To: Atlantic-Midwest, Central Pacific and Province of Africa Sisters and Associates
From: Provincial Councils and Trinity Symposium Committee
Subject: Update on the 2021 Symposium of the Triune God
Date: August 25, 2020
July 27-29, 2021
Dear Sisters and Associates,

The Trinity Symposium Committee met via video conference August 7-8 to discuss ongoing plans for the 2021 Symposium on the Triune God. In light of the current situation around the world due to COVID-19, at the top of the agenda was deciding whether to continue planning for an in-person or an online experience next summer.

Two days prior to the committee meeting, we participated in a presentation by NIX Conference and Meeting Management, the professional event planners contracted for the symposium. NIX demonstrated how the symposium could be held online. The recent Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) assembly was held in this manner, also managed by NIX.

Taking into account this opportunity for an online gathering in which more Sisters and Associates could participate, together with ongoing unknowns regarding travel and health risks associated with the pandemic, the committee recommended that the symposium be held online (via video conferencing).

The Provincial Councils have approved the following changes in the Symposium on the Triune God: 

  • The symposium will be held online.
  • The symposium will be held on Tuesday through Thursday, July 27-29, 2021.  
  • Sisters and Associates may choose either to participate fully (committing to the entire symposium as scheduled including small group sessions) or to simply view the recorded sessions as they are released or later as their schedule allows.

Criteria for full participation will be sent at a later date.

While it would be ideal to meet in person and many were looking forward to doing so at the symposium next year, we are confident that the online platform will still allow us to gather from where we are, hear from our excellent speakers from where they are, and reflect on the workings of the Triune God in our own lives as well as the life of our congregation.

We encourage you to review the resources on the symposium webpage to begin preparing for the symposium, which is now less than one year away. The resource page is updated regularly and offers a glimpse into the topics of the symposium through suggested readings, artwork and more.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any member of the committee (listed here).

The Provincial Councils
The Trinity Symposium Committee