 - 5
Leader: Coleman Graham and company
Location: Blue Room, Children's Ministries Center

Our bigger children will immerse themselves in an Episcopal formation experience rooted in the stories of our faith as presented in Matthew's Gospel. In this first of a three-year cycle, our children encounter the story of our salvation from the fall to our redemption and how we fit into the story. Our theme in this curriculum year is "God loves us and stays with us-no matter what." Every session incorporates theology and history from our Episcopal-Anglican perspective. Questions??? Contact Coleman Graham or Fr. John.

GODLY PLAY -- 4s to 8, Kindergarten thru 2nd grade
Leaders: Kim Butler & Ivey Coleman
Location: Godly Play Room, Children's Ministry Center

We take children and their relationship with God seriously and seek to provide both space to foster encounters with God and the language necessary to make meaning of those experiences. Within the Godly Play classroom, the Biblical narrative is lovingly presented to children using beautiful materials with an invitation to step into each story with awe and wonder. Children are then allowed time to respond to and reflect on their experience of the story.
Questions??? Contact Kim Butler, Ivey Coleman, or Fr. John
Next Week November 26 - December 2
Parents of Children 4 yr. - 5th Grade
Registration for Children's Christmas Pageant 

Our annual Children's Godly Play Christmas Liturgy will be the fourth Sunday of Advent, December 23, at the 11:00 AM service. Enrollment is open until Saturday, December 1 . Please notify Fr. Jenkins of your child's name and age. We urge all older 4s through 5th graders to participate. The children will gather each Sunday of Advent, beginning on December 2, 9:30 AM , in the Godly Play room to hear and work with the stories at the heart of our tradition, and then practice the pageant. We need three adult volunteers to support our teachers as they lead this important work with our children. Contact Fr. Jenkins to volunteer or register your children. 
Saint Paul's Flower Guild Workshop
(open to all in the parish)
Saturday, December 1, 10 AM-Noon, Berlin Room

A Flower Guild workshop has been scheduled for Saturday, December 1st from 10 AM-Noon. Margaret Brown, a parishioner at Saint Paul's and a distinguished florist in her own right, has graciously agreed to lead a group of parishioners in learning the fundamentals of floral arranging just in time for your holiday entertaining. If you've always wanted to learn more about the basics of creating beautiful arrangements, join the workshop to see how a few guidelines can make arranging easy. 

There is no charge for the workshop and all supplies will be provided. There is no obligation to join The Flower Guild. (If you have floral shears, please bring them.)

The Berlin Room will open at 9:30 AM for coffee and donuts. The workshop will begin promptly at 10 AM. Please   email the Flower Guild to register. Limited seating. We hope to see you there!
Make an Advent Wreath for your Home
Sunday, December 2, 9-10:50 AM, Tyler Hall 

Join us in Tyler Hall, Sunday, December 2, 9 - 10:50 AM to make an Advent Wreath for your home. All supplies will be provided, including wreathes, live greens, and candles. $10 donation. We have supplies for 40 wreathes. Please RSVP to the parish office  so that we can ensure we have supplies for all.

YP Christmas Party
Sunday, December 2, 6 PM 

Calling all 20-30 somethings for a festive evening, hosted by Robert MacGregor, Sunday, December 2, 6 PM. Bring your own libations and a white elephant gift. Heavy hors d'oeuvres provided. Email Robert for the address or more information.

Looking Ahead 
Angel Tree Shopping Adventure
Tuesday, December 4, 10 AM

Join us for the "Angel Tree Shopping Adventure" Tuesday, December 4, 10 AM . Volunteers will meet at Target on Robert C. Daniel Pkwy to shop for gifts and needed items for the party, and then enjoy lunch together at Atlanta Bread Company.  Please contact Kim Butler for more information on how you can get involved.
Tuesday's Music Live 
Tuesday, December 4, 11:00 AM & 12:00 noon
Nave and River Room

Tuesday's Music Live continues its 31st season Tuesday, December 4, with two free concerts (11 AM & 12 noon), by The Davidson Fine Arts School Chorale. Lunch, catered by Sugar South Catering, is available after the concert by advance reservation. The cost is $12 per person. Reservations at or by calling the Box Office at (706) 722-3463.
Festival of Lessons and Carols Sacred Heart Cultural Center
Tuesday, December 4, 7:30 PM

The annual Festival of Lessons and Carols will be celebrated at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, December 4, at the Sacred Heart Cultural Center on Greene Street in downtown Augusta. Keith Shafer directs the festival which this year includes the choir of First Presbyterian Church. Civic leaders from the two-state area serve as readers. Tickets are available by calling the Sacred Heart office, (706) 826-4700.
Augusta Choral Society Concert at Saint Paul's
December 8, 7:30 PM

The Augusta Choral Society, accompanied by the Lyra Vivace Chamber Orchestra, performs "A Caroling Messiah" at Saint Paul's Church, Saturday, December 8, 7:30 PM. The program will include favorite choruses from Handel's "Messiah" as well as favorite Christmas songs and carols. The audience will be invited to sing also with some of the carols and there will be a reception for all in Tyler Hall following the concert. Tickets at, (706) 826-4713, or at the door the night of the concert.
Angel Tree Breakfast and Celebration
Saturday, December 8, 9:30 - 11:30 AM

Make plans to join us for the annual Angel Tree Breakfast Party, Saturday, December 8, 9:30 AM in Tyler Hall. We will enjoy a delicious home-cooked breakfast and celebrate with cookie decorating, story time, live music, and lots of fun and fellowship. There are many ways to get involved, and we welcome volunteers of all ages and abilities! Please contact Kim Butler  for more information or to volunteer.
News from the Diocese

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field
November 2018
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be November 11.  

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