1/10/20 Environmental Epigenetics and Genetics Research Interest Group Seminar:
Terry Magnuson, UNC - Chapel Hill, "Genome-wide Dynamics of Chromatin Modifiers"
3:30 Toxicology Auditorium, room 2104
1/17/20 CHHE's Emerging Contaminants Research Interest Group Meeting
12:00 Oval - Private dining room, Centennial Campus
CHHE & Toxicology Program co-sponsored seminar:
Justin Conley
, EPA. "Maternal, Fetal, and Neonatal Effects of In Utero Exposure to PerfluoroalkylEther Acids in the Laboratory Rat”
4:00 Toxicology Auditorium, room 2104
Oliver Baars, Dept. Entomology and Plant Pathology, Full membership
Nathan Crook, Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Full membership
The Fourth Annual CHHE Symposium
The Fourth Annual CHHE Symposium will explore the importance of environmental exposures on the brain, behavior, and neurodevelopmental
outcomes. We will have guest speakers at the forefront of the field, and will highlight the breadth of neuroscience research within CHHE.
Guest Speakers:
Mamta Behl
(NTP) –
Developmental neurotoxicity program
Tim Shafer
(EPA) –
Protecting the developing brain
Caroline Smith
(Duke) –
Prenatal exposure and neurotoxicity
Janice Juraska
(University of Illinois) –
EDCs, development, and behavior
CHHE Speakers:
Michael Bereman, Sagi Gillera, Aaron Hipp,
Cathrine Hoyo, Beth Lucas, and Kurt Marsden
Talley Student Union
NC State University
Raleigh, NC
Aaron Hipp was named an "Interdisciplinary Research Leader" by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Congratulations! Read more
Congratulations to
Jane Hoppin for being elected as a fellow of the prestigious Collegium Ramazzini
Interest Groups News
Environmental Epigenetics and Genetics Interest Group
Upcoming event;
Dr Terry Magnuson,
UNC Chapel Hill, Sarah Graham Kenan Professor of Genetics and Vice Chancellor for Research
Friday, January 10
Behavior and Neuroscience Interest Group
This group will focus on research examining the influences of the environment on issues in Neuroscience. Examples of the environment include sensory, diet, behaviors, neurotoxicants, etc. Goals include increasing research collaborations, grant submissions, enhancing trainee presentation skills and our presence at the Society for Neuroscience meeting.
Pulmonary Interest Group
The Pulmonary Interest Group will work to establish collaborations between basic and translational scientists and clinicians that are interested in understanding mechanisms behind environmental exposures and lung diseases. This group will hold meetings at both NCSU and ECU to facilitate exchange of ideas and expertise that will result in interdisciplinary groups that can apply for external funding opportunities.
Emerging Contaminants Interest Group
Are you studying PFAS, BMAA, green space, nanoparticles, other emerging topics of interest? If so, think about joining the Emerging Contaminants Research Interest Group. We will be meeting on
January 17 at noon
in the private dining room at the Oval, Centennial Campus. Bring your lunch or buy something there.
All investigators but particularly Early Stage Investigators are encouraged to work with the
Career Development Core
in development of their grants. Talk to
Nanette Nascone-Yoder
to set up a chalk talk to help organize ideas for your next proposal.
Remember to cite our
CHHE grant
in publications if CHHE has provided you services, facility core use, seed/pilot project funds etc. NIH tracks this as an important CHHE metric.
CHHE Resources and Facilities Page for NIH Grants
is available on the CHHE
Remember when submitting your grants, be sure to select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as a center in PINS.
to check them out!