Volume 12, Issue 17 | Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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District shares COVID-19 close contact quarantine updates
District 58 is happy to report that full day instruction is going very well so far! Thank you, District 58 community, for your support and partnership.

As families know, District 58 follows the Illinois Department of Public Health's (IDPH) COVID-19 safety guidance for schools. Last month, the IDPH, in partnership with the Illinois State Board of Education, updated its school safety guidance to permit schools to space students 3-6 feet apart. Although District 58 aims to space students at least 6 feet apart when possible, there are classrooms where students are 3-6 feet apart. Similarly, some bus riders are seated closer than 6 feet.

Although students can sit 3-6 feet apart, the IDPH's definition of a close contact has not changed. Any student who is within 6 feet of a positive COVID case for at least 15 minutes over a period of 24 hours is considered a close contact and must quarantine for 10-14 days. This is required regardless of whether a student is wearing a mask or not. A quarantined student may return after 10 days if:

  • No COVID-19 symptoms have developed and if
  • The individual takes a PCR COVID-19 test on Day 6 or later and that test result is negative and if
  • The individual can maintain 6 feet of social distancing and masking at all times when returning to school.

In classrooms where space requires 3-6 feet of distance, principals will try to create an alternative classroom configuration that would allow the student to return after 10 days of quarantine. Regrettably, there may be times when it is not possible and in those instances, principals will work with families to ensure students can continue to learn while at home for the full 14 day quarantine.

Relatedly, the Health Department provided updated guidance regarding close contacts to suspected positive COVID-19 cases. Previously, if a student displayed a COVID-19 symptom while at school or on the bus, all close contacts were required to quarantine until the original student received an alternative diagnosis or negative test. Starting immediately, the Health Department recommends District 58 screen symptomatic students by asking their family the following:

"Has the student been within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes in a 24 hour period within the last 14 days of someone who has since tested positive for COVID-19?"

If the family answers "yes," then any students who were close contacts will be required to start a 10-14-day quarantine, unless the original student presents a negative COVID-19 test or alternative diagnosis.

If the family answers "no," then any students who were close contacts will not be required to quarantine unless the original student tests positive. (Household members will still be required to quarantine).

For more information regarding COVID-19 and District 58, please visit our District 58 COVID-19 Resource Guide.
Pierce Downer student advances to National PTA Reflections competition
Seven D58 students receive Honorable Mentions at state level
The Illinois PTA Reflections art competition recently selected Pierce Downer sixth grader Avery Miller's art project to advance to the National PTA Reflections competition. Only 26 students statewide advanced to this level of the competition! Congratulations, Avery!

Avery's winning submission, pictured here, is called "Swirly Thoughts" and advanced in the Visual Arts category. Avery also received state-level Honorable Mentions for two other artworks she submitted.

In total, seven District 58 students received state Honorable Mentions, including Avery. Congratulations to the District 58 students who received an Honorable Mention in the PTA Reflections art competition:

Chase C., Lester: “We are all Unique” in Dance Choreography
Reese L., Highland: “Dance Matters” in Dance Choreography
Delaney H., Lester: “I Matter Because I’m Unique in Different Ways” in Film Production
Avery M., Pierce Downer: “Animated Matter” in Film Production
Greta H., Hillcrest: “I Matter” in Literature
Rachel A., Whittier: “Rachel Matters” in Photography
Jade Leo H., Whittier: “My Long Special Hair” in Photography
Avery M., Pierce Downer: “Forging MY Path” in Photography

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
Today, Wednesday, April 21, is Administrative Professionals Day!

District 58 wishes a very Happy Administrative Professionals Day to all of its secretaries and support staff. You each make a tremendous difference in the lives of our students, families and fellow staff!

Thank you for your service!
Follow along with facility planning in District 58!
District 58 developed a draft Master Facility Plan in 2018-19 that identified $245 million in District 58 facility needs. Last school year, a Citizen Task Force convened to help District 58 prioritize the highest needs. This work paused last spring when the pandemic struck. As the community slowly recovers from the pandemic, District 58 plans to reconvene the Citizen Task Force and continue its facility planning work. The District will be seeking public input and will communicate future public engagement opportunities!

Learn more and access facility planning resources at
Know an incoming kindergartener? Check out our kinder resources!
Will your child attend kindergarten in District 58 next school year? Follow these three steps:

1. Register for kindergarten. Start the process at

2. Check your email on Friday, April 23! Principals will be sending Virtual Kindergarten Roundup presentations to incoming kindergarten families this Friday.

3. Visit our Kindergarten Resource Guide at for helpful information regarding kindergarten registration, immunizations/health requirements, curriculum and much more!

