A community of Christian worship, well-being and service.

Something Out Of Nothing...

Dear Friends

You are beloved by God. Read that sentence again. Say it aloud to yourself if you must. I suspect that to consider such an amazing reality as being loved by God can only really land in our hearts and be believed if we are able to receive it. What could be more fulfilling than God's love? What could be more exhilarating than a life surrendered to that love and power and adventure? If you are empty or struggling with fear or anxiety or depression of loneliness or any kind of poverty, these questions are dull and lifeless. Sometimes even when our coffers are full we feel that way. But there's a secret that the widows in the readings reveal to us this weekend: it is in the place of poverty and nothingness that God makes a way even when we cannot see it. If you've been on the Path Journey Through The Bible you'll recall Moses leading the people out of Egypt with their captors following quickly behind. God's people in despair, with nothing and no way out, with only the instruction to "keep still" as the enemy advances. We find ourselves in situations that plunge us into darkness in our own modern way. It could be a relationship, an unmet expectation, even too much time on our phones that leave us feeling stuck, stunted, and with nothing. Perhaps politics and endless violence make us feel powerless. But perhaps the best news is that when we can see no resolve, God comes in and does miracles and works with us. Sisters and brothers and friends, in the bleakest of hours, God saves. We need only to remember that and we will have no fear. Join us Sunday as we explore what it means to trust in the midst of our nothingness. Let's see what God can do. It's more than we can ask for or even imagine.

Peace to you this week. Come to church this weekend and bring your whole self-even if you are empty, and offer it to God. Perhaps there will be miracles.

As ever,

Updated Rules and Regulations for the Churchyard...

The updated Rules and Regulations that the Churchyard Taskforce submitted to the Vestry and Rector have their changes incorporated and are approved.  The Rules and Regulations are now available on our website.  Copies are available in the office as well. 

Please note  plantings are not permitted, pots are not allowed on graves, and no decorations are to be left on graves.  Fresh flowers, holiday wreaths and arrangements are permitted.

We are looking for all flower pots and decorations to be removed before winter.  If there are any shrubs, flowers or plants that you would like back, please remove them and refill with soil and seed as needed; they can be removed now or in the spring.  Following that, they will be removed at the church's discretion.

This Week's Collect
O  God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Looking to enhance your knowledge of the bible and your experience of worship? Believe it or not, there is an easy way to do both! The lectionary is the book that contains the Sunday readings. There are three year-long cycles of readings: A, B, and C. If you come to church each Sunday for three years, you will hear almost the entire bible. To find the readings, all you need to do is click on the link below! Reading and praying through these sacred texts before coming to church could be a game changer for your alertness in worship and your biblical knowledge. 

Here's the link: lectionary

Serving this week in worship...

Altar Guild
Ann Gizzi, Joanne Gracia, Kari Reardon, Ruth Siebens

Saturday at 5pm
Lector: Joanne Gracia
Lay Eucharistic Minister: Carole Nicodemus
Greeter: Jean & Andre Wilson/Levesque

Sunday at 8am
Crucifer: Carol Brierley
Lector: Trish Culver
Intercessor: Cindy Dube
Lay Eucharistic Minister: Steve Downing
Greeter: David Brierley

Sunday at 10am
Crucifer: Steve Bakios
Acolytes: Mia Bartlett, Andrew Silveria
Lectors: Jason Kane, Rene Bierman
Lay Eucharist Minister: Steve Bakios

Coffee Hour Host
Meredith Collins, Brian Freitas

The Counters
Counter: Chris Winslow
Pledge Clerk: David Brierley


All you need to know for Journeying Through The Bible this week:

If you would like to take part in our bible study we are reading chapter 7 this week and you can find it here:

Anyone is welcome to attend the 9AM Sunday class or the Wednesday 12 noon repeat class.

Good News For Kids 
During the 10AM service each week that Sunday School is held, children will be invited to hear a kid's gospel and bible lesson together as the sermon is taking place. They will go with two leaders and will return during the sign of peace. Children are encouraged to worship at any and all of our services, and getting them accustomed to the prayers and responses is important. "Good News For Kids" is a way to also engage them deeper in the bible readings at the service. Please join us!

Centering Prayer is a simple, straightforward practice that will transform all aspects of your life. Centering Prayer is offered at 4PM on Saturdays in church and includes brief introduction of the method and a 20 minute practice. People of all ages and stages of spirituality can benefit greatly from these methods, especially those who have a difficulty finding time to pray. Come find out more and discover for yourself!

Harvest Dinner
Saturday, November 17th at 6pm (following the 5pm service)

Join us for a wonderful evening of food, friendship and fun!  

Menu: spaghetti & meatballs, bread & salad 

*Please bring a dessert to share.

The sign-up sheets are located in the church and gathering space.   Please add to your calendar and let us know you are coming so we can plan for you!

AwakeningSoul is an uplifting, four-day event held annually in Asheville, NC 
November 8-11, 2018.

AwakeningSoul was formed in 2012 by Fran McKendree and is a partnership hosting an annual conference embodying 'Sustenance, Sanctuary and Inspiration.' Fran says "AwakeningSoul is a coming together of all the things I care most about - relationships, trust, soul-searching, inspiring conversation, beautiful music and art, laughter, and a palpable awareness of the presence and nearness of God."

Join us at Lutheridge Conference Center for thought-provoking speakers, amazing musicians, and a community of wonderful folks from around the country.

You can learn more details at

Men's Bible Study at Trinity Church in Newport
Since 2011, a small group of men have met each week in Newport to consider and discuss the Bible and its meaning for the 21st-century. We are a diverse group, with various denominations, ages and levels of knowledge about the Bible. Members of the group are mobile as well, and participants often join remotely. If you have wondered about the Bible in today's secular, hectic world, the Men's Bible study might be for you. On Wednesday, November 7, we start a study of David
LOCATION - Honeyman Hall, Spring Street, Newport (Trinity Church)
DATE / TIME - Wednesday, 7:30 - 8:30 AM
To learn more contact Irving Stackpole 617-719-9530 [email protected].


Blessing Bags
Throughout the month of November, we are collecting items to make 'blessing bags' to be given to those who are unhoused and in need of warmth and nourishment this winter. These bags will be assembled by St. Mary's teens and distributed. We are looking to collect donations like you see below: gallon-size Ziplock bags, small toiletries, socks, nonperishable snacks, etc. and you can also click on the link for a more extensive list:
Your Vestry...
Sr. Warden: Murry Edwards: [email protected]
Jr. Warden: Paul Westrom: [email protected]
Treasurer: Chris Bartlett:  [email protected]
Clerk: Mattie Gustafson:  [email protected]
Member: Chris Barker:  [email protected]
Member: David Brierley:  [email protected]
Member: Peter Collins:  [email protected]
Member: Trish Culver:  [email protected]
Member: Dave Ferkinhoff:  [email protected]
Member: Jenny Williams:  [email protected]
Member: Julie Zecher:  [email protected]
Member: Michelle Freitas: [email protected]
Staff News...
Get in touch with the Staff:
Music Director and Interim Parish Administrator: [email protected]
Director of Christian Formation: [email protected]
Pastoral Musician: [email protected]
The parish house is open Sunday 7 am to 12 pm; closed on Monday, Tuesday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm; and by special arrangement with the interim Parish Administrator, Karin Larsen ( [email protected]).

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