Gain an influential voice in consensus with other experts that will have a real impact on reducing world hunger, improving food safety and nutrition, and supporting new technology applications. Membership is free. Enroll online today! |
Dr. h.c. Huub Lelieveld
President, Netherlands
Mr. Larry Keener,
Vice-President, USA
Dr. Gerhard Schleining
Treasurer, Austria
Mag. Michaela Pichler
Supervisory Board, Austria
Nathalie Persson-Andrianasitera
Global Councillor, Sweden
Ms. Adriana Sterian,
General Secretary, Netherlands
Dr. Sangsuk Oh
Member-at-Large, Korea
Dr. Bernd van der Meulen
Member-at-Large, Netherlands
Dr. Joe Mac. Regenstein
Member-at-Large, USA
Dr. Alina-Ioana Gostin
Ambassador Programme Director, UK
Ms. Adriana Sterian, MSc.
Communications Dir.,Netherlands
Ms. Ana Sanhueza Martín, MSc.
Membership Director, Spain
Ms. Nicole Coutrelis
Regulatory Advisor, France
Dr. Bernd van der Meulen
Legal Advisor - Food, Netherlands
Dr. Sian Astley
Editorial Advisor, UK
Mr. Grigor Badalyan
Newsletter Publisher, Germany
Dr. Aine Regan
Social Media Advisor, Ireland
Mr. Gunter Greil
Webmaster, Austria
Dr. Paul Popescu
Newsletter Editor, Romania
Mr. Alex Surugiu
Graphic Designer/Videographer, Netherlands
Dr. Diana Bogueva
Working Group Coordinator, Australia
Ms. Michaela Pichler (Chair)
EuCheMS Food Chemistry Division, Graz, Austria
CSIRO, Werribee, Australia
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Fuzhou University and Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, Fujian, China
Roosevelt Academy, Tilburg,
The Netherlands
EuroFIR, Brussels, Belgium
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela
Dr. Kwang-Ok Kim
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
Dr. Pablo Juliano
Plan to participate at
upcoming GHI Meetings!
In the coming months, GHI will hold several general meetings, working group gatherings, and make presentations at scientific meetings all over the globe.
This is the last 2019 issue of GHI Matters, finished just in time or perhaps just a little too late for readers who have decided the leave the computer alone in the holiday period. For those of you, I hope you will still take the time reading this issue at the beginning of 2020. It has much information that may be of interest to you.
The first message is an obituary about the decease of one of the first GHI Ambassadors who died too young, suddenly and completely unexpectedly while teaching.
You are invited to pay special attention to the article about the Summit that will take place in Munich, Germany, 26-27 May 2020. If you intend to participate, register before 10 February, because that is the deadline for the early bird discount. For details, please look at the
Reading the newsletter, you will notice that GHI Members often are very active and productive and sometimes even win an award.
On behalf of the GHI Leadership I wish all of you very happy holidays and a prosperous and healthy 2020, with fewer fires and no wars.
Huub Lelieveld
24 December 2019
Yaroslav Ivanovich Zasyadko
GHI Ambassador in Ukraine
Died suddenly and unexpectedly on 16 September 2019 while lecturing
Professor Yaroslav Zasyadko,
will remain forever in our hearts and minds, not only because of his tremendous efforts in research, education and communication, but also for all he has done to unite people through his passion for food technology and understanding of food technology in our daily lives and creating a network of professionals in this important contemporary area of research. However, despite being a prominent and distinguished scientist, recognized as very talented and energetic, Yaroslav was also friendly and open-minded.
Professor Zasyadko defended his PhD in technical sciences at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Latterly, he was a Professor in the Department of Thermal Power Engineering and Refrigeration of the National University of Food Technologies. He was the author of numerous papers and books, and he worked hard to support international communication and collaboration, not just in his field but also that of food safety and hygiene standards. Yaroslav developed and implemented successfully the Ukrainian section of the European Hygienic Design and Engineering Group (EHEDG) and contributed significantly to the Ukrainian food information thesaurus (FOOD INFO), he was the first and very active ambassador of the Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) in Ukraine and led many other initiatives.
In his soul, Yaroslav was a teacher, whose area of expertise included contemporary issues of multiphase flows, heat transfer, thermodynamic analysis, and co-firing of biomass with coal. He was a Member of the Expert Council on Preparation of Foreign Citizens and Citizens of Ukraine for Admission to Higher Educational Institutions at the State Attestation Committee of Ukraine on Licensing and Accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions of І-ІV levels of accreditation. As Vice-Rector for International Relations and Integration at the National University of Food Technologies, he organized many international conferences and spearheaded Ukraine's contributions to renowned international associations.
Sadly, Yaroslav died early, suddenly and unexpectedly, whilst teaching and we all grieve for him. Unfortunately he leaves his wife Victoria, his daughter Anna and his son Pavlo and all of us from this world.