Plus, are you interested in the Optional Kindergarten Enrichment and Enhancement Program? Great news! District 58 intends to offer this program to all kindergarten students next school year. However, depending on enrollment and COVID restrictions, it is unlikely but possible that some schools may lack capacity to offer kindergarten and/or OKEEP. If this were to happen, those students would attend kindergarten and OKEEP at a nearby District 58 school with transportation provided. More definitive information will be shared by this summer.
District's orchestra program invites third-sixth graders to join next year!
District 58’s band and orchestra teachers invite current third, fourth and fifth graders to join District 58’s instrumental music program either this summer or fall!

This spring, instrumental music teachers will visit all third, fourth and fifth grade classes to meet students and demonstrate different instruments.

Third graders may sign up for orchestra and begin learning a stringed instrument.

Fourth graders may sign up for band OR orchestra and begin learning a woodwind, brass, percussion or stringed instrument.

Fifth graders may sign up for band and begin learning a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument.

Parent and guardians, please save the date: District 58’s Instrumental Music program will hold virtual Parent Information Meetings on Thursday, May 6.

Parent Information Meetings via Zoom

The meeting will share information regarding District 58’s Instrumental Music program. Band and orchestra registration will take place May 7-June 1.

“We are excited to meet the third, fourth and fifth graders and share more about how to become an instrumental musician in District 58!” said Instrumental Music Teacher Christine Kaminski.
Families invited to take Student Services Survey now through May 14
District 58 invites families to complete its Student Services Survey. This optional short survey will help District 58 better understand the scope of its needs in the following areas: guidance/counseling services, psychological services, social work services and health services.

Take the survey here now through Friday, May 14! Thank you for your time.
Register your returning student for 2021-22 by April 30!
Both new and returning student registration now open!
District 58 invites new and returning students to register online for the 2021-22 school year!

Registration is open now through Friday, April 30 for returning students. New student registration is open indefinitely, but families are encouraged to register as early as possible, as this helps District 58 make timely staffing and classroom decisions.

Learn more and register at
District 58 offers several Summer School classes; register now!
Summer School registration is now open! District 58 will offer four Summer School sessions:

Session 1: Essential Skills (by invitation only)
Session 2: General Education
Session 3: Summer Enrichment
Session 4: Summer Music

In addition, the District will also offer its Extended School Year program for students who qualify through their IEP.

Learn more and register at Don't delay! Registration for some Summer School programs ends April 30!
2021-22 school calendar brings back Professional Learning Mondays
Planning ahead? View District 58's 2021-22 school calendar and note the following key dates!

* First Day of School: Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021
* Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 24-26, 2021
* Winter Break: Dec. 20, 2021-Jan. 3, 2022
* Spring Break: March 28-April 1, 2022
* Last Day of School: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 (if no emergency days are used)

Plus, District 58 will resume its Professional Learning Mondays program starting next school year! Next school year, on every Monday, students will be dismissed at 2 p.m. to allow teachers time for professional learning. This dedicated time helps teachers implement new curriculum resources, improve their instructional practice, and better provide students with high-quality learning experiences. Learn more about Professional Learning Mondays here.
Thank you for your service, Member Jill Samonte!
District 58 thanks Board Member Jill Samonte for her four years of dedicated service to the District 58 community.

"Jill Samonte is not only one of the finest Board members I have ever worked with, she is also an outstanding person," said Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell. "Jill is a champion for all students. She cares deeply about providing the best education for the children in District 58. Jill is a champion for those in need, for those who struggle, for those with a disability, and for those that may not have as much as others. Jill is a champion for equity. Jill is a fighter and will always do what is best for kids. She learned this from both her parents who are wonderful role models for all of us.... Jill, on behalf of a grateful community, thank you for all that you have done."
April 12 Board Briefs
The Board of Education held a Regular Business Meeting on April 12. The meeting included a spotlight on District 58 facilities, a Hillcrest presentation, a farewell to an outgoing Board member, several Board actions and more.
Looking ahead
The Board will hold a Special Meeting/Reorganization of the Board on Monday, May 3 at 6 p.m. at O'Neill. Current Board Members Gregory Harris, Darren Hughes and Tracy Weiner and newcomer Melissa Ellis will be sworn in to begin their new School Board terms.
Evan's Elves egg hunt raises $1,500 to help local families
Evan's Elves raised more than $1,500 during their Easter Egg Hunt at Fairmount School last month. Proceeds from this family fundraiser will support local families in need, including several District 58 families. Thank you, Evan's Elves, for hosting a fun event and supporting our families in need!

Evan's Elves in a charity organization formed in honor of Evan Melau, a former District 58 student who died, at the age of 15, in a tragic bicycle accident last year.
Community e-flyers
Wednesday, April 21
Administrative Professionals Day

Thursday, April 22
Earth Day

Monday, May 3
6 p.m.: Board Reorganization Meeting at O'Neill

May 3-7
Staff Appreciation Week

Friday, May 7
7 a.m.: Board Financial Advisory Committee Meeting at the ASC/Zoom

Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |