Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members:

The evening of March 17, 2020, The Winnetka Public Schools was advised by The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) that a Carleton Washburne School seventh grade student has a probable, presumptive case related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).  The Illinois Department of Public Health has also advised that students and staff at Carleton Washburne School should self-quarantine for fourteen days from Wednesday, March 11, 2020, the last time the student was at school. Self-quarantine includes limiting interactions with others as much as possible, such as playdates, sleepovers, socializing, etc. 

The family is currently in self-quarantine to avoid spreading the illness to others. There are no other siblings in District 36. Due to health privacy laws, the District is unable to release the identity of the student or family. Please respect the student and their family during this incredibly difficult time. 

As you probably are aware, COVID-19 is thought to be spread via person-to-person contact through contaminated air droplets from coughing and sneezing by an infected person. It may also be spread if a person touches a surface that has the virus on it according to the IDPH. As with controlling the spread of other viruses, we urge you to speak to your child about the following prevention measures:
  • Wash your hands regularly, especially after using the restroom and before preparing or consuming food. Using soap and hot water, wash for about 20 seconds. Be sure to also wash your fingertips.
  • Avoid coughing or sneezing into your hands or in the air. Always try to cough or sneeze into a tissue, then throw the tissue away. If you don't have a tissue, cough/sneeze into your arm.
  • As much as you can, avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.
According to the World Health Organization, the most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough.  Some people with COVID-19 have reported additional symptoms, such as aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea. In some situations, the virus can develop into pneumonia. 

If you are experiencing symptoms, please contact your health care provider for further guidance.  If you test positive for COVID-19, please notify the building principal. This information from the Centers for Disease Control may serve as a helpful resource as you process this news.


Dr. Trisha Kocanda

The Winnetka Public Schools community empowers every student to flourish in 
an innovative, experiential environment. We support and challenge all learners 
to actively engage in continual growth and achievement to make 
a meaningful difference in the world.  

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