MARCH 2020 - In This Issue:
9:30am & 11:15am
March 1
Choir Festival Service
Glenn Mehrbach, Music Director
This Service will be the culmination of the "Southern Area Choral Festival," and will include a performance of "The Immigrant Experience," a seven-movement cantata by UU composer John Kramer, performed by a four-piece chamber ensemble and choir of over 150 voices from 14 congregations all over North Carolina and Virginia. To quote from the composer: "I was was inspired to write this work by the words of George Washington, 'The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent and respectable Stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all Nations and Religions.' I was motivated to write this work by the anti-immigrant rhetoric that seems to be on the rise."
March 8
"The Service After the Service"
Rev. Thom Belote, preaching
Join us this Sunday for a celebratory worship service honoring our church's second Community Day of Service. The service will feature uplifting music and a sermon by Rev. Thom about being a community that shows up for the wider community.
March 15
"The Part We Do Not Know"
Rev. Thom Belote, preaching
There is a part of every other person that we do not know. How might we change the way we interact with others if we developed a greater reverence for this mystery? Rev. Thom's sermon will begin with a fascinating story of a chance encounter and explore how we might honor mystery in community.
March 22
Rev. Thom Belote, preaching
In my mini-homily during the multigenerational worship service on February 9, I alluded to the new book by my friend and mentor John Buehrens, former President of the Unitarian Universalist Association. John's book is called Conflagration: How the Transcendnetalists Sparked the American Struggle for Racial, Gender, and Social Justice. As we look to how many of our deepest values were formed in the past, we will consider how to courageously live those values in the present.
March 29
Rev. John Saxon, Guest Minister
We're almost there. In one short week it will be March 7 and our Community Day of Service will be happening. There is still time to sign up for you place of service. We will be going through our community, sharing our love through service to others. We will start the day off with a light breakfast and music from the UUkes. Reverend Thom will share a few words of encouragement to send us on our ways. Then, returning to the church, we will share a great lunch and have Celtic music from Eileen Regan and Tim Smith. Last, but not least, don't forget to pick up your household's Pledge Packet. Review this at home and bring your completed pledge to church Sunday morning for a great celebration.
Let the shenanigans begin!! 
For questions contact Mary Beth Powell or Bill Rote.

Set your clocks one hour ahead!
by Glenn Mehrbach, Music Director
The Community Church Music Team will be hosting the 2020 Southern Area Choral Festival this year on February 29-March 1, with over 170 participants from 14 congregations in North Carolina and Virginia attending. On Saturday evening, February 29, at 7pm, there will be a concert in the Sanctuary where each participating choir is invited to sing a few selections from their repertoire. Afterwards there will be a wine and dessert reception and a "Late Night Cabaret." Congregation members are welcome to both of these free events. Then, the following morning, March 1, a mass choir of over 150 singers will perform "The Immigrant Experience" by John Kramer during both services.
Grace Li Wang, an international artist who has received many art and design awards, is showing her art entitled "Radiance of Nature" in the sanctuary from March 7 through April 26, 2020. Grace Li Wang is an artist renowned for her ability to capture the radiance of nature in exuberant expressionist and moody impressionistic works. Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, in 1953 and relocated to the US in 1964, she is currently a board member with the Gregg Museum of Art and Design, NC State University in Raleigh. Grace is a resident studio artist at the Grace Li Wang Gallery, located in the 311 Art Gallery, at 311 W. Martin St., Raleigh, NC.
CLICK HERE to see the work of Grace Li Wang.

Wednesday evenings, March 12 & March 19, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
The class will provide an introduction to Unitarian Universalism and our congregation, cover the meaning of Membership, provide an opportunity for reflecting on our spiritual journeys, and give you chance to meet others who are newer to The Community Church. Please RSVP by sending an email to  Rachel Rose. Childcare is available upon request. Please let Rachel know ASAP if you need childcare to be able to attend.

As of press time for this Newsletter, we had just announced two big steps forward! On February 12, the church's Board signed the construction contract with the winning bidder, Riggs-Harrod Builders, Inc., of Durham. In the same week, the town of Chapel Hill approved our Zoning Compliance Permit. Now all that remains is the town's issuance of our Building Permit. Watch the Weekly Announcements for news about a groundbreaking ceremony in the near future! More project information is available online and during Sunday coffee hours (check at the Pop-Up Mart).

