March 18th, 2020
News and Announcements

We want you to know

We are monitoring the Corona Virus situation carefully.We want you to know that though we are still listing the following events we will make a decision on each event as they arise. We want to keep your children, our volunteers, and others as safe as possible. Please be patient with us and we will let you know if activities will be cancelled or postponed as quickly as possible.

For parents with children at home it is a busy time to keep them engaged, educated and entertained, while often depleting parent energies. In order to provide for parent's spiritual stamina during these uncertain days the following opportunities are offered:
  • Daily Lenten devotional sent to your e-mail address 
  • Bible study Lenten opportunity - Currently studying Max Lucado's text, "And the Angels were Silent" led by Pastor Glenna. You can join the live Zoom broadcast or get a tape of the delivered study to your e-mail.
  • Sunday school class lesson - "Entering the Passion of Jesus" led by Pastor Glenna, taped and delivered to your e-mail. 
For any of the above, send Glenna ( ) an e-mail telling her of your interest and she will make it happen! 
Also in addition to the "In the Loop" which goes out through e-mail each Friday, you will also receive an "In Touch" through e-mail each day to help us stay in contact with one another.  

Parents with youth please be attentive to Instagram and Facebook. Coffee House at 5pm Wednesday on Insta live and Amplified 2.0 at 6pm on Sunday on Insta live.

Boredom Busting Bags
There are bags available to Concord Families with crafts and coloring pages to help your family get through the day without relying on screen time as the only form of entertainment for your kids. These will be available for pick up on Thursday afternoon outside the preschool entrance. There are coloring bags, K-2nd grade bags, 3rd-5th grade bags, and preschool bags. Please take one per child. The bags will be under the Preschool portico from 1-4pm. If these times are not good for you please email children's ministry department .

Ways your family can serve

Shout out to a shut in
Your child's talents are needed to help out our local elderly that are unable to get out and visit with family and friends. If your child would like to write notes or make cards for this vital ministry please contact Joan DeTar for a name and address of a church member in need of some cheering up. We are asking that your child mail these items they make out as often as possible.

Cards for the pantry bags
*We also need kids to color cards to be added to the bags at the food pantry. Our kids color bags every year for the food pantry during VBS but we want people to know we are thinking of them and praying for them as Easter approaches and that God and Concord United still loves them. You can drop them off at the East Wing Entrance in a box marked Concord United Kids.

Food Donations needed for the local food pantry
Please check the web page for a list of foods needed for the pantry that our church supports at Faith Lutheran. Donations can be dropped off at anytime at the East Entry under the drive through by the doors. Donations can be left outside if the church is closed.

Coming Soon:
You can find more ways to serve by checking out the Concord United Website at

This week in Concord Kids
There will be a live devotion available online through Facebook at Concord United Children's Ministry Page. Please join us at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings.

March 23rd-April 3rd
Each day starting Monday, March 23rd we will do a live daily devotional at Noon via Concord Children's page on Facebook. The post will be reposted for families to click and watch if they miss the live feed. We will have different people give the devotion each day. Join us and let us say "Hi!" to your family at noon each day.

Wednesday Night Kids
We will start on Wednesday, March 25th having a Zoom conference (free app for smart phones and laptops) with our volunteers and families. We are asking that you and your child(ren) join us for a time to connect with one another, pray together, and a short devotion.
K-1st Grade families and volunteers join together at 6pm
2nd-3rd Grade families and volunteers join together at 6:30pm
4th-5th Grade families and volunteers join together at 7:00pm

To participate in this chat please email us so we can send you the invitation to the Zoom call.

Easter Egg Hunt and Celebration
Egg hunt/station volunteer sign up:
Thank you for being willing to serve as a volunteer for one of Concord United's largest community events, our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Celebration happening April 5th from 3-5pm on the front lawn. It will take all of us working together to have a successful event in which we will share the good news of Jesus and connect with our community families. Please use the provided link to select which area you would like to serve and help make this Easter egg hunt the best we’ve ever had- all for the glory of God! We ask that our Concord United families to please donate at least 1 dozen pre-filled eggs by April 3rd if possible. Collection bins will be set up outside the Fellowship Hall and the Children’s Ministry office. Please contact Children’s Ministry with any questions, .

End of School Year Celebration
All Children, Students, and their families are invited to join us for our Family Ministries End of Year Celebration on May 3 from 6-8pm. This is a time to come together for fun and to share a meal from Dickey's BBQ while we celebrate all the accomplishments of our Children and Student Ministries over the past school year, as well as recognizing the Class of 2020, our leaders, and present the Schneider Scholarship.
Click here to RSVP by April 3!

What's Happening for Kids:
4/5 - Easter Egg Hunt (3-5pm)
4/12- No Sunday School; 3 worship services
4/17 - Sleeping with the Sharks
5/3 - End of School Year Celebration (6-8pm)

The Linus Blanket project event was a huge success! Be on the lookout for a green quilt that our tweenagers created soon. Our last event of the school year is quickly approaching. On Friday, April 17th we will be having our Sleeping with the Sharks overnight event at Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies. Thank you for everyone who has already paid the registration fee & for the chaperones who have volunteered to guide this awesome group of kiddos! Final payment needs to be made by April 10th.

Tweenager Schedule
Please click the link below to see the upcoming events and opportunities we have for your Tweenager!
VBS Dates for 2020
Vacation Bible School is getting closer and we want you to be ready to join us! VBS will be July 13-17, 2020 ! Register here to reserve your spot today. Join us for Rocky Mountain Railway where kids will learn that Jesus' Power Pulls us Through!

Concord United
865-966-6728 ext. 288

Heather Hayes , Director of Childrens Ministry

Diana Stolt , Children's Ministry Assistant

Kelly Reed , Tweenager's Coordinator