Although he will be greatly missed by all and his colleagues at the university and many others who knew and loved him, Yaroslav managed to leave a mark behind him. In his short life he managed to ensure that many who would follow his legacy will be taught by those who have been educated by him, the Teacher, personally and professionally, and who will certainly continue what has been initiated, created and developed for generations by Prof. Yaroslav Zasyadko.
Iryna Volovik
Nadiya Boyko
Huub Lelieveld
Peace for his soul, Yaroslav Zasyadko, Professor of the Department of Thermal Power Engineering and Refrigeration, left us. He died on his post during his lecture. Another intelligent and kind man, a wonderful scientist, a true friend, a husband and a father left this world. Let him rest in peace.
GHI Ambassadors
Ambassadors appointed in 2019
In 2019, 10 GHI members have been appointed as Ambassadors to represent GHI in their country/region:
1. Dr. Milan Houska - as ambassador for Czech Republic
2. Dr. Shahin Roohinejad - as ambassador for USA
3. Prof. dr. Diana Elizabeth Waturangi - as ambassador for Indonesia
4. Dr. Kyriaki Zinoviadou - as 3rd ambassador Greece
5. BSc. Atef Idriss - as GHI Regional Councillor for the Middle East and North Africa
6. Dr. Assèta Kagambèga - as ambassador for Burkina Faso
7. Prof. dr. Miomir Niksic - as co-ambassador for Serbia
8. Assoc. prof. dr. Zuzana Kapsdorferová - as ambassador for Slovakia
9. Dr. Sazedul Hoquens - as ambassador for Bangladesh
10. Dr. Monika Sabolová - as co-ambassador for Czech Republic.
You can find out more about their GHI goals and activities by accessing the
ambassador webpages
I take this opportunity to heartily thank all Ambassadors for their continuous support despite busy agendas and to wish you all happy peaceful days wherever you are on the globe!
Alina-Ioana Gostin
Director Ambassador Programme
11 December 2019
Food Contamination and Traceability Summit
26-27 May 2020
As announced in the previous GHI Matters, within 5 months the Food Contamination and Traceability Summit will be held in Munich, Germany, 26-27 May 2020. Details about the summit can be found on the on the
. Please
submit an abstract
as soon as possible so that the programme can be completed. Moreover, by registration now you will benefit from the early-bird discount (ends 10 February 2020).
A brochure about the summit can be downloaded by clicking here
The Summit Scientific Committee Chairs
Ali Abas Wani
Veslemøy Andersen
Special GHI issue of Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods:
Scientific trends of global food laws and regulations
It is with pleasure that we can announce the completion and publication of the
special GHI issue
, produced under the editorial leadership of Prof. Dr. Hamid Ezzatpanah. It contains 10 articles written by members of GHI. A few articles are open access and can be downloaded from the
of the issue. The journal will be open access only starting 2020 and that means that authors must pay for publication, which was not known or expected at the start of the project. Currently it is being investigated if we can agree with a reputable publisher to make one of their peer reviewed food science journals associated with GHI, free from publication fees.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND)
AJFAND is a peer reviewed journal of which on of our ambassadors in Kenya, Hon. Prof. Ruth K. Oniang'o, PhD, is the Editor-in-Chief. She is also the 2017 Africa Food Prize Laureate and much more.
Issue 4 of volume 19
has been published just a few weeks ago and has many high-quality articles, from authors in Africa and from other continents. All articles are open access and many if not all of them are relevant to food safety and food security.
Huub Lelieveld
Nutrition and health aspects of traditional and ethnic foods in
Western Europe
Edited by Susanne Braun, Christina Zübert, Dimitrios Argyropoulos and Francisco Javier Casado Hebrard
This volume of the 26 volume-large GHI series has been published on
15 October 2019 and can be ordered from the website of Elsevier. Remember to use GHI30 to obtain a 30% discount.
Nutrition and health aspects of traditional and ethnic foods in South Asia
Edited by Jamuna Prakash, Viduranga Waisundara and Vishweshwaraiah Prakash
This GHI book of the same series has been completed and will be available on 1 March 2020, it can be
now from Elsevier and remember, by using code GHI30, you will receive a 30% discount.
Genetically Modified and Irradiated Food - Controversial Issues: Facts
versus Perceptions
Edited by Veslemøy Andersen
The editor is GHI Ambassador for Norway and also Lead-Editor of the 1st book of the "Nutrition and health aspects of traditional and ethnic foods" series (about the Nordic Countries), of which she also Series Editor. The book debunks the nonsense published about two of the technologies that are likely to be crucial for mankind to survive with almost 8 billion inhabitants on a small planet. The chapters in the book have been written by renowned experts with the interested non-scientists and scientists in other disciplines in mind. Contrary to many popular books intended to give these technologies a bad name, all chapters have a large number of references enabling readers to check the scientific research underpinning the conclusions of the chapters.
