Step into Grace 
Where strangers become friends 

We are an Open and Affirming church. Every one of every age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, or economic status is invited to join us as together we live out the Gospel message of love, forgiveness, service, and justice. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey- you are welcome here.

Third Sunday of Easter
Morning Prayer
April 18, 2021
10:00 AM

Officiant: The Rev. Libby Wade
Preacher: The Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas

Lector...............Dindy Anderson
Intercessor.......Sarah Sieber
Responder....... Andrea White
Counter........... Anne Andrews


Third Sunday of Easter
Morning Prayer
April 18, 2021
10:00 PM
For Zoom
or call 646 558 8656 US
(New York)
(Meeting ID): 177 160 858
(Password): 917937

Grace Sunday School
11:15 AM - 12:00 AM
This a recurring meeting.
To join this Zoom meeting
(Meeting ID): 859 9461 5863
(Password): 508436

Tuesday Bible Study
7:00 to 8:30 PM
New series begins April 27th.
or call 646-558-8656
(Meeting ID):
826 0996 0553               
(Password): 446609
See article in this edition of Tuesday's Child for more info.

Centering Prayer
Thursdays 5:00 PM
This is a recurring meeting.
To join this Zoom meeting,
(Meeting ID): 203 314 800
(Password): 578877
646 558 8656 US (New York)

Third Sunday Supper 
Every Third Sunday
April 18, 2021
at 6:00 PM to 7PM
This is a recurring meeting.
To join this Zoom meeting
(Meeting ID): 778 608 743
(Password): 729107
646 558 8656 US (New York)

Books and Bread,
at 7:00 PM
April 14, 2021
To join this Zoom meeting,
(Meeting ID): 370 191 823
(Password): 385337
or call 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Third Sunday of Easter

Luke 24:36b-48

Jesus himself stood among the disciples and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While in their joy they were disbelieving and still wondering, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate in their presence.

Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.

 That Easter Day with Joy was Bright - Mormon Tabernacle Choir

For the most up to date information please visit the Berkshire Vaccine Collaborative website, 
They will post notice of appointment openings 6-12 hours in advance. You can find answers to your vaccination questions including information about the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine on their FAQ page.

As the Easter Season began, I also started a series of 20 radiation treatments, the next phase of treatment for the breast cancer discovered back in December. That means driving to Pittsfield Monday - Friday until May 5. I’m thankful those daily drives are coming as the earth awakens to springtime, so every day brings new blooms and more green leaves. As more and more people receive COVID vaccinations, we all are experiencing another kind of awakening. Joy abounds, yet memories of the winter we’ve come through linger.

For the month of April, I’ve reduced my work with Grace from ¾ time to ½ time and will take the first week of May as vacation in order to allow for the time spent traveling and the inevitable fatigue produced by radiation. However, don’t hesitate to call or e-mail, if you need me. With the exception of May 2, I’ll lead Morning Prayer each Sunday, but you’ll have the chance to hear other voices preaching. The Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Diocesan Missioner for Creation Care, will preach on April 18. Annalise Clausen, our Gideon’s Garden Director of Farming, will be with us on April 25 to speak about garden plans and progress. The Rev. Valerie Bailey-Fisher, Williams College Chaplain, will officiate and preach on May 2. Lee Cheek, Grace Church lay preacher, will offer a sermon on May 9. I’ll return to preaching on May 16. It will be an interesting and varied series of Sundays during this season of new life and growth.

This Sunday, April 18, we’ll hear Luke’s version of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance to the disciples. Last Sunday, we heard the story in John’s words. Here’s a sonnet from English poet, Malcolm Guite, who says it is “voiced for one of the disciples, but also written from our present context where we are all fearful and so many of us are struggling even to draw breath. (https://malcolmguite.wordpress.com)
The poem is titled, “This Breathless Earth.”

