In this issue:

Release of our Fall Farm Activity Guidelines & COVID-19 Resource 🍂

Upcoming REMOTE Produce Safety Grower Training
Stay Safe on the Farm this Fall with
Our COVID-19 Resource 🍂
Each fall, many farms host a variety of season-specific activities including corn mazes, wagon rides, and pumpkin patches. These activities are beloved by Arkansans and also generate a large percentage of annual income for farms. The coronavirus has caused some hesitation, yet with preparation farms can remain open while managing risk.

Our team at Extension has created a Fall Farm Activity Guidelines & COVID-19 resource with useful information on how to safely operate these activities this season. Some tips include:

  • Providing all guests with hand sanitizer
  • Disinfecting all commonly-touched surfaces
  • Not allowing access to individuals who have been ill or in contact with another ill person within the past 14 days
  • Communicating your COVID-19 policies to guests via website, social media, and signage at your farm
  • Distributing masks or face coverings - be creative and add your farm name or logo!

Keep in mind that Arkansas now requires all persons to wear face coverings in both indoor and outdoor venues if a distance of six feet cannot be maintained. Further, if your farm plans to host more than 100 guests at any one time, you must submit a plan to the Arkansas Secretary of Health.

In addition to this guidance resource, we held a local foods discussion on July 20th which featured guest speakers Jeff Jackson with the Arkansas Department of Health and Ruth Pepler with the Arkansas Agritourism Association. They provided timely information on restrictions, regulation, and preparation for farms this fall. To view a recording of the webinar on our YouTube page, click the button below.
For more information contact Rip Weaver at 🍂
Next Training: Wednesday, 9/23 & Thursday, 9/24 | 8 am - 12:30 pm
On-farm food safety practices are vital in the produce industry. Many farms are now required to comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. The Produce Safety Alliance created a grower training to educate growers on the Produce Safety Rule. Upon completion of this training, participants receive a certificate satisfying the requirement 112.22(c) in the Produce Safety Rule.
Who should attend:
Anyone who grows, harvests, packs and handles fresh fruits and vegetables. Registration is limited to 20 participants. Sign up soon to reserve your spot.
What is required to receive a certificate:
You must attend both days of the training. Additionally, you must have the following:
  • Internet access
  • Zoom Video Conferencing software*
  • Web camera
  • Microphone
When is the registration deadline:
Registration closes at 11:59 pm on September 16thTraining materials will be mailed to your residence. Registration closes seven days before the training to accommodate ordering materials and mailing them to you.
*Once you receive the registration link, you will be prompted to download the free Zoom software. You do not have to create an account to participate.

**Participant attendance and engagement will be monitored. Participants are only eligible for a PSA/AFDO Certificate of Course Completion if they are present for all modules of the course**
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