The book will be published on 17 January 2020 and can be
now. Use GHI30 for the 30% discount.
The book
Environment, Health and Business Opportunities in the New Meat Alternatives Market,
with Lead-Editor GHI Ambassador in Australia, Diana Bogueva, won the 24 Gourmand Award. This award is the equivalent of an Oscar but then for food related books. The
is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the development of plant-based foods and nutritional outcomes and thus very important for everybody interested in food security. The book is designed for policymakers, economists, health professionals, nutritionists, technology developers, academicians, and graduate-level students. Co-editors are Dora Marinova (Australia), Talia Raphaely (Australia) and Kurt Schmidinger (
Editors, Congratulations with this achievement!
Personalised Nutrition
The Australian GHI Ambassadors are very active! Dilip Ghosh, the other GHI Ambassador in Australia, presents his views on personalised nutrition in a
that was featured on Channel News Asia's Money Minds.
Whistleblowing for food safety
You probably remember the article about "Award for Journalists, Whistleblowers and Defenders of the Right to Information", published in the May 2019 issue of GHI Matters. One of the winners of the award is Yasmine Motarjemi, editor of a number of books on food safety and author of many papers on the subject. In addition to what has been provided in the May 2019 issue, Yasmine wrote an article titled "Whistleblowing: A Draft Law to Silence Whistleblowers" (see
) about a proposed new law in Switzerland. The article had been published earlier in
. This is important to understand why we have a WG Ethics in Food Safety Practices as well as a WG Global Incident Alert Networks. In the near future you will see a webpage on the GHI website enabling really anonymously reporting of harmful food safety incidents, with the aim to limit or completely prevent such incidents by using the large global GHI network of food scientists and the local food safety authorities.
Dr. Prakash at the 16th ASEAN Food Conference at Bali, Indonesia
The 16th ASEAN Food Conference 2019 with the theme "Outlook and Opportunities of Food Technology and Culinary for Tourism Industry" was held from 15 - 17 October 2019 at Bali, Indonesia. The conference started with pre Conference Workshops and addressed different topics on 16th and 17th namely, Food Engineering, Food Microbiology and Food Analysis and Food Safety. These were well attended by students and young faculty. Dr Prakash delivered a talk entitled "The Culinary mix of Traditional and Ethnic Foods Wisdom with modern innovations in Food Science Technology for better health and wellness of the diverse population". The talk focussed on Science based Food Safety and its applications and had a good discussion followed by the talk. Subsequently, a number of technical sessions were held and various speakers both from FIFSTA members and its students and faculty participated. In total, more than 100 Presentations and more than 300 posters were the highlights of the Conference apart from 3 Plenary sessions and 3 workshops. Participants from countries such as Italy, China, India, Taiwan, USA, Iran, Pakistan, Netherlands, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam and Laos PDR were at the conference in large Numbers. I had a detailed discussion with a number of students and Young Faculty on FOOD SAFETY and the Harmonisation on Science based approach of Regulatory in the congress and had the opportunity to Introduce to many of them to GHI and what GHI is doing in the realm of Food Safety.
V. Prakash
Board Member of GHI
Conferences & Meetings
GHI regularly makes presentations and holds general and working group meetings in conjunction with scientific and food industry conferences around the globe.
Please check
our website for details and links, or
contact us via email to submit listings.
National Conference on Health and Wellness through Nutrition and Nutraceuticals 2020
This conference
is held in Bangalore , Karnataka, India and organised by the Gokula Educational Society under the mentorship of Dr. V. Prakash, who will also present the Keynote address. GHI Member
Prof. Priya Arjun
is your contact for any questions about the event.
This is an announcement of the ISEKI-Food Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus. Just to make sure you will have it booked in your agenda. More information about ISEKI meetings and other activities can be found on
"Nutrition and health aspects of traditional and ethnic foods in Nordic Countries"
Edited by Veslemøy Andersen, Eirin Bar And Gun Wirtanen, is the first volume of the series of 26 books a
bout the topic, covering the entire globe. This volume discusses the nutrition and health aspects of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland as well as Sápmi, also known as Lapland. It is published by Elsevier/Academic Press 2018. ISBN: 978-0-12-809456-3 (eBook) and 9780128094167 (print). Note that, as with all food science books published by Elsevier, using the code GHI30 gives you a 30% discount.
Copies of the first two GHI's books are still available:
Ensuring Global Food Safety
- Exploring Global Harmonization.
er/Academic Press, 2009.
ISBN: 9780123748454 (print) 9780080889306 (eBook)
Regulating Safety of Traditional and Ethnic Foods.
Elsevier/Academic Press, 2015.
9780128006054 (print) 9780128006207 (eBook)