January 2020
ALI has announced the selection of its 2020 Cohort of Fellows and Partners! This cohort makes ALI history with its greatest number of fellows (53)—and the greatest number of female fellows (23)—to date. Meet the 2020 ALI Fellows and Partners!
Program News
ALI has also named eight senior fellows for the 2020 calendar year to further their work on social impact. This year's senior fellows are: Arlene Brock, Meredith Callanan, Susan Fine, Rahul Gupta, Rehmah Kasule, Lisa Macpherson, Tom Manning, and Bob Rosenfeld. Read about our senior fellows and their plans for social impact!
ALI Faculty Chair Meredith Rosenthal announced the selection of the 2020 Cohort!
Fellows News
Saul Kerpelman (2018) is using modern technology to democratize justice. Mr. Kerpelman's Juris aims to help people facing injustice increase knowledge of the law and gain access to problem-solving techniques typically reserved for lawyers.

Martha Nelson (2018) has been named a director of the media company, Andrews McMeel Universal. She has also been named the Chair of the Jury for the George Foster Peabody Awards which annually honor the most powerful, enlightening, and invigorating stories in television, radio, and online media.

Haifa Al Kaylani (2017) is calling for increased investment in technology, tools, jobs, and training to support sustainable agriculture. Ms. Al Kaylani recently published an article in Economic Focus magazine on how sustainable agriculture can alleviate poverty, create jobs, and empower women and young people in rural industries.

Aviad Meitar (2016) continues to develop his social venture, Music for Dialogue. The municipality of Holon, one of Israel's major cities, has recently implemented the program city-wide for students in its education system.

Eduardo Elejalde (2015) is helping create systems of care to promote meaningful recovery for mental illness. The latest newsletter from Mr. Elejalde's Natalia Mental Health Foundation highlights their work to leverage digital technology in the delivery of mental health.

Joe Mandato (2012) is asking if corporations can still afford to give the job of CEO and board chair to the same person. In an article for the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, Mr. Mandato argues that recent catastrophes at Boeing and WeWork indicate that the roles should be separated.

Shelly London (2009) is the 2 019 Dole Humanitarian Award winner. Ms. London received the award from the University of Kansas Department of Special Education for her work to enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families.

Samir Toubassy (2009) has released another book! Mr. Toubassy is a co-author of Symbolism and Folk Imagery in Early Egyptian Political Caricatures: The Wafd Election Campaign, 1920-1923, now available via online booksellers.
Shelly London has been named the 2019 Dole Humanitarian Award Winner!
Faculty News
ALI Faculty Board Member Anne Becker (HMS) will become the new dean for clinical and academic affairs at Harvard Medical School. In this role, Dr. Becker will oversee recruitment, faculty development, and academic and career advancement.

ALI Faculty Board Member Cornell Brooks (HKS) delivered one of the keynote speeches at Harvard's midyear commencement ceremony. Prof. Brooks encouraged graduates to love boldly; to lead bravely; and be willing, he urged, "to step out, step forth, step up, and declare what you stand for."

ALI Founding Chair & Director Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) is thinking outside the building. Prof. Kanter's latest book, "Think Outside the Building" will be released on January 28— read an excerpt in this month's edition of Harvard Magazine.

ALI Faculty Chair Meredith Rosenthal (SPH) says that successful value-based care programs have a third dimension beyond financial incentives and quality measurement. Prof. Rosenthal and Alyna Chien (HMS) highlight the importance of "infrastructure supports" in their new report.