SIDE WITH LOVE SPONSORS HOLLY NEAR IN CONCERT The Side with Love Concerts for a Cause Committee proudly presents highly acclaimed vocalist and activist HOLLY NEAR in concert, Friday, March 27, 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary! Volunteers will be available with information on training to help get out the vote and much more! "Holly Near has been singing for a more equitable world for well over 50 creative years. She is an insightful storyteller through her music, committed to keeping the work rooted in contemporary activities. One of the most powerful, consistent, and outspoken singers of our time, her concerts elevate spirits and inspire activities. A skilled performer, Holly is an outspoken ambassador for peace who brings to the stage a unique integration of world consciousness, spiritual discovery, and theatricality". Holly will be joined by Jan Martinelli and Tammi Brown and Tory Trufillo with a short opening set by Crys Matthews. CLICK HERE for more information. CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS. QUESTIONS? Contact Ginger Long

SIDE WITH LOVE - HELP GET OUT THE VOTE TRAINING WORKSHOP Join church and community members in learning how to do voter registration and about the status of NC voting laws. Straley Rm., 10:00-11:30, refreshments. This may be the most important election of our lifetimes. Come learn how you can help turn out the vote. Act like democracy is counting on you! Any questions: contact Melva Fager Okun.
Write Here Write Now will hold tabling on March 1 and on the Day of Service on March 7. Either bring letters written to our Senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis in UNSEALED envelopes or write your letters at our table. Here's the link to the information with a sample letter. Tell your US Senators to provide a pathway to legal permanent status for immigrant families with Temporary Protected Status and support bill S.879. Letters will be hand delivered by UU members in the DC area.

You can help mitigate the Climate Crisis through recycling. Recycling helps reduce extraction/production of new materials, among other things. Every month ECO accepts batteries, corks and tiny metal objects at our recycling collection. LITHIUM BATTERIES should be kept separated, and CORRODED BATTERIES should be in a separate bag. In March we'll also take your CHILDREN'S BOOKS. See our recycling page for more information on what, when and where, and thanks for helping keep these items out of the landfill! 
MARCH 1ST SHARE THE PLATE -- THE HISPANIC LIAISON The Hispanic Liaison/El ViĀ­nculo Hispano (EVH) was founded in 1995, and for 25 years has served Chatham and the surrounding counties. EVH bears witness, lends comfort, and protects the Hispanic community from frequent assaults on its rights and dignity.

EVH's mission is to foster intercultural understanding and empower Hispanics to make their voices heard, with goals of increasing access to opportunities, protecting rights, encouraging civic participation and promoting a just and inclusive society. In 2019 EVH helped 921 adults and children access needed services, including 68 families affected by raids or deportations or newly arrived. Its Youth Program currently helps 32 Hispanic high school students improve academically, develop leadership skills and expand their horizons.

In 2020 EVH plans to open its first satellite office in Sanford, for which purpose it is seeking financial support.

SHARE THE PLATE for TABLE on March 22nd What does hunger look like in our community? In some families, parents and caregivers struggle daily with the choice between meeting household needs and providing delicious nutritional food for their children. Almost 1 in 3 school age children in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area receive subsidized school meals. TABLE, a non-profit organization, provides healthy emergency food for these children on weekends and school holiday. Volunteers fill 700 bags weekly that are delivered to schools for children who are at risk of going hungry when they don't have access to free school meals. Volunteers also fill 200 snack packs for distribution. Your STP donation on March 22nd will help keep TABLE'S shelves and refrigerators well stocked and these weekly bags full!  
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY SHARE THE PLATE MARCH 29 Our church has a strong 25-year history of partnering with Habitat for Humanity of Orange County and other churches to provide homes for community families, who are cost-burdened and may live in substandard or overcrowded housing. Church partners pay about half of the construction costs and families pay the other half through mortgage payments to Habitat. Church members and family members work on construction together. Your donation to the March 29 Share the Plate will help continue our Habitat mission. Not here March 29? Please send your contribution to the church office, with checks payable to The Community Church of Chapel Hill UU. Put "Habitat" in the memo line. Thank you. 
BAIL FUND SHARE THE PLATE: THANK YOU! Thank you so much for contributing $830 to the Orange County Bail Fund through Share the Plate at the Martin Luther King Jr. service on January 19. This money will be used to pay bail for people awaiting trial in the Orange County Detention Center. After trial, the money will return to the fund so that it can be used again for someone else. In this way, your donations will make it possible for multiple Orange County residents to await trial at home with their families instead of in a jail cell. For more information about the Orange County Bail Fund,                                                              contact Catherine Grodensky.

