November 2018

Helping Janet Find Safety and Healing           
For months, Janet had felt alone and terrified. Her mind kept taking her back to that evening - how her husband's friend, Steve, had made advances, how she resisted, and how he forced himself on her and sexually assaulted her.  
It took several days, but Janet finally told her husband and reported the assault to the police. 
Months later, Steve was free on bail, awaiting trial. And the trauma of the assault and anxiety about the trial affected every aspect of Janet's life. Her loneliness was compounded by the fact her family lived out of state and she didn't have many people she could turn to in Tampa. 
Janet called the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay to find help. 
A victim advocate in sexual assault services helped Janet file an injunction, and connected her to the legal advocacy for victim's services offered by the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence (FCASV), which provides legal support and accompaniment to injunction hearings. As a result, the court granted Janet a permanent injunction. 
The advocate also connected Janet to trauma counseling, which helped her begin the healing process, and saw her through the criminal justice process by accompanying her to the deposition and pre-trial hearing. Janet let her advocate and counselor know that because of her connection to the Crisis Center, she felt less alone and that people cared about her. 
Your support of the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay means survivors such as Janet don't have to face crisis alone. Survivors always have a safe place where they can share their stories, be heard and be believed.