We bolted every door but even so
We couldn’t catch our breath for very fear:
Fear of their knocking at the gate below,
Fear that they’d find and kill us even here.
Though Mary’s tale had quickened all our hearts
Each fleeting hope just deepens your despair:
The panic grips again, the gasping starts,
The drowning, and the coming up for air.
Then suddenly, a different atmosphere,
A clarity of light, a strange release,
And, all unlooked for, Christ himself was there
Love in his eyes and on his lips, our peace.
So now we breathe again, sent forth, forgiven,
To bring this breathless earth a breath of heaven.
Grace Clergy Transition

The Search Committee has recommended a candidate to the Vestry and the Vestry is in the process of interviewing this individual.

We are so thankful to the Search Committee for its careful review and appreciate the time they have put into this process. Please continue your prayers as we complete the necessary steps to review the candidate.

Prayer for the Priest
O God, be with the priest who will recognize your call to walk with
this particular congregation in this particular year.

Pray with Us Daily:

God of abundance and wisdom, you have blessed Grace Church with love and respect for one another and with joy in our community. Help us to discern your will and to be open to your guidance as we seek a new rector for our parish. Grant us the ability to hear your voice as we listen to one another. Give us wisdom and patience, mutual respect,and clarity of vision, that we may choose and receive a priest who serves with warmth and humor, inspiration and faithfulness, and who will lead us where you are calling Grace Church to serve the mission of Jesus in this time and place. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
We supply this list so you may contact members of our congregation who are at home or in a nursing facility. Please hold in your prayers and reach out as you can.

Anne is recuperating at home. 
659 South Egremont Road 
P.O. Box 714 
Great Barrington, MA 01230 
(413) 528-2766

BLAKELY, Rosemarie           
21 Crossway, #108
Lee MA 01238

BOWENS, Marina             
c/o Maryella Satinover    
11908 Windward Ave.
Mar Vista, CA 90066
(310) 749-9424 (cell)
BREASTED, John        
Fairview Commons       
151 Christian Hill Road
Great Barrington MA 01230
Cell (413) 854-3977

BROOKS, Jane        
165 George Street
Lee MA 01230

FRYE, Vonnie          
PineHill Assisted Living
at Kimball Farms
235 Walker St. Apt #32
Lenox, Ma. 01240

GORE, Barbara        
50 Stockbridge Road
Lee MA 01238

HAIDER, Meredith       
5 Fox Hollow Road
Lenox, MA 01240                                 

KEENE, Sara           
The Egremont Village Inn
17 Main Street
P. O. Box 275
South Egremont, MA 01258

McCURDY, Deborah
Lees Landing Nursing Center
9807 Wilbraham Road
Springfield, MA 01109

TURNER, Barbara     
Fairview Commons
151 Christian Hill Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230 
Grace Church lost a member of its family on Wednesday, March 31, when Ruth Crawford passed away at age 91. Having worked at her father's bakery as a young woman, she enjoyed baking cakes throughout her life. She retired from Lee Price Chopper at age 83!  The funeral service was private. "O God, whose mercies cannot be numbered: Accept our prayers on behalf of thy servant Ruth, and grant her an entrance into the land of light and joy, in the fellowship of thy saints; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Sympathy Cards can be sent to:  
Crawford Family 
125 Woodland Road
Lee MA 01238
In this time of quarantine and physical separation you are still being prayed for. If you would like to receive specific healing prayers please contact:
The Rev. Ted Cobden 413-528-2247
Pennie Curry        413-429-7093
Sue Gore           413-243-2273
Praying for each other and for the needs of the world is a vital part of the mission of any faith community, and Grace Church is particularly skilled at this aspect of our communal life. With this week’s Tuesday’s Child, we are beginning a new prayer list. We don’t want anyone to fall through the cracks and always want to be generous in our prayers for others. If you or your loved one is in need of prayers and doesn’t appear on this new list, please contact Libby ([email protected] or 270-519-6934).

