Sunday - October 21, 2018 @ 4 PM
Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation 24th Annual Dinner
Manhattan Beach Jewish Center | 60 West End Avenue | Brooklyn, NY
Friday - October 26, 2018 @ 6 PM
Justice Minister of the State of Israel Ayelet Shaked in Dialogue with Rabbi Arthur Schneier.
Mincha service at 6 PM followed by dinner and program. Price per person: $75 Member; $100 Non-Member; $40 Child. Register online
. Info - (212) 737-6900
Park East Synagogue | 163 East 67th Street, NYC
Sunday - October 28, 2018
The 2018 Conference on Jews and Conservatism
This year's program:
Jewish Ideas and the American Public Square, Keynote Speakers, Israel and World Politics
. Guest speakers: Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked, Natan Sharansky, Ruth Wisse, Caroline Glick, Elliot Abrams and many more.
Cost is $200 per ticket. To register online plus full program info
Grand Hyatt @ 42nd Street, NYC
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 from 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM -
Addison, TX (Dallas Area)
AFSI Co-Sponsors
An Evening with Caroline Glick with Special Guest Col. Allen West
. Celebrated author and journalist Caroline Glick discusses
“President Trump's Israel Policy and Its Effect on American Interests and National Security.”
Colonel Allen West will introduce Ms. Glick. A short presentation about ZAKA, Israel's volunteer emergency responders will be shown. Book signing (books for sale) with Caroline followed by dessert reception. FREE PARKING. $25 Early Bird Price thru Sept 1. $40 after Sept 1.
Get tickets on Eventbrite
. For info call (972) 450-6241 or
Addison Conference and Theater Center | 15650 Addison Road, Addison, TX
Thursday - November 1, 2018 @ 7:30 PM
(*Correct Date is Nov 1*)
Kristallnacht Program
with Dr. Moshe Avital, noted Holocaust lecturer. Dr. Avital is an author, educator and Survivor of 6 concentration camps. No admission charge.
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun | 125 East 85th Street, NYC