I have been there for my patients for every kind of crisis for the last 43 years. Whether it was wild fires, Swine Flu, Hunta Virus, Bird Flu, Valley Fever, bronchitis and pneumonia outbreaks, severe allergy seasons, insecticide spraying over the city, or the Twin Tower crisis, I came up with the treatment program that worked.
What I have learned is that a person who is balanced neurologically and immunologically fairs far better than the public. My advanced techniques get to the root of weaknesses or impaired health on almost any condition. There are fear and stress patterns that develop that must be released or they in themselves will collapse the resilience of the person.
My patients that are coming in during this crisis are doing incredible. If you are well, a thorough going over will expose your weakest link. It is my job to find and correct it. If you aren't feeling well or just stressed out, it is even more important to come in.
Besides the adjustments and correcting your weak links, I have the best lasers and light therapy, lymphatic therapy and electromagnetic instruments to restore your chi ( Life Force ), rid your body of toxins, and build your immunity to overcome viral infections. Even better than that, most patients say that we have restored their faith in the future. How can that be? Well, when the body in guided to a higher vitality state and the stress patterns and concerns are neutralized, the individual automatically starts feeling positive about the future and with that outlook, they are able to solve problems easier. In other words, they don't feel "overwhelmed".
Furthermore, you can be assured that we are taking extra precautions to keep our patients and staff safe.
You may not know that I do phone appointments regularly; not only for out-of-town patients but for local patients as well. In addition, I do home visits. I bring my equipment with me in order to treat any issue I find. Please feel free to call the office and set up your visit.
Come in and let us do what we have dedicated our lives to, helping people live better!