Please include
in your daily prayers this week:
Members of the Parish Family:
The Rev. Libby Wade, Anne Andrews, Linda White, Pennie Curry, Mark Anderson, Stacey, Claire and Mark Thomas, Meredith Haider, Linda White, Rosemarie Blakely, Marina Bowens, John Breasted, Jane Brooks, Vonnie Frye, Barbara Gore, Sara Keene, Barbara Turner.

Others we Love:
Deborah McCurdy

Those who have died: Charlotte Douglas Mott, mother of the Rev. Pam Mott; Patricia Mary Turk, mother of the Rev. Michael Tuck; Ruth Crawford; Emily Trespas, friend of Jainee McCarroll and John Ericson; John Grammer, husband of Mary Anne; Rollie Tillman, father of the Rev. Jane Tillman; Bill Alford, brother of Dick Alford; Elinor Hamill; Neil Brandt, brother of Linda White; John Turner, husband of Barbara Turner; Leslie Albert, friend of Margaret Layton and Sarah Sieber; Andrew S. Artz, brother-in-law of the Rev. Janet Zimmerman; Kathy Happ, sister of Doug and Gary Happ; Fred Bunce, father of Mary Booton; Marion Chapin Andrews; Chuck De Melker, husband of Evie Cobden De Melker; Locke Larkin, brother-in-law of Maureen Terry; Charles Olegar; Marianne Felch, friend of Janet Zimmerman; Pat Edelstein; Anthony Aiuvalasit, friend of Janet Zimmerman. 

Our world: For all victims of violence; for those who suffer from the COVID-19 virus; for those who have died from this virus and those who mourn; for those who provide care and comfort in this pandemic; for all who suffer from the loss of jobs and income in this time; for all who are anxious about their future and our world; for all who offer time and treasure to support those who need to know love; for all who are alone and all who reach out to care.
The many ministries of our local community and the Diocese of Western Massachusetts:
especially for our partners at St. Paul's, Stockbridge and the Rev. Sam Smith and the Rev. Jane Tillman; Christ Trinity, Sheffield and the Rev. Erik Karas; our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Douglas J. Fisher; and the Mampong Babies' Home in Ghana; St. Luke's, Lanesboro; Creation Care; Episcopal Media Services; Archives of the Episcopal Church.

The Church's wider mission:
Third Sunday of Easter;
The Church of Ireland.

And we offer thanks: for all those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries this week: Andrea White; Garrett Happ; Ethan Novik.

Join us for
Centering Prayer ONLINE
every Thursday
5:00 - 6:00

Encouraging a practice of silence and stillness we focus on practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina using scripture, art and music. All are welcome.
To join this Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 203 314 800
Password: 578877
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
To find your local number: Click here  
The new Forward Day by Day booklets are now available. If you would like a copy to be mailed to you please email Gretchen, [email protected], or leave a voicemail at the office, 413-644-0022.
Diocesan Compline
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday @ 8:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 5008 6637
Dial by phone
+1 929 205 6099 

In this time of fear and anxiety, it can be easy to miss the daily blessings that are right in front of us. Being grateful is not just for good times. Being grateful is even more important when fear sets a place at your table and heartbreak seems to be in your every breath. Because by being grateful we become aware of all the ways God is working in us. Being grateful is a part of our healing and our deliverance. Being grateful is where our best selves reside.
Welcome to 2021
The growing season has begun.
Gideon's Garden high tunnel got a new plastic layer this year. This plastic reflects infrared light to increase the heat build up in the tunnel and stretch our growing time into the fall and earlier in the spring. The high tunnel allows us to start vegetables at least 2 months ahead of field planting in the spring and 1 month past field plantings in the fall.
Annalise Clausen, our new Director of Farming, directed the operation.
In this unpredictable time, your church continues to give thanks for and need your support. If you are capable of sending in your pledge, thank you. If you are unable to give at this time, we understand. If you are capable of giving a bit more so we can respond to the needs of our community, we are very grateful. If you are in need, please contact a member of the Vestry listed at the top of the newsletter. Since we are not gathering in person in community, we ask that you send your gifts via mail to Grace Church, P.O. Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230. We are truly all in this life together. We pray, trusting that God will see us through this season and beyond.