Thank you from heart2heartnc to the church membership for your generous donations of $1165.25 from the Share The Plate collection on January 26, 2020. This fund will go to support the direct services provided to individuals, families and communities - such as hands-on healing, gentle guidance, deep listening, live scared music - that are needed as they navigate the living path during dying, death and beyond. We are so grateful for your support.
NEW WAY TO HELP IFC  The IFC Food Pantry is launching a new way to help hungry people when they can't be served by the Pantry or who can't use the usual groceries. They are called Snack Bags and are all placed in a one gallon Ziploc bag. Included in each are plastic silverware, a meat such as Vienna sausage, Beanie Weenies, or tuna salad and crackers, a pkg. of crackers covered with peanut butter, a granola bar or protein bar, a small bag of chips, and a bottle of water. These 5 items will help a hungry person temporarily. Any individual or family can bring as many Snack Bags as they choose to our usual blue canvas bins in the Commons. If classes or groups would like to make this a service project, that would help even more to get this new endeavor off to a good start. THIS DOES NOT REPLACE DONATING REGULAR GROCERIES, BUT IS AN ADDITION OR ALTERNATIVE.
Join the Community Clickers as we use needles and yarn to create comfort and warmth for our community. Most projects are made with 7" x 9" knitted and crocheted blocks (with two 18" yarn tails) of washable acrylic, #4 worsted weight yarn. Our ongoing projects include making shawls for UNC Hospice Home in Pittsboro, baby hats for UNC Hospital, and a lap blanket for Charles House as our March 7th Day of Service project (sign up HERE). It takes 18 blocks to make each shawl and 25 blocks to make the lap blanket. Join us on Wednesday March 4th from 2-4 pm in the Commons Area and on Monday March 16th from 7-9 pm in the Straley Room. We generally begin with a group project and then click and chat, but some attendees click and chat the entire time! Can't knit or crochet? Come learn! Contact us for more information. 

SEA MARCH Offering

Building Your Own Theology (BYOT)' course addresses five questions that characterize any personal religious quest. 
It will be held 7-9 PM, March 5, 12, 19, 26 and April 2.

WomenCircle is calling Chili Cooks, Salad Tossers and Cornbread and Dessert Bakers for our day of service project on March 7 at Home Start, the shelter for homeless women and children. We will be playing games from 9:30 to 11:30 and bringing lunch to share at 11:30. There is a sign-up sheet at the Annual Pledge Drive table and also HERE. However, because we are in three distinct parts, we needed to devise a simpler sign-up sheet for the table.  See the three-part sign-up HERE. You will notice we already have some volunteers and hope you will add your name to the list. If you have questions, please email Sindy Barker. We thank you for your support. 

Collaging the Soul
Monday, March 23, 2020 from 6:30-9:30 pm in the Straley Room

The art form of collaging is a wonderful way to express our inner life and feelings. Join us for an evening of piecing together images that express who you are. We will be creating small collages on 5 x 8 inch cards. Materials will be provided, but if you have magazines or images to share, please bring them. Need more info or childcare, please email Ivy Brezina or call 415-663-8703.
Because we care about each other, most of us would like to be able to help in case someone has a medical emergency. Minutes can be vital while waiting for an ambulance and knowledge can give us the confidence we need to help. Some of us have already signed up for the American Red Cross approved CPR/AED workshop on March 14, 2020. Singing up is easy. To provide the type of workshop most people would prefer please complete the survey (link below). The choices are Adult CPR/AED, Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED, or either of those plus First Aid. People can also choose between in-class training only vs. part online part in-class, making the in-class part shorter. Prices depend on the options but range from $64 for Adult CPR/AED to $96 for Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED with First Aid. For questions contact Judy Lechner.
As Rare Women, we build relationships in small groups by discussing our lives and the gifts, myths, and challenges of growing older. In March, we will continue Sharing the Seasons of our Lives. Join any group! One group meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays from 2-4pm; another meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 10am-noon; and the third meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 1:30-3:30pm. During each group's  first meeting in March, we will share memories of people and important events in our lives from Fall (44-64 years). See our WEBPAGE for suggested questions that we will use to guide our sharing. Join our email list for more information by contacting us HERE . Help us with our Day of Service Project, Cookies and "Milk" for Seniors, by bringing nutritional supplements, e.g. BOOST, ENSURE, etc., to the Day of Service on March 7th.

OUTDOOR CONNECTIONS MARCH 16 OUTING Join Outdoor Connections for the Pump Station Trail in Eno River State Park. The Pump Station Trail is known as the best spring wildflower trail in the park. It's an easy loop hike with a few gentle hills. We can meet at church to carpool at 10 am. Afterwards we can have lunch at Picnic. RSVP for updates.  RSVP for updates.

CLICK HERE to submit articles for Monthly Newsletters.
The C3HUU Board wants to hear from you! Click here to share with us your thoughts, comments, concerns, and questions. Click here to learn more about the Board, including viewing the Board and Congregational Meeting minutes.  
If you would like to learn more about joining the Community Church of Chapel Hill, please contact our Membership Director, Rachel Rose, by calling the office (919) 942-2050, emailing, or find her at one of our Sunday services. Whether you are brand new or a longtime attendee, and whatever your beliefs or background, we welcome you to our community of friendship and ideals.