August 27, 2020
Dear LFHS Parents/Guardians,  

Congratulations on your first few days of school. It seems that remote learning is off to a good start with teachers and students engaging in their classes. That said, we want to share a few reminders with you regarding behavioral expectations while on Google meets. 

Students for Google meets:
  1. Use your LFHS account to access the google meet session.
  2. Remember that what is in your background matters and MUST be school appropriate.
  3. Your profile picture MUST be school appropriate. Ideally it is a picture of yourself or your initials. 
  4. Images, language and comments that are inappropriate and offensive (i.e. mocking, derogatory name calling, bullying, or imitating individuals or groups of people) will not be tolerated. 
  5. Be on time. If you have a technical problem, contact your teacher and Dean. 
  6. Student recording of class is prohibited. 

Unauthorized access, disrupting, or planning/organizing the disruption of classes will result in one or more of the following consequences:  
  1. Before/after school detention
  2. Alternative to in-school suspension
  3. Development of a remote learning behavior plan

Students and families are encouraged to review and discuss the Student Code of Conduct (pgs. 15-27), located in 2020-2021 Planner and Student/Parent Handbook. 

We want your remote learning to be positive, enriching, and productive. Let’s work together to make that happen.

As always, let us know if you have any questions. 
Frank Lesniak                         
Dean of Students
Michelene Tomek
Dean of Students