Thank you for giving generously to support the ministry of Grace. 

It costs about $1500 a year to support a baby. The Diocese's goal is for one congregation 
to support one child for a year.  
To donate to support babies at the Mampong Babies Home in Ghana please send a check to Grace Church, PO Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230.

Becoming Beloved Community
A 4 hour series about one of America's most important institutions, produced by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., for PBS. Watch both 2-hour segments for free on YouTube. Part 1 is linked here. Both episodes and special interviews can be found here.

Want to talk about it? SAVE THE DATES
Online Conversations About PBS Series with Beloved Community Commission
Wednesday, April 14th 6:00 - 7:00 PM EST: The Black Church, PART I

Wednesday, April 21st 6:00 - 7:00 PM EST: The Black Church, PART II

Education for Ministry Reflection

The South Berkshire EfM Group’s post-Easter reflection centered on a tiny rainbow, seen on the dining room ceiling of one of our members. Here’s the prayer we wrote: God, you are faithfully ever present. We are amazed by the myriad ways you show yourself. We come together in awe and wonder at the constancy of your loving covenant. We pray that we be open to receive and share your blessings. Amen. (John Cheek and Sarah Sieber are part of this theological reflection and bible study group led by Karen Byers.)
Children and Teens Please Join Us!
Sundays, at 11:15 AM to 12:00 AM
The Beatitudes
Please contact Andrea White at [email protected] or 413-884-4836 for assistance.

Grace Sunday School
This is a recurring meeting
To join this Zoom meeting
(Meeting ID): 859 9461 5863 (Passcode): 508436

To read Nobody Goes Alone, A Silly Story written by our Sunday School students
Bible Study
Tuesday Bible Study – New Series
April 27 – May 17,
7:00 – 8:00 PM
A Portrait of Love” – The Letters of John

Throughout this Easter Season, our first scripture reading each Sunday is from the First Letter of John. This four-week Bible Study Series led by the Rev. Libby Wade will explore all three Letters of John. No book to purchase and no advance preparation necessary, but be sure to have a Bible with you each week as we gather on Zoom for discussion and Compline.
or call in: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 826 0996 0553               
Passcode: 446609
Questions? E-mail Libby at [email protected].
Join us once a month on Zoom for a discussion of a movie nominated by a participant and watched at your leisure. The day and the time of our gathering will be announced in Tuesday's Child.

To join, or to find out more Click Here.
   Wednesday, on Zoom
April 14, 2021
at 7 PM 

Monique Kirchoff will lead our discussion.  
Meeting will end at about
8:00 PM  
To join this Zoom meeting,
(Meeting ID): 370 191 823
(Password): 385337
or call 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Join our gathering on April 18th, 6PM
See the new Zoom invite at the top of
the newsletter for an evening of 
laughter and conversation.
For more information 
contact George Raymond 
413.854.1222 cell 

Rev. Libby Wade,
Interim Rector
270-519-6934 [email protected] 
An Episcopal Community in the Southern Berkshires
P.O. Box 114  
Great Barrington, MA 01230
Gretchen Fairfield
Office Assistant 
Ms. Annalise Clausen, Director of Farming for Gideon's Garden
In an effort to care for each other, our church office will be closed until further notice. You can reach the church office by email: 
[email protected] and by phone 413-644-0022.
Kathy Clausen 413-329-1724
Rick Gore, Jr. 413-441-7036
Sue Gore 413-243-2273
Mary Anne Grammer 413-258-4212
John Cheek 413-446-8863
Dindy Anderson 413-274-3854
Anne Andrews 413-528-2766
Dutch Pinkston 413-274-6566
Cathy Haywood 413-464-6664
Holly Murray 860-977-9198

The Rev. Libby Wade is available for pastoral emergencies at 270-519-6934 or [email protected].

Tuesday's Child Editor Monique Kirchoff 
Associate Editor Kathy Clausen
Please send comments by emailing [email protected]