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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                                    October 2018
In This Issue
IFNA Statement to Promote Family Advocacy
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Conference Committee News
IFNA Community News
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IFNA Statement to Promote Family Advocacy

On October 5, 2018, IFNA President Dr. Jane Lassetter (USA), issued a statement outlining Policy Guidelines for IFNA Response to Events that Affect Family Well-being.  
Since then, several events throughout the world have once again highlighted the challenges families face as a result of local and national policies, politics, and laws as well as natural disasters and violence. As a result, many families are suffering. Please do not let the ubiquitous nature of these challenges cause your hearts and minds to grow numb to these families' needs. While we recognize that you are incredibly busy family nurses and family health scholars, we call upon you to carve out time to advocate for families where you are and in whatever way will be effective in your location. Use IFNA's Core Values to guide you. Be informed. Vote. Write letters to political leaders. Attend meetings and speak up on behalf of families. Basically, whatever your local or national challenges may be, please use your passion for families to advocate for them. [Read more]  
It is with great sadness that IFNA announces the death of IFNA member, Dr. Kathryn Anderson (USA), PhD, ARNP, LMFT, Professor, Georgia Southern University. Dr. Anderson was an IFNA Founding Member, and served as the Co-chair of the IFNA Practice Committee (2011 to present). Dr. Anderson's passion for and leadership in family nursing is being remembered and honored by IFNA members around the world. Please post your tribute on the IFNA listserv. These tributes will be archived on the IFNA website and shared with Kathryn's family. [Read more]
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Dr. Christine English (UK) is Head of Subject (Nursing, Midwifery and Health), at Northumbria University, Newcastle in the North East of England. Quality improvements in children, young people, and their family's care has always been at the heart of her work during an exciting career spanning senior leadership roles in clinical practice, education, and research. Recently, Christine became a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in recognition of her experience and expertise as a senior leader in nursing education. [Read more]   
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Dr. Suja Somanadham (Ireland) is an Assistant Professor of Children's Nursing at the University College Dublin (UCD) School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Services. She is leading several research projects related to child and family health and wellbeing. She currently serves as an IFNA country liaison for Ireland. [Read more]

Dr. Anne Ersig (USA) is an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing. Her research focuses on the biological, psychological, and behavioral effects of stress from childhood chronic health conditions on individuals and their family members. [Read more] 

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Conference Hashtag: #IFNC14. Please use this hashtag in all of your social media conversations. #IFNC14 has been registered on the Healthcare Hashtag Project website which links this conference to key words such as "nursing" and "family health" and generates metrics about the reach of the #IFNC14 hashtag. Check this website to see who are "The influencers of #IFNC14".
The IFNA Conference Committee is pleased to announce that Professor Hester C. Klopper (BA (Cur); M Cur; PhD, MBA, HonsD, FANSA, FAAN, ASSAF), from Stellenbosch University (South Africa), will present our keynote address on Thursday, August 15, 2019 at IFNC14 in Washington, D.C. Hester is Past President of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (2013-2015) and she is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences. Global health has become a focus area of her work over the past decade. Through her visionary leadership, the Global Advisory Panel on the future of Nursing and Midwifery (GAPFON) was established (convened by Sigma). We look forward to learning her thoughts about the influence of nursing practice on social determinants of family health. [Read more]   
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Blog Editor: Dr. Joel Anderson (USA) is a member of the IFNA Communications Committee.

Check out the efforts to disseminate the IFNA Position Statements. Please remember to cite all of the IFNA Position Statements in your publications, course outlines, and conference presentations. Please share the IFNA Position Statements with local and national nursing and health care leaders and organizations. Social media toolkits are available for each IFNA Position Statement. Use hashtag #IFNAPosition in your social media conversations. 


  Please use the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
@IFNAorg, #IFNC14, #familynursing, #familyhealth,
#familyhealing, #IFNAPosition

This monthly IFNA Newsletter is edited by Dr. Janice M. Bell (Canada), co-chair of the IFNA Communications Committee