Whip-poor-will Survey Wrap-Up

We heard from many of you that heading out on moonlit nights to listen for Whip-poor-wills was very enjoyable. Hopefully this means we will see you again next year to help us survey on the east side of Lake Couchiching.

All of your results are in and have been mapped, and we look forward to sharing this with you at the event below. As we hoped, some definite patterns emerged which will impact our natural heritage strategy.

Thank you for your work, and we look forward to seeing you on December 2nd.
Changing World, Changing Diet

"You are what you eat" is the guiding principle behind a new study comparing the diet of birds today with that of birds dead for more than a century.

The results show large changes in the diets of aerial insectivores, or birds such as swallows, swifts, martins and whip-poor-wills that consume insects while in mid-flight. Read more...
In a world of environmental paralysis, we get things done
Newsletter Content: Meagan Coughlin & Dorthea Hangaard
Header Image: Dominic Sherony
Common Nighthawk: Paul Hertado