Week of April 11, 2021 With St. Martin's

We'd love to see you in person! Click the link below to sign up for this week's in person worship. Sign-up ends on Thursday at midnight:

Facebook Live Link:

Wednesday's Healing Service at Noon is live-streamed on Facebook. Use the link above.
In Person Worship
Sunday April 25, Good Shepherd Sunday: Special Children's "Family Mass"

Sunday April 25 is Good Shepherd Sunday, and we will be offering a special Family Mass at 10:30 am for our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd families and other families with children. The homily will be more child friendly, and one of our youths will read the lesson and lead the Prayers. Seating remains limited to 8 pews, so families will still need to make a reservation online. There is a link for reservations on the top of the homepage of the parish website.

We kindly ask that parishioners who do not have children or grandchildren attending with them, will allow families and the Catechesis teachers to make reservations on this special Sunday- and we hope that everyone else will join us on Zoom or Facebook Live. Also, please note that while we normally recommend that only 4 people sit in a pew, there is room for 5 if you have a family with three children. 

I am looking forward to this special time with our children and their families. A blessed Eastertide to you all.

Father Rob+
OUTREACH for April
The Outreach committee will be holding a food collection for the Somerset County Food Network on Sunday, April 25th. We will be collecting food in the church parking lot, beginning immediately after church services until 1:30. Please remember us while doing your grocery shopping. Thank you!
St. Martin's Vegetable Garden
The St. Martin’s vegetable garden is working towards a restart this year after a 2020 COVID break. For those not familiar the garden is a the back of the church property, and all the vegetables grown are donated to the food bank - providing much needed fresh produce.
The J2A and Rite 13 groups will be working with Rob Vernon in the coming weeks to get the garden ready for planting but would love support and donation of supplies where possible. We will be working after the service the next couple weeks, so donated items can be brought then or dropped off in the garden (in the back parking lot) any time. We estimate we will need:
  • Cardboard – to cover planting beds as a weed blocker. All amendments will be layered/mixed and put on top of the cardboard (yes - we can use your Amazon boxes)
  • Bags of top soil – about 15 to 20. Doesn’t have to be the expensive stuff as we’ll mix it in with other amendments
  • Bags of manure – about 6
  • Large bag of peat moss – 1 should be fine
  • Wood chip mulch for the walkways between the beds. Could be bags or we could try to coordinate picking up a load from the town’s yard waste collection near Costco
  • Preen Weed Preventer – 2 canisters – for the wood chip mulch
There should be plenty of other opportunities to help as we progress, so if you are interested please let me know.
Prayer Concerns
and Blessings
Prayers for:
  • Linda Virtue - healing
  • Mary Irwin - healing
  • Peggy Irwin
From Len
  • 1st Anniversary of his cousin Camille's death from Covid-19
From Jane Linn
  • great-grandson Jacob
From Marilyn
  • granddaughter Kelsey - healing from ski accident
Derek Candelore
From Karen Bockus
  • Cousin Dennis & Maryanne's son killed in hit & run accident
From Juanita
  • Keith's 14th operation
From Marlene
  • Aubrey
From Barbara
  • Lorna in Hospice
Last Lenten Study: Life Transformed the Way of Lent
The next Lenten Study will be on Thursday, April 15th. We look forward to seeing you then.

Click here for the Zoom link.
Meeting ID: 886 2555 7684
Passcode: Lent
Mother's Day Crumb Cake Survey
Want to make your Mother's Day special? How about ordering some St. Martin's-made Al-the- Baker's crumb cake for your Mother's Day breakfast. Our bakers will lovingly create a delectable treat wrapped in a bakery box and tied up with a ribbon, which you can then share with your mom or special person in your life. Fill out this form if you are interested in ordering some crumb cake:
Job Opportunities
Nestle is opening a new pilot plant in Bridgewater.

Engineer I and II - Manufacturing Industry (Job Descriptions) Contact Howard Stamato for more info.
Bridgewater-Raritan School District: teaching positions, cafeteria aides, special education assistants, and secretarial positions. We are especially in need of substitute teachers (you need 60 college credits; does not have to be in teaching). Contact Alison for more information.
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or